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Example sentences for "frute"

Lexicographically close words:
frustration; frustrations; frustules; frustum; fruta; frutefull; frutes; fruto; frutti; frutto
  1. The frute is a berry resembling the Blackberry in every respect and is eaten when ripe and much esteemed by the nativs but is not dryed for winters Consumption.

  2. Yong yeares to yelde soch frute in Court, where seede of vice is sowne, Is sometime read, in some place seene, amongst vs seldom knowne.

  3. Philenio continuing thus in Loue, sometime with one, sometime with another, and perceiuing that euery of them seemed to Loue him, hee determined with himselfe, if it were possible to gather of them the last frute of his Loue.

  4. Horand and Frute warned their friends that such a deed would surely bring its punishment.

  5. Wate and Herwig were keen to follow the Normans without loss of time, but Frute and Morung advised them to be prudent.

  6. After our arivall at Orengaua, most of the neighbors came to viset me and brought frute and fish and rejoyced (as it should seeme) of Capt.

  7. Harry Shank retorned from Langasaque, and brought 3 vyne trees with 14 other frute trees, dyvers sortes, with some garden seeds, and a little franincense to perfume the piginhowse.

  8. Durois to buy som frute trees and send me, yf he conveniently can; and sent this letter per Nico.

  9. We bought 2 frute trees, 1 oreng and the other peares, for 4 mas.

  10. Gorezan the jurebassos wife brought a present of Japan apels, or rather other frute lyke appells.

  11. Jorge Durois wife, in respect of frute and sweetmeates she sent to us at divers tymes which was spent in the howse.

  12. Accorne, or archarde, frute of the oke; Glans.

  13. And first: who, nerer at hand, can be a better witnesse of the frute receiued by Arithmetike, then all kynde of Marchants?

  14. But wordes, and Argumentes, are no sensible certifying: nor the full and finall frute of Sciences practisable.

  15. And bycause the frute hereof, vulgarly receiued, is in Wheles, it hath the name of Trochilike: as a man would say, Whele Art.

  16. If a man be noble frute, of noble frute it is sprongen; the blisse of paradyse, to mennes sory hertes, yet in this tree abydeth.

  17. He may pype with an yve-lefe; his frute is fayled.

  18. Out of this grounde muste come the spire, that by processe of tyme shal in greetnesse sprede, to have braunches and blosmes of waxing frute in grace, 5 of whiche the taste and the savour is endelesse blisse, in joye ever to onbyde.

  19. And whan this tree suche greetnesse hath caught as I have rehersed, the braunches than, that the frute shulde forth-bringe, 15 speche must they be nedes, in voice of prayer in complayning wyse used.

  20. And although frute fayleth oon yere or two, yet shal suche a seson come oon tyme or other, that shal bringe out frute that [is parfit].

  21. What shal this frute be,' quod I, 'now it ginneth rype?

  22. In this wyse bothe frute and the tree wasten away togider, though mokel besy occupacion have be spent, to bringe it so ferforth that it was able to springe.

  23. And this was the frute the Preachearis gatthered of thair just reprehensionis.

  24. And thoucht na frute wer eftir consequent Of mortall life, bot for this warld present Ilk man to have allanerlie[673] respect, Yit virtew suld fra vice be different As quik fra deid, as rich fra indigent.

  25. As a greate fatte woman sate and solde frute in a Lente, there came a yonge man bye, and behelde her frute ernestly, and specially he caste his eyes on her fygges.

  26. At the which seyng the people dyd laughe, because they felte but lytell frute in hys sermonde.

  27. Of that frute I have eten; alle thoughe it were wondirfulle: but that I knowe wel, that God is marveyllous in his werkes.

  28. Of that Frute I have eten; alle thoughe it were wonderfulle; but that I knowe wel that God is marveyllous in his werkes.

  29. Of all maner frute she had the gouernaunce ¶ Of fauours odyferous was her sustynauns ¶ Next to her than was god Neptunus set.

  30. And toke of the frute of it and ate/ and gaue vnto hir husband also with her/ and he ate.

  31. Than was Iacob wrooth with Rahel saynge: Am I in godes steade which kepeth fro the the frute of thi wobe?

  32. And God sawe that it was good And God sayd: let the erth bringe forth herbe and grasse that sowe seed/ and frutefull trees that bere frute every one in his kynde/ havynge their seed in them selves vpon the erth.

  33. And it fortuned in processe of tyme/ that Cain brought of the frute of the erth: an offerynge vnto the LORde.

  34. In the tyme appoynted will I returne vnto the/ as soone as the frute can haue lyfe/ And Sara shall haue a sonne.

  35. And he sayde: I will come agayne vnto the as soone as the frute can lyue.

  36. Of that Frute I have eaten, alle thoghe it were wonderfulle but that I knowe wel that God is marveyllous in his Werkes.

  37. Celidonia is an herbe w{t} yelowe floures, the frute smorcheth them that it towchyth.

  38. But the nex Seson's Frute after the Cat was berrid, the Gosberris was al hairy--and more Remarkable, the Capilers of the same bush was All of the same hairy description.

  39. The Frute being up till then of a smooth kind.

  40. Divers caveleros sent me frute and other eatable presents, and came to bidd me wellcom home.

  41. Fongo Dono, the ould admerall, sent me a present of frute with a letter from his manor howse, 17 leagues hence.

  42. Of [th]at frute I haue eten: This assertion seems to be due to the English translator.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "frute" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.