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Example sentences for "affirmation"

Lexicographically close words:
affinities; affinity; affirm; affirmable; affirmance; affirmations; affirmative; affirmatively; affirmatives; affirme
  1. The actual presence of love, therefore, by no means testifies unconditionally to the worthiness of the object to be loved, just as affirmation is no unconditional proof of what is true.

  2. In the case of the second class on the other hand, one of the two opposed modes of relation, affirmation and rejection, is right the other wrong, as logic has long affirmed.

  3. This is certainly true and just on this account the old doctrine holds that affirmation and denial are equally primordial species.

  4. Sigwart assumes here a special function of denial (absprechen) the contrary of that of affirmation (zusprechen).

  5. But Sigwart concludes quite otherwise; he permits himself to assert, it follows from this that the further condition which is here lacking is that the corresponding positive affirmation has not yet been attempted.

  6. My own art is a negation of society, an affirmation of the individual outside of all rules and of all social necessities.

  7. Ordered, That leave be given to bring in a bill to regulate the taking the oath or affirmation prescribed by the sixth article of the Constitution; and that Messrs.

  8. By Desire we call into existence--by affirmation we preserve and encourage--by Denial we destroy.

  9. He is given mantrams or affirmation to repeat, for the purpose of giving him a mental center around which to build an ideal.

  10. It is the duty of him who affirms a proposition to prove it, while he to whom the affirmation is made has only to listen to the proof and to decide whether it is satisfactory.

  11. It is an affirmation and negation, in the same breath, of the same principles.

  12. The affirmation that the Bible is the word of God implies, then, a rejection of Jesus Christ as the Word of God, or a denial of his sufficiency.

  13. There is no affirmation except the belief in universal natural religion; all else is narrowness and sectarianism, though it call itself by the grandest name, compared with that.

  14. In a future chapter I shall endeavour to show that the opposite gestures of affirmation and negation, namely, vertically nodding and laterally shaking the head, have both probably had a natural beginning.

  15. On the whole we find considerable diversity in the signs of affirmation and negation in the different races of man.

  16. They express affirmation by describing with the hand (all the fingers except the index being flexed) a curve downwards and outwards from the body, whilst negation is expressed by moving the open hand outwards, with the palm facing inwards.

  17. With the Arabs on the Nile, Professor and Mrs. Asa Gray concluded that nodding in affirmation was rare, whilst shaking the head in negation was never used, and was not even understood by them.

  18. According to the Rajah Brooke, the Dyaks of Borneo express an affirmation by raising the eyebrows, and a negation by slightly contracting them, together with a peculiar look from the eyes.

  19. Signs of affirmation or approval, and of negation or disapproval: nodding and shaking the head.

  20. Schmalz, in his remarkable dissertation on the education of the deaf and dumb, as well as of children raised only one degree above idiotcy, assumes that they can always both make and understand the common signs of affirmation and negation.

  21. A native gentleman stated that affirmation is frequently shown by the head being thrown to the left.

  22. I was curious to ascertain how far the common signs used by us in affirmation and negation were general throughout the world.

  23. We might ask, for instance, whether the people ever made an explicit affirmation of dogma in the past, or whether it was always the hazy indifferent matter which it is supposed to be now.

  24. Ah, but, we are told, the people make no explicit affirmation of dogma; that does nothing for them; they are indifferent to it.

  25. The Senate and the Assembly shall always convene in Session on the day appointed for the meeting of the second electors and shall continue sitting till the President take the oath or affirmation of office.

  26. This oath or affirmation shall be administered by the President of the Senate for the time being in the presence of both Houses of the Legislature.

  27. The members of the Legislature of the United States and of each State, and all officers Executive & Judicial of the one and of the other shall take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of the United States.

  28. The first obstacle which confronts affirmation of our liberty comes from physical determinism.

  29. We must certainly not confuse the affirmation of liberty with the negation of physical determinism; "for there is more in this affirmation than in this negation.

  30. We are not really then inventing a hypothesis in beginning with the affirmation of evolution.

  31. The haughty affirmation of yesterday appears today, not as expressing a positive fact or a result duly established, but as bringing forward a thesis of perilous and unconscious metaphysics.

  32. The inevitable consequence is that we imprison ourselves hopelessly in the affirmation of Kantian relativism.

  33. The re-affirmation of the Prince's inherent right was, indeed, necessary to Fox as the foundation for the objections which he took to other parts of Pitt's scheme.

