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Example sentences for "soone"

Lexicographically close words:
sooin; sook; soom; soon; soond; sooner; soonest; soong; soop; sooperior
  1. And the LORde w[~e]t his waye as soone as he had lefte comenynge with Abraha.

  2. And in y^e mornynge as soone as it was lighte/ the m[~e] were let goo with their asses.

  3. As soone as he came in to Egipte/ the Egiptias sawe the woman that she was very fayre.

  4. And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: I haue dreamed a dreame and no man ca interpretate it/ but I haue herde saye of the y^t as soone as thou hearest a dreame/ thou dost interpretate it.

  5. But as soone as I lyft vp my voyce and cryed/ he left his garment with me and fled out.

  6. And as soone as he had made him ruelar ouer his house ad ouer all that he had/ the LORde blessed this Egiptians house for Iosephs sake/ and the blessynge of the LORde was vpon all that he had: both in the house and also in the feldes.

  7. And Laban ranne out vnto the man/ to the well: for as soone as he had sene the earynges and the bracelettes apon his sisters handes/ ad herde the wordes of Rebecca his sister saynge thus sayde the man vnto me/ than he went out vnto the man.

  8. As soone as Noe was awaked fro his wyne and wyst what his yongest sonne had done vnto hym/ he sayd: cursed be Canaan/ ad a seruante of all seruantes be he to his brethren.

  9. And as soone as they were in the feldes/ Cain fell vppon Abell his brother and slewe hym And y^e LORde sayd vnto Cain: where is Abell thy brother?

  10. And he sayde: I will come agayne vnto the as soone as the frute can lyue.

  11. In the tyme appoynted will I returne vnto the/ as soone as the frute can haue lyfe/ And Sara shall haue a sonne.

  12. I praye yow sende me worde off my ladyes spede as soone as ye kan.

  13. Kyng that my lords answer was that the Kyng shold as soone have hys lyff as that place; and then the Kyng axid my lord whedyr he seyd so or nought, and my lord seyd, yee.

  14. Those which are farre off for to be at the court so soone and at the instant as those which are nigh at hand, doo send postes daily, that the one may ouertake the other.

  15. That had not he in act betterd our counsailes And in his execution set them off, All we designd had ben but as a tale Forgot as soone as told.

  16. My best Eleonora, I shall soone returne: In the meane time be owner of this house, The possesour.

  17. Contempt repaid with scorne; tis my desert; Poyson soone murders a love wounded heart.

  18. Your facts are both so foule your hated lives Cannot be too soone shortned; therefore these Lords Hold it not fitt to lend you breath till morning, But now to cutt you off.

  19. And soone before our king they came, And knelt downe on the grounde; Then might the tanner have beene awaye, He had lever than twentye pounde.

  20. Yet hath the longest day his date; 65 For this we al do know, Although the day be neer soe long, To even soone wil it goe.

  21. Secondlye, tell me, without any doubt, How soone I may ride the whole world about; 30 And at the third question thou must not shrink, But tell me here truly what I do think.

  22. The king set a bugle horne to his mouthe, And blewe both loude and shrille; 150 And soone came lords, and soone came knights, Fast ryding over the hille.

  23. Now secondly tell me, without any doubt, How soone I may ride this whole world about.

  24. The seconde, to tell him, without any doubt, How soone he may ride this whole world about: And at the third question I must not shrinke, But tell him there truly what he does thinke.

  25. Whereupon, soone they brought Whittingtons nimble cat; Which by the king was bought; Heapes of gold giv'n for that.

  26. But she soone bad him holde his peace, And sware it was his best, But then he thought him of a wyle Which made him be at rest.

  27. Soone after that was sent in two blacke Friers, an Englishe Frier & an other subtile sophister called Arbircromy, with the which Englishe Frier he would haue reasoned and declared hys fayth by the scriptures.

  28. What Cause have I, then, to care soe greatlie for a House that woulde soe soone forget its Master?

  29. Would God some of the men of hir kin were women too, & then should all be soone in rest.

  30. Vpon the verie Tower wharfe, so neere the place where his head was off soone after, there met he with one Hastings a purseuant of his owne name.

  31. For of one thing was he certeine, that if his intent were perceiued, he should soone haue made peace betweene both the parties with his owne bloud.

  32. Whom as soone as they saw, they began to quarrell with him and saie that he intended to set distance betweene the king and them, and to bring them to confusion, but it should not lie in his power.

  33. Doctor Shaw by his sermon lost his honestie, & soone after his life, for verie shame of the world, into which he durst neuer after come abroad.

  34. And as soone as they came in his presence, they light adowne with all their companie about them.

  35. For warre and famine had sore afflicted the people before that time, and as yet ceassed not: but as for the pestilence, it began soone after the strange sight, whereof insued such effect, as I haue alreadie rehearsed.

  36. Which was soone granted by the bulles of pope Clement the third, bearing date the 5.

  37. To prosecute this resolution, as soone as it was darke I laboured to get forward to Burdeaux with as much speed as I could.

  38. As soone as I judged them to be fast a sleepe I passed by them into the court where I found all the doors locked and the walls so high that by no meanes I could gett over them.

  39. Yet was the same soone cured with the joye I was ravished withall, because of the seasonable and unexpected deliverance.

  40. Perceiveing this, as soone as I came into the towne by the people staring and mocking me, I forgot my hunger, and could not looke for bread, but only meanes to get out of the towne againe.

  41. As soone as I came out in the streete, I saw five of the troopers coming downe the towne.

  42. All night therefore attend your merry play, For it will soone be day: Now none doth hinder you, that say or sing; Ne will the woods now answer, nor your Eccho ring.

