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Example sentences for "backe"

Lexicographically close words:
backboard; backbone; backboned; backbones; backdrop; backed; backer; backers; backes; backfield
  1. Cushman returned backe also with this ship, for so Mr. Weston & y^e rest had apoynted him, for their better information.

  2. Againe within a short space I had another Calfe, which was taken so strangely, as if the backe were broken, and much swollen, and within the space of three or four dayes it dyed.

  3. And within two or three dayes after, another Calfe was taken in such sorte that it turned round about, and did goe as if the backe were broken.

  4. Backe sirs, so: I tolde you afore ye woulde be shent.

  5. The lorde one day all to begrime you with worshyp, Backe sir sauce, let gentlefolkes haue elbowe roome, Voyde sirs, see ye not maister Roister Doister come?

  6. Backe for the pashe of God, backe sirs, backe againe.

  7. Backe vilaynes, will ye be priuie of my counsaile?

  8. The king of Scots, after he had remained a while with the king of England, returned backe into Scotland, and left his wife behind with hir mother till she should be brought to bed, for she was as then great with child.

  9. Againe, the Englishmen that were sutors in the court of Rome, were strangelie vsed, and could not get anie dispatch in their businesse, but were rather put backe as schismatikes, and with rebukes reuiled.

  10. Herewith also the said erle being offended, got him backe into his owne countrie, and shortlie after apparantlie submitted himselfe to the French king, which (as the report went) he had doone before in secret.

  11. The earle of Penbroke the same daie before he receiued any repast, rode backe in post to the king, whom he had left at Stow, and there declared the ioifull newes of his good speed, in vanquishing of the enimies.

  12. I have it, then, as well by voyce as sword; For should you holde it backe it will be mine.

  13. My Lord, Tigellinus is backe come with Proculus head.

  14. Malateste, What whirlewinds can we raise to blow this storme Backe in their faces who thus shoot at me?

  15. Looke backe upon your guilt (deare Sir), and then The cause that now seemes strange explaines it selfe.

  16. Backe rode the Herald As lightning had persu'd him.

  17. The backe of him is as broad--let me see--as a pretty Lighter.

  18. Ile hang and torture all-- Call backe the Messenger sent with our signet.

  19. I now am well and heare, my eares set free; O be mercifull, doe not bring me backe Unto my prison, at least free your selfe.

  20. Let her be sent Backe into Florence with a trebled dowry.

  21. The Silures were they that had atchiued this victorie, and kept a fowle stur ouer all the countries about them, till by the comming of Didius against them, they were driuen backe and repelled.

  22. While this Romane capteine was thus occupied, he was called backe by the rebellion of the Yorkshire men, whome forthwith vpon his comming vnto them, he appeased, punishing the first authors of that tumult with death.

  23. Romane lieutenant Paulinus was called backe by the rebellion of other of the Britains, as before ye haue heard.

  24. Come backe foole, this is the Duke of Suffolk, and not my Lord Protector Suff.

  25. Was I for this nye wrack'd vpon the Sea, And twice by aukward winde from Englands banke Droue backe againe vnto my Natiue Clime.

  26. King Arthur & the child stood looking them vpon; All their k[n]iues edges turned backe againe.

  27. Shee layned her backe to the manger side, & greiuouslye did groane; & that beheard his mother deere, And heard her make her moane.

  28. I haue sent you by these bearers, penne, ynke and paper to write backe vnto me againe, if personally you cannot come to certifie me of your estate.

  29. So vpon Saturday in the afternoone the 31 of August, we changed our course, and returned backe for England, [Sidenote: A monster of the sea.

  30. The foure and twentieth of Iuly we met with the Francis of Foy, who with much adoe sought way backe againe, through the yce from out of the mistaken straights, where (to their great perill) they prooued to recouer their Port.

  31. The Viceadmirall Captaine Yorke considering the foresayd opinion of the Pylot Hall, who was with him in the Thomas Allen, hauing lost sight of the Fleete, turned backe to sea againe hauing two other ships in company with him.

  32. XXXI Wyllyam openyd a backe wyndowe, That was in hys chamber hie, And there with sheetes he did let downe His wyfe and children three.

  33. XXI He put a silk cote on his backe ’Was thirteen inches folde, And put a steele cap upon his head ’Was gilded with good red gold.

  34. XX Then to her owne country shee backe did returne, Still holding the foes of faire England in scorne: Therfore, English captaines of every degree, Sing forth the brave valours of Mary Ambree!

  35. XXII Alyce opened a backe wyndowe, And lokèd all aboute; She was ware of the Justice and Shirife bothe, Wyth a full great route.

  36. XXXVI King Arthur and the child Stood looking them upon; All their knives’ edges Turnèd backe againe.

  37. BACKE Mrs. Backe would be down in a few minutes, so I waited in the drawing-room of this new acquaintance who had so kindly invited me to call.

  38. For if many dead persons had retourned backe again into this life, the wicked spirit the diuell would easily haue deuised many sleights and wiles, and brought in much deceit into the life of man.

  39. Other Fathers of the Churche haue written nothing particularly of this storie, so far as I know, but in certaine places of their workes, they teache generally that good spirites are not pulled backe into the earth by Magicall Art.

  40. God forbid, for the sin against the holie Ghost hath two branches: The one a falling backe from the whole service of GOD, and a refusall of all his preceptes.

  41. Since ye haue spoken now of both these kindes of spirites comprehending them in one: I must nowe goe backe againe in speering some questions of euerie one of these kindes in speciall.

  42. If men should live by their measure, and go backe to those fashions and maners, our first fathers did use: the worlde then by litle and litle, would come so about, that we should feede uppon acornes againe.

  43. And it is a spitefull buisines to thrust them up: For they will straite jogge backe againe, like a resty Jade, or a Nagge that startleth a side at his shadowe.

  44. Again we are saied in the scriptures to haue saued hym whom we haue by sounde doctrine and our goode example / either reteyned in the waye of the lorde / or haue brought hym backe that wẽt astraye.

  45. Backe to his harte retyr'd the useless gore, And felle upon the pleine to rise no more.

  46. The Money shall be pay'd backe againe with aduantage.

  47. A Horse-backe (ye Cuckoe) but a foot hee will not budge a foot Prin.

  48. Giue him as much as will make him a Royall man, and send him backe againe to my Mother Falst.

  49. Faire I giue you backe againe, and welcome I haue not yet: the roofe of this Court is too high to bee yours, and welcome to the wide fields, too base to be mine Nau.

  50. Sampson Master, he was a man of good carriage, great carriage: for hee carried the Towne-gates on his backe like a Porter: and he was in loue Brag.

  51. And stand betweene her backe sir, and the fire, Holding a trencher, iesting merrilie?

  52. The duke then to the river went, And the kings scabberd in threwe hee; 150 But hee kept backe Excalibar, And hid it undernethe a tree.

  53. All sore astonied stood the duke; He stood as still, as still mote bee:] Then hastend backe to telle the kinge; 175 But he was gone from under the tree.

  54. Then backe he came unto the kinge, Who sayd, Sir Lukyn, what did yee see?

  55. King Arthur, and the child Stood looking upon them; All their knives edges Turned backe againe.

  56. Then backe he came to tell the kinge, Who sayde, Sir Lukyn sawe ye oughte?

  57. Or are you returned backe againe[124] To know more of my love?

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "backe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

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