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Example sentences for "greeue"

Lexicographically close words:
greetes; greeteth; greeting; greetings; greets; greeued; greeuous; greeuouslie; greffier; gregarious
  1. Their foe is their grifes causer which my friend, It is the losse of one that makes them wayle, 830 But I, that one there is a cruell one, Do wayle and greeue and vnregarded mone.

  2. We feare not What can from Italy annoy vs, but We greeue at chances heere.

  3. All too soone I shall, Vnlesse thou would'st greeue quickly.

  4. Let him (my sonne) he shall not need to greeue At knowing of thy choice Flo.

  5. Greeue not that I am falne to this for you: For heerein fortune shewes her selfe more kinde Then is her custome.

  6. Hamlet, this deed of thine, for thine especial safety Which we do tender, as we deerely greeue For that which thou hast done, must send thee hence With fierie Quicknesse.

  7. But wherefore greeue I at an houres poore losse, Omitting Suffolkes exile, my soules Treasure?

  8. Ah my good Lord, I greeue at what I speake, And am right sorrie to repeat what followes.

  9. My Lord, I had forgot To tell your Lordship, to day I came by, and call'd there, But I shall greeue you to report the rest Yor.

  10. Shew his Eyes, and greeue his Hart, Come like shadowes, so depart.

  11. Ah Cosin Yorke, would thy best Friends did know, How it doth greeue me that thy head is heere Qu.

  12. Greeue not for those that perish if they stay.

  13. How sore wee greeue to part so soone away.

  14. I prethee greeue to make me merrie Yorke?

  15. Ah cosen Yorke, would thy best friendes did know, How it doth greeue me that thy head stands there.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "greeue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.