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Example sentences for "greeting"

Lexicographically close words:
greet; greete; greeted; greetes; greeteth; greetings; greets; greeue; greeued; greeuous
  1. And he deeply appreciates your loving message of greeting above your individual signatures.

  2. His father's greeting to him had been decidedly cool--the greeting of a man who sees a fight impending and wishes to give away nothing to his opponent.

  3. The greeting in the street was not, "Good-day; how are you?

  4. The Hungarian has a particularly pleasant way of greeting a stranger under his own roof.

  5. After the first casual greeting they fell into an animated discussion of the choice of veils, during which Gerty declared that Laura had never selected the particular spots which would be most becoming to her features.

  6. The antagonism, whose note had sounded even in their greeting of each other, now rang out clearly.

  7. It made his greeting to those who passed him somewhat grim and less cheery than was its wont.

  8. Colonel Boucicault came up the verandah steps, his hand to his helmet with that exaggerated formality which made the greeting a veiled gibe.

  9. No greeting could have conveyed less encouragement.

  10. And there he lay, singing to himself, a song without words; singing like a little bird at dawn; a voice of innocent happiness, greeting the new day.

  11. The vivacity of his greeting when of a sudden he recognised Alma, contrasted markedly with Cyrus Redgrave's ill-concealed embarrassment in the like situation.

  12. On his arrival all seemed well; Ruth opened the door, answered his greeting in her quiet, respectful way, and at once brought tea to the study.

  13. The greeting was warm on both sides, Isaac smiling at a quicker rate than had ever before been known.

  14. Paler, thinner, more haggard, he came slowly into the room, rubbing his hands and smiling with pleasure at the warmth of the greeting he received.

  15. He was met by the widowed owner of the house, who was weeping; and her first greeting prepared him for what had chanced.

  16. The earl acknowledged their greeting by vailing his plumed cap; and passing the keepers with a merry allusion to their care of his own badge, and a friendly compliment to the grunting bear, he stepped ashore, followed by his kinsman.

  17. How different from the hearty greeting of his warrior-friends was the measured courtesy of foes who had felt and fled before his sword!

  18. And so this greeting passed between two friends who had not seen each other for months.

  19. He had no cause for complaint, he had received a polite greeting if not an affectionate one; but then he was as yet only a stranger there, a priest.

  20. However, I certainly will not leave Rome without going to tell him how deeply his kind greeting has touched me.

  21. And Pierre divined by her greeting that she deemed him of little account, petty foreign priest that he was, not even a prelate.

  22. And so my figure, you see, has her hands outstretched as if she were offering herself to all mankind, greeting it and granting it the gift of eternal life in eternal beauty.

  23. We tore off our caps and waved them exultantly, greeting our home soil with a roaring hurrah.

  24. What was it that destroyed the joy of the greeting of the young morning?

  25. When it got up higher in the heavens and sent its greeting to England, it shivered and hid behind a thick cloud.

  26. He looked sadder than of old, and returned the master's greeting without an answering smile.

  27. Then rose the wrath of Count Walter high; His sword he drew, his helm he laced, Slowly in front of the line he paced, And with evil greeting his foeman faced.

  28. Life seemed a happy and normal thing when all, old and young, grandee and peasant, gave courteous greeting to those who passed; also it was a joy to hear pure Castilian after the somewhat slovenly Andalusian dialect.

  29. Flixman extended a thin, bony hand in greeting and sat down wearily.

  30. Instead of the satirical greeting which he anticipated from his senior partner, however, he was received with unusual cordiality by Polatkin, whose face was spread in a grin.

  31. Her greeting was friendly; not emotional like his, or unreserved; but he flattered himself that she seemed very glad to see him.

  32. She could think of none who would be likely to call upon her, but she bade the girl show him in; and a moment later she was greeting Dr.

  33. The former in greeting her held out a letter which had just been delivered by the postman.

  34. As they entered the kitchen Caroline answered Laura's greeting civilly, but she did not rise; and while the two stood looking at the pretty Dresden china cups, with their backs turned towards her, she continued her typing.

  35. Andreas, on his part, felt that his former owner's kiss and brotherly greeting had sealed his acceptance as a free man.

  36. Such a prophetic greeting might well amaze him, who knew that while the king's sons lived he could not hope to succeed to the throne.

  37. Miss Lawrence was hardly through her greeting before she began to question.

  38. Her Aunt Helen gave her the warm greeting with which she always met this niece for whom she daily felt a deeper affection.

  39. He was great enough now to be smitten through his friends, and the good Fra Giulio had been the victim taken in his stead; upon Fra Paolo's last homecoming to the convent the loving, fatherly greeting had failed him.

  40. If it begins with a greeting like Dear Tom or Dear Mary, there should be this mark (:) after the name of the pupil to whom you are writing.

  41. It seems inadvisable, in the present state of conflicting usage, to follow the greeting of some letters with a comma and of others with a colon.

  42. She was surprised at seeing me, but she nodded a pleasant greeting and went on sewing on the pair of men's trousers in her lap.

  43. After the first surprise of greeting was over, the Bishop leaned back in his chair, stretched out his overall-covered legs, and actually sighed a comfortable sigh.

  44. For the first time, my modest greeting to the secretly resentful man was returned with a friendly gesture, in which I fancied I noticed a shade of curious interest.

  45. If you should ever meet her in the outside world, give her a tender greeting from Uncle Joachim, and tell her to bestow a sheet of letter-paper on him.

  46. On February 28th I delivered my first lecture at the Hall of Science, London, and was received with that warmth of greeting which Freethinkers are ever willing to extend to one who sacrifices aught to join their ranks.

  47. I saw a tall figure passing swiftly along and mounting the stairs, and the roar deepened and swelled as he made a slight acknowledgment of the greeting and sat down.

  48. There is no better field for Freethought and Radical work than Northumberland and Durham; the miners there are as a rule shrewd and hard-headed men, and very cordial is the greeting given by them to those whom they have reason to trust.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greeting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    address; affirmation; allegation; answer; assertion; bow; comment; crack; curtsy; declaration; dictum; embrace; exclamation; expression; greeting; hail; handshake; hug; interjection; kiss; mention; nod; note; observation; phrase; position; pronouncement; question; reception; reflection; remark; salutation; salute; say; saying; sentence; smile; statement; thought; utterance; wave; word