  43. Bid her awake therefore, and soone her dight, For lo!

  44. A little gale will soone disperse that Cloud, And blow it to the Source from whence it came, Thy very Beames will dry those Vapours vp, For euery Cloud engenders not a Storme Rich.

  45. But when the Fox hath once got in his Nose, Hee'le soone finde meanes to make the Body follow Hast.

  46. That's soone perform'd, because I am a Subiect King.

  47. And iff you love me, as you saye, 75 So well and hartilee, All that ever you are comen about Soone sped now itt may bee.

  48. Forth then hyed our king, iwysse, And an angry man was hee, 50 And soone he found queene Elinore, That bride so bright of blee.

  49. The Eldridge knighte, he pricked his steed; Syr Cauline bold abode: Then either shooke his trustye speare, 100 And the timber these two children bare Soe soone in sunder slode.

  50. The Child of Elle hee fought soe well, As his weapon he wavde amaine, That soone he had slaine the carlish knight, And layde him upon the plaine.

  51. Her lover he put his horne to his mouth, And blew both loud and shrill, 150 And soone he saw his owne merry men Come ryding over the hill.

  52. And in grave soone must shee bee, 30 Sith her father hath chose her a new, new love, And forbidde her to think of thee.

  53. The Child of Elle he hyed him thence, Ywis he stoode not stille, 10 And soone he mette faire Emmelines page Come climbing up the hille.

  54. And aye their swordes soe sore can byte, Through helpe of gramarye, That soone they have slayne the kempery men, 275 Or forst them forth to flee.

  55. I loue the sport well, but I shall as soone quarrell at it, as any man in England: you are afraid if you see the Beare loose, are you not?

  56. The shippes going downe with the tyde came at last to Woolwich, where they stayed and cast ancre, with purpose to depart therehence againe, as soone as the turning of the water, and a better winde should draw them to set saile.

  57. But so soone as the Russians had felled the woods and had built townes and villages in their place, the saide pension ceased together with the trees which were cut downe.

  58. As soone as the bishop had ended this tale, he was attached by the earle marshall, and committed to ward in the abbei of saint Albons.

  59. And, if you love me, as you saye, Soe well and hartilee, All that ever you are comen about Soone sped now itt shal bee.

  60. And aye their swordes soe sore can byte, Throughe help of gramarye, That soone they have slayne the kempery men, Or forst them forth to flee.

  61. He did not take the lady gay To boulster nor to bedd, But downe vpon her chamber-flore Full soone he hath her layd.

  62. But Sir Cawline he shooke a speare; The king was bold, and abode; And the timber these two children bore Soe soone in sunder slode; Ffor they tooke and two good swords, And they layden on good loade.

  63. As soone as possible you may to withdrawe your selfe from this kinde of lyfe, you are yet but a girle (to speake off) and the spot of your misdemeanour maye be washed away.

  64. XI But when he cam to this [Cornwall castle] And to the palace gate, Soe ready was ther a proud portèr, And met him soone therat.

  65. VIII ‘Secondlye, tell me, without any doubt, How soone I may ride the whole worlde about.

  66. XLI Robin thought on Our Ladye deere, And soone leapt up againe, And strait he came with an aukward[951] stroke, And he Sir Guy hath slayne.

  67. XLVI ‘He says fayre words makes foolès faine, And that may be seene by you and mee, For happen we’ll thinke it soone enoughe Whenever we that shooting see.

  68. XLI ‘An you will not goe your selfe, my lord, You will lett my chamberlaine go with mee; We shall now take our boate againe, And soone wee shall overtake thee.

  69. XIX ‘And, if you love me, as you saye, Soe well and hartilee, All that ever you are comen about Soone sped now itt shal bee.

  70. This newes was soone blowen abroade into many prouinces, wherevppon our men feared rebellion among their new friends, yea and mutinie in their owne campe, but it pleased god that it fel out otherwise.

  71. Our men stoode in great perill, as well of the losing of Mexico as of their owne liues, if this warre and mutinie had not soone bene qualified: for why?

  72. This present shold haue bene giuen to Grijalua, if he had not so soone departed as the Indians reported.

  73. The stones came also so thicke from the house toppes, that the engines were soone at an ende.

  74. Dead Is my poore heart so for a kinsman vext: Madam, if you could find out but a man To beare a poyson, I would temper it; That Romeo should vpon receit thereof, Soone sleepe in quiet.

  75. Is Rosaline that thou didst Loue so deare So soone forsaken?

  76. Two such opposed Kings encampe them still, In man as well as Hearbes, grace and rude will: And where the worser is predominant, Full soone the Canker death eates vp that Plant Rom.

  77. Queene With all my heart, soone will I send for him.

  78. After this all was quiet only some were so thrust in the hall, that they were carried forth for dead but soone recovered, when they came into the aire.

  79. Not too hot; First pay me for the Nursing of thy Sonnes, And let it be confiscate all, so soone As I haue receyu'd it Cym.

  80. But (oh scorne) Gone, they went hence so soone as they were borne: And so I am awake.

  81. All too soone I shall, Vnlesse thou would'st greeue quickly.

  82. Heere's money for my Meate, I would haue left it on the Boord, so soone As I had made my Meale; and parted With Pray'rs for the Prouider Gui.

  83. It fits vs therefore ripely Our Chariots, and our Horsemen be in readinesse: The Powres that he already hath in Gallia Will soone be drawne to head, from whence he moues His warre for Britaine Qu.

  84. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "soone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    sooner arrived; sooner done; sooner gone; sooner had; sooner heard