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Example sentences for "gaue"

Lexicographically close words:
gaudiness; gaudio; gaudium; gauds; gaudy; gauge; gauged; gauger; gaugers; gauges
  1. Loue taught my Muse her perfect skill, loue gaue me first to Poesie: Loue is the Soueraigne of my will, loue bound me first to loyalty.

  2. Which spoke I felt such holy fires To ouerspred my breast, As lent life to my Chast desires And gaue me endlesse rest.

  3. Watching this Wisard, my minde gaue me still She some Impostor was, and that this skill Was counterfeit, and had some other end.

  4. Loue was the first that fram'd my speech, loue was the first that gaue me grace: Loue is my life and fortunes leech, loue made the vertuous giue me place.

  5. Shortlie after came Cassibellane with all his power of Britains, and gaue battell to the Romans.

  6. Of king Helie who gaue the name to the Ile of Elie, of king Lud, and what memorable edifices he made, London sometimes called Luds towne, his bountifulnes, and buriall.

  7. Port of Bristoll called Hungrode, and there ankered in safetie and gaue thankes to God for our safe arriuall.

  8. And to purchase the more loue, I Richard Rainolds gaue him and all his company courteous entertainment.

  9. This day we put away our pinnesse, with fiue and twenty Frenchmen in her, and gaue them such victuals as we could spare, putting fifteene of them to the ransome of sixe crownes a man.

  10. He gaue vs a good answere, and sent vs to the Iewes house, where we lay seuen dayes.

  11. This night he went aboord the French man who gaue him good entertainement, and the next day fetched eleuen more of vs aboord entreating vs all very courteously.

  12. By the way many good olde people, and diuers others of yonger yeers, of meere kindnes gaue me bowd sixepences and grotes, blessing me with their harty prayers and God-speedes.

  13. I could not chuse but lough to see howe like two frogges they laboured: a hartye farwell I gaue them, and they faintly bad God speed me, saying if I daunst that durtie way this seauen yeares againe, they would neuer daunce after me.

  14. Your worship is deceiu'd, the gowne is made Iust as my master had direction: Grumio gaue order how it should be done Gru.

  15. I gaue him no order, I gaue him the stuffe Tail.

  16. Thy sight had once an influence divine, Which gaue it power the Soule of man to vew: Wipe and make cleare that dazled eye of thine, and thou shall see his reall markes and true.

  17. The false knave Flaccus once a bribe I gaue: The more foole I to bribe so false a knaue: But he gaue back my bribe; the more foole he, That for my folly did not cousen me.

  18. Then rode sir Iames in great hast to king Richard, and shewed him all the maner of the murther; who gaue him great thanks, and (as some saie) there made him knight.

  19. Richard gaue him not one farthing, saieng that he which would be vntrue to so good a maister, would be false to all other: howbeit some saie that he had a small office or a farme to stop his mouth withall.

  20. But hearing that the erle of Richmond was marching thitherward, gaue to him place, dislodging him and his, and repaired to a towne called Aderstone, there abiding the comming of the earle.

  21. Sidenote: Why king Richard gaue licence to all in the castell to depart in safetie with bag and baggage.

  22. And secretlie he gaue charge to the earle of Penbroke, which was the leader and conductor of his companie, that when they approched the marches and limits of Britaine, they should diuert and take the next waie into France.

  23. And so he gaue the bishop faire words, saieng, that he should shortlie depart, and that well accompanied for feare of enimies.

  24. To which woordes hir Freende gaue eare with great delectation, desiringe to see the effect of that, whereof she gaue him to vnderstand by wordes.

  25. And after they had contented eche others troubled heart with millions of amorous lookes which oftentimes interchangeably encountred and met together, the burning Beames gaue sufficient testimony of loue's priuy onsettes.

  26. Who hath appointed thee to be arbitrator, or who gaue thee commission to capitulate the Articles of my mariage?

  27. This deuised plot was no soner grounded, but she gaue order for execution of the same, and brought it to passe with sutch dexterity as the Ladye in lesse than VIII.

  28. Moreouer, he gaue him assurance by othe, that hee shoulde not bee discouered by hym, nor by any in his Company.

  29. The king excedingly wel contented wyth the prowesse and valiance of the dumbe Gentleman, gaue him for seruice past the Charge of V.

  30. To be short, any dressing can not auayle, except the hand of hir alone which gaue the wounde.

  31. Whereof he gaue assured testimony in the assault which the king made to deliuer Roane, the Chyefe Citye and defence of all Normandie, in the year of our Lord 1451.

  32. Vellocatus, one of his esquires, to whom she gaue hir kingdome, and so dishonoured hir selfe.

  33. But shortlie after, the emperour Constantine ioined in league with Licinius, and gaue to him his sister in marriage, named Constantia, for more suertie of faithfull friendship to indure betwixt them.

  34. This doone he gaue the countrie vnto Conan Meridoc, which was there with him, to hold the same of him, and of the kings of great Britaine for euer.

  35. She also brought with hir a parcell of that holie crosse, and gaue it [Sidenote: Polydor.

  36. He was neuer twice in my companie, and if then I thought I gaue such assurance 15 with my eies, Ide pull them out, they should neuer see more holie daies.

  37. Who euen now gaue me good eies too, examined my exteriors with such a greedy intention, with the beames of her beautie, that it seemed as she would a scorged me vp like a burning glasse.

  38. This Gabriel declared vnto me that they had saued both the ankers and our hauser, and after we had thus communed, I caused 4 or 5 of them to goe into my cabbin, where I gaue them figs and made them such cheere as I could.

