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Example sentences for "forto"

Lexicographically close words:
fortith; fortitude; fortnight; fortnightly; fortnights; forton; fortoun; fortress; fortresse; fortressed
  1. I trowe þat we sholden first enquere forto witen yif þat any swiche manere goode as þilke goode þat þou hast diffinissed a lytel her byforne.

  2. Or ellis þei desiren power forto han moneye or for cause of renou{n}.

  3. And I se þat euery lorel shapiþ hy{m} to fynde oute newe fraudes forto accusen goode folke.

  4. And what pestilence is 2113 more my[gh]ty forto anoye a wi[gh]t þan a familier enemy.

  5. The eppel that ich loke on is forbode me to etene, and nout forto biholden.

  6. Bot now to speke of the juise, The which after the covoitise 2210 Was take upon this Emperour, For he destruide the Mirour; It is a wonder forto hiere.

  7. Bot Adrian, which Pope was, And syh the meschief of this cas, Goth in to France forto pleigne, And preith the grete Charlemeine, For Cristes sake and Soule hele That he wol take the querele 750 Of holy cherche in his defence.

  8. His propre Ston is seid Berille, Bot forto worche and to fulfille 1350 Thing which to this science falleth, Ther is an herbe which men calleth Saveine, and that behoveth nede To him that wole his pourpos spede.

  9. Fraunce and your predecessour {26} Harry the sext, and now uppon the exercise and usaige of bataile and left by so little a tyme, forto discomfort or fere to a new recovere.

  10. Let it no lenger be suffred to abide rote, no forto use the pouder and semblaunce of sensualite and idille delites, for Water Malexander seiethe, that voluptuous delitis led be sensualite be contrarie to the exercising and haunting of armes.

  11. And it is forto lerne and considre to what vertues Respublica strecchithe, as I rede in a tretie that Wallensis, a noble clerk, wrote in his book clepid Commune loquium, C^o.

  12. Be quhat fors or wapynnys dar he assay Forto deliuer hys tendir cousyng deir?

  13. For he is vgsum and grysly forto se, Hutyt to speke of, and aucht not nemmyt be.

  14. It wil my mynd asswage, forto be wrokyn On hir quham by Troy brynt is and down brokyn, And, forto eik the myscheif of hir ded Til our sorowis, fyllit with assis red.

  15. Thus carpyt he, and with stern lance, but tary, Furth steppys forto meyt hys aduersary.

  16. For englond auhte forto ben youres, 2800 And we youre me{n} and youres.

  17. Of þe mete forto tel, 1732 [Sidenote: No need to tell it all.

  18. Him for to hoslon, an forto shriue, Hwil his bodi were on liue.

  19. It is forto depart the moder nombre into as many p{ar}tis as ben of vnytees in the lasse nombre.

  20. William Osbarne forto enfoorme the seide John Swann in the kunnyng of writyng, and the seide John Swann forto have the first yere of te seide William Osbarne iijs.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forto" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.