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Example sentences for "backbone"

Lexicographically close words:
back; backache; backbite; backbiting; backboard; backboned; backbones; backdrop; backe; backed
  1. This brushing exercise has put all my nerves into tone again, which were really jarred with fatigue until my very backbone seemed breaking.

  2. Hammered on at the Review till my backbone ached.

  3. So ended my first Sunday in Kroonstad, where I was the favoured guest of Mr and Mrs Thorn, late of Bristol, and still Britishers "to the backbone the thick way through.

  4. At the latter end of the week our men had to climb over what seemed to be the backbone of that terrific region, with results almost disastrous to our long train of transport waggons.

  5. In the early days of the Internet, Government subsidy of the backbone networks was crucial.

  6. The backbone was built with government funds and it was government funds that paid for the extra equipment needed by the universities and laboratories that carried more traffic than they generated.

  7. With the development of commercial nets alternatives to the Government-sponsored backbone arose.

  8. The idea seems to be that of a fish backbone as it might be drawn out with ribs attached--"herringbone" in our own nomenclature.

  9. It was twice designated as fish backbone (with adhering ribs).

  10. The backbone itself appears only twice in the five examples in plate 4 (e,o), and is by no means dominant then.

  11. The Polish nationalists became the backbone of the republican movement in Europe; the French republicans proclaimed the independence of nations as one of their cardinal principles.

  12. There was no community of feeling between them, except of dislike, and the backbone of a common enterprise is mutual trust and good feeling.

  13. To stand there looking at it for even five minutes made one's backbone rattle for half a day.

  14. It showed no sign of life; the eyes were closed, it did not breathe, and the backbone seemed quite broken, and the animal was crushed almost flat.

  15. The skin is cartilage of about an inch and a-half thick, under which there is no backbone or ribs.

  16. From its narrow backbone one looks down on either side into broadly open, semicircular valley heads.

  17. Into the great ridge of chalk which is the backbone of South Wilts, and runs east and west from Sarum to Shaftesbury, there cuts up from the south a deep, winding, and narrow valley.

  18. The economic foundations, too, were passing away, and with them the profits of the Montreal merchants, who formed the backbone of the annexation movement.

  19. Of the Ulster Presbyterians and New England Congregationalists who formed the backbone of the Revolution, few came to Canada.

  20. God has given him physical strength, a strong backbone and strong shoulders to carry the heavy yoke of the three-fold burden, as well as a wealth of spirituality to cheer him and keep his heart light, along the way of life.

  21. B] His eyes and his teeth are good points and he has been given a magnificent backbone as well as a beautiful voice, although he often permits these gifts to degenerate.

  22. Every man of red blood and backbone wants to do his best work, wants to do work that he loves, work into which he can throw himself with heart and soul and with all his mind and strength.

  23. This active type mans navies, fills the ranks of armies, erects great buildings, and cut through the backbone of a continent.

  24. Maui trod on him and pulled his backbone long like a tail and changed him into a dog.

  25. While Ira-waru slept Maui trod on his backbone and lengthened it and changed the arms and limbs into the legs of a dog.

  26. He stretched the end of the backbone into a tail, and then wakened Ira-waru and drove him back when he tried to follow the path to the settlement.

  27. Massinger's heroes and heroines have not, we may say, backbone enough in them to make us care very deeply for their sorrows.

  28. He stuck to it after his contemporaries had introduced new versification, partly because he was old-fashioned to the backbone and partly because he had none of those lofty inspirations which naturally generate new forms of melody.

  29. This authority sums up the geology of Japan briefly and succinctly as follows (in Things Japanese, by Professor Chamberlain): "The backbone of the country consists of primitive gneiss and schists.

  30. But the backbone of the scheme was the continuing revenue detailed above.

  31. A mountainous backbone runs through the island from E.

  32. In all the higher animals, from fishes up to man, a backbone is of the greatest importance not only in carrying the nerves and blood-vessels, but in supporting the entire body.

  33. If we look at the skeleton of an animal which walks or hops we will notice that its hind limbs are much the stronger, and that the girdle which connects these with the backbone is composed of strong and heavy bones.

  34. The young of Boltenia promises everything in its tiny backbone or notochord, but it all ends in promise, for that shadow of a great ambition withers away, and the creature is doomed to a lowly and vegetative life.

  35. He uttered something which was worse than mere political rebellion: he was proposing to take for the people properties which constituted the backbone of the oligarchy's power in state affairs.

  36. But you're a member of our political party, and you know that the Consolidated and its associate interests are the backbone of that party.

  37. The central eminence from which the observations were taken was the loftiest of a range of ten or twelve diminishing hills that formed what might actually be described as the backbone of the island.

  38. Captain Trigger hasn't got the backbone of a fishworm.

  39. This fresh water will serve a useful purpose besides carrying ships over the backbone of the continent.

  40. Another part of the higher level is Culebra Cut, the channel cut through the backbone of the continent.

  41. Now stretches a man-made canyon across the backbone of the continent; now lies a channel for ships through the barrier; now is found what Columbus sought in vain--the gate through the west to the east.

  42. By trailing through Egan Canyon we cut the backbone of the mountain range and now, at an altitude of several hundred feet above the plain, were climbing higher and higher the rugged plateau, until we reached Nine Mile, and unpacked.

  43. Toward the middle of the afternoon we crossed the backbone of the plateau, at an altitude of seven thousand feet, and met a wagon with four horses, bound for Leadville with honey.

  44. It was at Chateau Thierry that American marines struck the blow that broke the backbone of German resistance.

  45. They came to believe the backbone of the German infantry was its artillery.

  46. The infantry should be the backbone of the artillery.

  47. The backbone of their appetites had been broken, and there was something else, perhaps something even more appetizing, to come.

  48. The backbone of the school was plainly wilting.

  49. It was something at last to stand upon the storm-rent crown of this lonely sentinel of the Rocky Range, on one of the mightiest of the vertebrae of the backbone of the North American continent, and to see the waters start for both oceans.

  50. But the farmer who owns his land is still the backbone of this Nation; and one of the things we want most is more of him.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "backbone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    advocate; arm; back; backbone; backing; bandeau; bearer; bone; bottle; bottom; brace; bracer; bracket; buttress; cane; carrier; cervix; corset; courage; crook; crutch; decision; fortitude; fulcrum; gallantry; girdle; grit; gumption; gut; guts; guy; heart; mainstay; mast; mettle; neck; nerve; pillar; pith; pluck; prop; reinforcement; rest; rigging; sand; shoulder; shroud; sinew; spine; spirit; spunk; staff; stamina; stave; stay; stick; stoicism; strength; strengthener; support; supporter; sustainer; toughness; upholder