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Example sentences for "fortitude"

Lexicographically close words:
fortiori; fortis; fortissimo; fortiter; fortith; fortnight; fortnightly; fortnights; forto; forton
  1. It is said he denied Lorenzo absolution, that he left him without a word at the brink of the grave but when he himself came to die by the horrible, barbaric means he had invoked in a boast, he did not show the fortitude of the Magnificent.

  2. It is here that we came for the first time upon a figure not of the Christian world, for Fortitude is represented as Hercules with a lion's cub on his shoulder.

  3. Her fortitude had been shaken by the very facility of success that had come to her.

  4. It is a most miserable Slavery to submit to what you disapprove, and give up a Truth for no other Reason, but that you had not Fortitude to support you in asserting it.

  5. The Patience and Fortitude of a Martyr or Confessor lie concealed in the flourishing Times of Christianity.

  6. There are several good Instructions may be drawn from his wise Answers to People of less Fortitude than himself on her Subject.

  7. With wonted fortitude she bore the smart, And not a groan confess'd her burning heart.

  8. Father Mathew goes on preaching temperance, and he may be opposed or supported on his own ground; but who ever thought of opposing him because he takes not into his hands to preach fortitude or charity?

  9. She lost the fortitude worthy of both the men, the dead and the living; the fortitude which should have been the note of the meeting of Victor Haldin's sister with Victor Haldin's only known friend.

  10. Charley Norton's features recovered their accustomed hue, but he did not go near Belle Plain; with resolute fortitude he confined himself to his own acres.

  11. With great fortitude and self-denial he forbore to look in her direction again, but he lingered at the table until the last moment that he might watch her when she returned to the coach.

  12. Her fortitude and good conscience, nevertheless, sustained her under her unmerited wrongs.

  13. Deguerry, who thus met death with the Christian fortitude and the boundless trust that the bread of life confers.

  14. This is, perhaps, an instance of fortitude and steady composure of mind, which would have been for ever the boast of the stoick schools, and increased the reputation of Seneca or Cato.

  15. The same unquailing courage, and the same calm, grim fortitude which shed their fadeless lustre upon his whole extraordinary career were evinced by General Grant at the last moments of his life.

  16. It is given to few men to bear suffering with the fortitude displayed by the departed hero; it is given to fewer still to await in patience and without complaint the certain issue of suffering in death.

  17. I knew that the fortitude she had promised to show, was giving way, in spite of all her efforts to preserve it; so I let her hurry into the carriage without detaining her by any last words.

  18. History has done justice to the noble fortitude with which the operatives of Lancashire "clemmed" (starved) in silence during that awful time.

  19. But he rallied, and went about his work as usual, was as keenly interested as ever in the politics of the hour, and gave to those who knew how much he suffered an example of submission and fortitude which is not common.

  20. Not only the anchor of hope, but the footing of fortitude was gone--at least for a moment; but the last I soon endeavoured to regain.

  21. Indifference, clad in Wisdom's guise, All fortitude of mind supplies: For how can stony bowels melt In those who never pity felt!

  22. During a four years’ struggle for liberty you have exhibited courage, fortitude and devotion.

  23. In bidding you adieu, I desire to tender my thanks for your gallantry in battle, your fortitude under suffering and your devotion at all times to the holy cause you have done so much to maintain.

  24. Shall we not again see that Sobriety of Manners, that Temperance, Frugality, Fortitude and other manly Virtues wch were once the Glory and Strength of my much lov'd native Town.

  25. For the Sake of our Country, my dear Friend, let me ask, Is our Army perpetually to be an unanimated one; because there is not Fortitude enough to remove those bad Men.

  26. He will have them, when the Trustees of the Publick shall have Fortitude enough, to be uninfluencd by great Names & Characters given to Men of base & depraved Minds.

  27. Take courage, and do not be dismayed; for little as you are formed to endure such trials, so much the more will you prove yourself to be the exalted person you are, as your patience and fortitude enable you to rise above your sorrows.

  28. The fortitude of his own mind sustained him in this state of captivity and entire seclusion from his friends.

  29. Drinking his fill of this scene, Austen forgot an errand which was not only disagreeable, but required some fortitude for its accomplishment.

  30. After that Antoinette had busied herself, with a silent fortitude I had not thought was in her, making ready for the lady's departure.

  31. Even he was surprised at the fortitude and skill Virginia showed from the very first, when she had deftly cut away the stiffened blue cloth, and helped to take off the rough bandages.

  32. The stars were symbolical of the four cardinal virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance).

  33. They sat down in silence around the hearth, and looked frequently, first at William and then at each other; while, at intervals, the fortitude of manhood could not forbear a half stifled sob.

  34. He had little dreamt of such a horrible catastrophe; and, however resigned he might have been to his boy's having met with a natural death, his fortitude was unequal to the dreadful trial it was now called on to sustain.

  35. The best thing we can do," observed my mother, "is to bear with fortitude this unavoidable evil; and also to try to remember her virtues more than her faults.

  36. But can you, my dear child," said she, "have fortitude enough to bear for days together the sight of his attentions to your rival?

  37. No: if ever I deserved the character of a good wife, it was from the passive fortitude and the patient spirit with which I bore up against neglect, wounded affections, and slighted tenderness.

  38. That is what all this mystification is about, this digging of pits we hear of, and collecting of firewood; these glowing accounts of fortitude hereafter to be shown.

  39. Among the means adopted to train the youths in fortitude were competitive scourgings at the altar of Artemis Orthia, which must be endured without sign of distress.

  40. Courageous fortitude best describes the change that had come over Madeleine Barclay.

  41. Then was the mystery revealed to Daniel by a vision in the night: and Daniel blessed the God of heaven, and speaking he said: Blessed be the name of the Lord from eternity and for evermore: for wisdom and fortitude are His.

  42. But they make no more impression than their brutish brothers and, in spite of themselves, they are compelled to praise the fortitude of a virtue which will not succumb even when one of them assumes the shape of a beloved youthful spouse.

  43. If hope endures in the battle with darkness, patient fortitude will lead to victory.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fortitude" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acceptance; backbone; bravery; charity; courage; decision; determination; endurance; energy; faith; forbearance; force; fortitude; gallantry; grit; guts; hardihood; hardiness; hope; indulgence; justice; leniency; love; manhood; might; nerve; obstinacy; patience; perseverance; pertinacity; pluck; potency; power; prowess; prudence; resolution; stamina; stoicism; strength; sturdiness; sufferance; temperance; tenacity; tolerance; toughness; vigor; vitality; will