  39. And what and yf a man gaue you a good cuffe vpon the eare that shulde waye a pounde?

  40. But who gaue that pryuylege rather to a horseman then to a foteman, or more to a gentylman thê to a good yeman.

  41. Haue not you loue enough to beare with me, When that rash humour which my Mother gaue me Makes me forgetfull Bru.

  42. So oft as that shall be, So often shall the knot of vs be call'd, The Men that gaue their Country liberty Dec.

  43. The lords and great men, séeming not greatlie to fauour the Londoners, gaue counsell that the insolent pride of those presumptuous persons might with speed be repressed.

  44. The prince being desirous inough of all honour, and more ambitious than was requisite, seemed to like well of his speech, and gaue good eare to his talke.

  45. And for the better maintenance of the estate of these noble men, whome he had thus aduanced to higher degrees of honour, he gaue vnto them a great part of those lands that belonged to the duke of Glocester, the earles of Warwike, and Arundell.

  46. In this parlement also, the lord Richard Scrope gaue ouer the office of chancellor, and Simon Sudburie archbishop of Canturburie tooke it vpon him.

  47. But now, if your good liking stand thereto, Ile craue your pardon to goe seeke the prince; For so the duke, your father, gaue me charge.

  48. Come we for this from depth of vnder ground,-- To see him feast that gaue me my deaths wound?

  49. This tels me that your Graces men of warre, Such as warres fortune hath reseru'd from death, Come marching on towards your royall seate, To show themselues before your Maiestie; For so gaue I in charge at my depart.

  50. That Samothes or Dis gaue the first lawes to the Celtes (whose kingdome he erected about the fifteenth of Nimbrote) the testimonie of Berosus is proofe sufficient.

  51. Marie, as some of the papists gaue out, and also would haue had hir to haue obteined, but God also staied their malices, and hir challenge.

  52. To the eldest therefore, whose name was Locrine, he gaue the greatest and best region of all the rest, which of him to this daie is called [Sidenote: Lhoegria.

  53. I will bestow him, and will answer well The death I gaue him: so againe, good night.

  54. Ere we were two dayes old at Sea, a Pyrate of very Warlicke appointment gaue vs Chace.

  55. Not from his mouth, Had it th' abilitie of life to thanke you: He neuer gaue command'ment for their death.

  56. Aristotle the great philosopher knowing this very well, what time he put Calistenes to king Alexander the greats seruice gaue him this lesson.

  57. Polemon gaue him twentie crownes, Philino brings him into a place where behind an arras cloth hee himselfe spake in manner of an Oracle in these matters, for so did all the Sybils and sothsaiers in old times giue their answers.

  58. The halfe foote of the auncients was reserued purposely to an vse, and therefore they gaue such odde sillable, wheresoeuer he fell the sharper accent, and made by him a notorious pause as in this pentameter.

  59. Shee had no sooner ended her words both pleasant & piercing, but I vnderstoode it very well and gaue her great thankes.

  60. And hee beeing seduced by deuising Cupid, gaue the Apple to the pleasant working Venus.

  61. In which place without any staying, the third woman came and receiued vs very gratiously, her name was Mnemosina, and shee calling vs, gaue vs free leaue to go in.

  62. In so much as my amorous and sounding breathing, by reason of the thicknesse of the ayre in this solytarie and lone place, gaue an eccho, and did put me in minde of my Angelike and extreame desired Polia.

  63. Vpon the other side I beheld in an excellent caruing, the representation of a damosell of a maidenly countenaunce, whose stately maiestie gaue great commendation to the curious deuise of the workeman.

  64. And without any respect at all, they gaue mee leaue to looke vpon theyr fayre and delicate personages, theyr honestie and honour reserued.

  65. Gaue it a Iudges Clearke: but wel I know The Clearke wil nere weare haire on's face that had it Gra.

  66. You gaue me none, you wrong mee much to say so Gold.

  67. Then gaue I her (so Tutor'd by my Art) A sleeping Potion, which so tooke effect As I intended, for it wrought on her The forme of death.

  68. I gaue thee Life, and rescu'd thee from Death Iohn.

  69. Heere burnes my Candle out; I, heere it dies, Which whiles it lasted, gaue King Henry light.

  70. Oh let me teach thee for my Fathers sake, That gaue thee life when well he might haue slaine thee: Be not obdurate, open thy deafe eares Tamo.

  71. Come, come, you know I gaue it you euen now.

  72. Vnto which action Olauus gaue not his consent, neither could he withstand it, by reason of the forenamed vicount the son of Boke.

  73. And they also being astonished thereat gaue him this counsell, that with all speed he should depart out of Norway.

  74. Olaaus gaue vnto Yuo the Abbat of Furnes a portion of his owne ground in Man to build an Abbey in the place which is called Russin.

  75. Olauus king and Martyr, gaue commaundment that his monument should be opened.

  76. And to be short, what names they gaue vnto their graunges or houses, whereof many at this day are reteined and vsed.

  77. Afterward returning into his countrey, Martine gaue place 1556 vnto him of his owne accord.

  78. For the island of Lewis which you gaue me is not sufficient for my maintenance.

  79. My mind gaue me, In seeking tales and Informations Against this man, whose honesty the Diuell And his Disciples onely enuy at, Ye blew the fire that burnes ye: now haue at ye.

  80. All was Royall, To the disposing of it nought rebell'd, Order gaue each thing view.

  81. Yes Madam: but I thinke your Grace Out of the paine you suffer'd, gaue no eare too't Kath.

  82. Nay, gaue notice He was from thence discharg'd?

  83. God Honoured thus, our great Grand-mother Eue And gaue thereby the blessing of increase, For were not mariage we must all beleeue, The generations of the earth would cease.

  84. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gaue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.