  34. Problematical judgements are those in which the affirmation or negation is accepted as merely possible (ad libitum).

  35. But transcendental logic considers also the worth or content of this logical affirmation--an affirmation by means of a merely negative predicate, and inquires how much the sum total of our cognition gains by this affirmation.

  36. Of course, according to this logic, after the States settle the question and put the seal of affirmation on it, then the general Government will take a hand!

  37. The decision, in which the five judges concurred, was founded almost exclusively upon the affirmation that "that which is expressed makes that which is silent cease.

  38. You ought to converse with so much sincerity that your bare affirmation or denial may be sufficient.

  39. A solemn affirmation or declaration, made with a reverent appeal to God for the truth of what is affirmed.

  40. A solemn declaration or affirmation made for the purpose of establishing or proving some fact.

  41. A figure of speech by which what is to be understood affirmatively is stated negatively, and the contrary; affirmation by contraries.

  42. In the philosophy of nature, the affirmation or denial of purpose is the affirmation or denial of God.

  43. We are not in a state of suspended speculation, leaning neither to affirmation nor denial, which is doubt.

  44. The significance of the solemn affirmation that this is “the Day which shall not be followed by night” was now clearly apprehended.

  45. Law) Defn: To affirm or declare under oath or affirmation before a tribunal, in order to prove some fact.

  46. Defn: Expressing affirmation or predication; affirming; predicating, as, a predicative term.

  47. To make a solemn declaration or affirmation of; to proclaim; to display; as, to protest one's loyalty.

  48. The affirmation is among documents in possession of Lord Braye, and is published by the Historical MSS.

  49. His words do not carry a direct and explicit affirmation of His Divinity.

  50. The mere affirmation that He was the Christ would not have helped those whom His works and words had only prejudiced against Him.

  51. But it is at any rate evident that the Evangelist believed the Baptist had done so, for he adduces the Baptist's testimony in support of his own affirmation of the Divine glory of the Incarnate Word (ver.

  52. As He at once explained to them, He had made the affirmation in the only way possible, and their unbelief arose not from any want of explicitness on His part, but because they were not of His sheep (ver.

  53. It is a primitive affirmation which implies no negation, and therefore yields positive knowledge.

  54. We conclude our review of opposing schools by the re-affirmation of our position, that God is cognizable by human reason.

  55. The mere verbal affirmation "there is a God" made to one who has no idea of a God, would be meaningless and unintelligible.

  56. All dogmatic affirmation must, therefore, be unjustifiable.

  57. And, with these explanations, we repeat our affirmation that the idea of God is a common phenomenon of the universal human intelligence.

  58. No such affirmation can be consistently made, except on the Hegelian hypothesis that "Thought and Being are identical;" and this is a maxim which Hamilton himself repudiates.

  59. These à priori, necessary judgments constitute the major premise of the Theistic syllogism, and, in view of the facts of the universe, necessitate the affirmation of the existence of a God as the only valid explanation of the facts.

  60. Observe, however, that I do not say it cured her; although I might make this affirmation with as much confidence as can justly exist with regard to any thing belonging to the materia medica.

  61. But this affirmation of the right of reason is turned round in an astonishing manner, so that it results in making knowledge of the truth through reason an impossibility.

  62. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live," is written in Exodus XXII, 18, and this phrase offered an affirmation of the reality of witchcraft during the period of the Witchcraft Delusion.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "affirmation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acceptance; accord; acquiescence; address; admission; affidavit; affirmation; affirmative; agreement; allegation; announcement; answer; approbation; approval; assent; assertion; assumption; attestation; authorization; avowal; axiom; aye; backing; basis; blessing; certification; claim; comment; compliance; conclusion; confirmation; connivance; creed; data; declaration; deposition; dictum; disclosure; documentation; eagerness; endorsement; enunciation; evidence; exclamation; expression; fortification; foundation; greeting; ground; hypothesis; imprimatur; interjection; manifesto; mention; nod; note; observation; permission; phrase; position; postulate; predicate; predication; premise; presupposition; proclamation; profession; promptness; pronouncement; proof; proposition; protest; protestation; quality; question; ratification; reflection; reinforcement; remark; sanction; say; saying; seal; sentence; settlement; signature; signet; stamp; stance; stand; statement; strengthening; submission; subscription; support; swearing; testimonial; testimony; theorem; thesis; thought; utterance; verification; visa; vouch; warrant; willingness; witness; word