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Example sentences for "affirme"

Lexicographically close words:
affirmation; affirmations; affirmative; affirmatively; affirmatives; affirmed; affirmeth; affirming; affirms; affix
  1. A mile from the city are certaine houses whereof they affirme one to be the same, where Mahumet in his lifetime dwelt.

  2. Moreouer they affirme none to be found elsewhere but in the mouth of that riuer.

  3. Which as for mine owne part I am ready any way with my word to acknowledge, so also (of the certaintie thereof assured by mine owne experience) with this publique assertion I doe affirme the same.

  4. So to conclude; whether wee beleve the testemonie of Peter Martir and Ferdinandus Columbus, which affirme that Christopher Columbus discovered the firme firste in anno 1498.

  5. How long he reigned writers varie, some auouch but seuen yeares, though other affirme 15.

  6. Here he speaketh not of spirites which falsly affirme themselues to be mens soules, but of those teachers whiche boaste of themselues that they haue the spirite of God.

  7. Also let them beléeue those yͭ affirme they haue bin vexed with spirits of dead men, which persons the common people term furious & frantike bodies.

  8. For who so doth precisely affirme this, dooth in effect say this much, that all things both good and bad are possible vnto God, &c.

  9. This Historie also doth demonstrate and shewe, that Spirits are not alwayes heard, when some men affirme they are.

  10. In these things I must beléeue other mens reports, but that which followeth, I can boldly affirme on mine owne knowledge.

  11. Sometimes they affirme in great soothe, that they verily heare and sée this or that thing, whiche notwithstanding neither they, nor yet any other man did once sée or heare.

  12. Who dares affirme that Silla dares not fight?

  13. Again that which Paule doth affirme that they be commaundements of men that tourn awaye the truthe?

  14. Yea ãd sum other ther are / which dare affirme / that the papistes do differ from vs only in certayn abuses of ceremonies / and not in the doctrine of faith.

  15. Except it be the word of God, I dar affirme nothing.

  16. God forbide that ye affirme that; for then fayre weall the ground of our fayth.

  17. My Lordis, as I haif oftentymes said heirtofoir, without expresse witnes and testimonye of Scripture, I dar affirme nothing.

  18. I reson not yt al poets are holy but I affirme yt poetry is a heave[n]ly gift, a perfit gift then which I know not greater plesure.

  19. The confutation of those who affirme in general that the Sovl is a corporeall-substance.

  20. Confutations of their particular Arguments, who affirme that the Sovl is Blood, Water, or Aire.

  21. I find obscure mention of the specular stone also to haue béene found and applied to this vse in England, but in such doubtfull sort as I dare not affirme it for certeine.

  22. There are some, which vtterlie denieng that this Iland tooke hir name of Brute, doo affirme it rather to be so called of the rich mettals sometime carried from the mines there into all the world as growing in the same.

  23. Beda, and likewise Polydore (who followeth him) affirme that they came from the coasts of Armorica, which is now called little Britaine.

  24. As concerning bées, I thinke it good to remember, that wheras some ancient writers affirme it to be a commoditie wanting in our Iland, it is now found to be nothing so.

  25. Then I rose up joyfull with a merry countenance, saying, Behold good Hostler, my friend, my companion and my brother, whom thou didst falsly affirme to be slaine by mee this might.

  26. He reigned (as some write) 21 yeares, though other affirme but twelue yeares.

  27. Cowper, the famous limner, who was an excellent lutinist, did affirme that they are of great value to this time.

  28. I affirme to have been temples, and built by the Britons.

  29. Goodyeare, Hanah and Elizabeth Lamberton all affirme she was not in ye roome but gone vp into the chamber.

  30. Some of our men of good credite that were in this last voiage to Guinea, affirme earnestly that in the night season they felt a sensible heat to come from the beames of the moone.

  31. They certainely affirme that in these there groweth a certaine slimie substance, which at the length slipping out of the shell and falling in the sea, becommeth those foules which we call Barnacles.

  32. These and a thousande toies in like sort, making that the soul dooth mooue out of one into another, as certaine old philosophers did affirme it to bee, who were as blind and as far from the truth as they.

  33. They say and do affirme it of a truth, that the soule had his first beginning from the heauen, and shall neuer haue ende, for that the heauen hath given it an eternall essence.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "affirme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.