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Example sentences for "vnto"

Lexicographically close words:
vnspeakable; vnstable; vntil; vntill; vntimely; vntrue; vntyll; vnum; vnus; vnusuall
  1. These shifts did the king vse from time to time, not caring with what exactions and impositions he burthened the inhabitants of his land, whereby he procured vnto himselfe the name of an oppressor and couetous scraper.

  2. His woods and possessions, which he had about Couentrie, he sold and let to fee farme vnto the couent there.

  3. There entred also into the tower a great number of Iewes with their wiues and children, vnto whome one ward of the tower was committed to defend, which they did in that necessitie verie stoutlie.

  4. Richard Gray the chattellaine of Douer looking diligentlie vnto his charge, tooke a thousand marks which the bishop of Winchester had sent thither to haue beene transported ouer into France.

  5. A kind of scorpius marinus a rough prickly and monstrous headed fish 6 8 or 12 inches long answerable vnto the figure of Schoneueldeus.

  6. Morinellus or Dotterell about Thetford and the champain which comes vnto us in September and March staying not long, and is an excellent dish.

  7. The passer squamosus Bret Bretcock and skulls comparable in taste and delicacy vnto the soale.

  8. Diuers other sorts of diuefowle more remarkable the mustela fusca and mustela variegata the graye dunne and the variegated or partie coloured wesell so called from the resemblance it beareth vnto a wesell in the head.

  9. This knaue will go about his owne errand or pastime and saith he cannot speede at the first.

  10. Then wil gods wrath be much the more pacified towards vs.

  11. And he verely thought that his wyfe had so don, whiche in dede for got to do it.

  12. A Kynchen Co is a young boye, traden vp to suche peuishe purposes as you haue harde of other young ympes before, that when he groweth vnto yeres, he is better to hang then to drawe forth.

  13. If the doore be eyther bolted or lockt, if it be not opened vnto them when they wyl, they wyl breake the same open to his farther cost.

  14. And euen as the marques was loth to consent to his vnhappie conspiracie, so with a faint hart he shewed himselfe an enimie vnto king Edward which double dissimulation was both the destruction of him and his brethren.

  15. The forenamed Hawkins came vpon a season vnto the said sir Thomas, requesting him to lend a thousand markes vpon good suertie, wherevnto he answered, that first he would know for whome it should be and for what intent.

  16. The persuasions of the earle of Warwike vnto his two brethren against king Edward the fourth.

  17. Whereupon I went vnto them and gaue them beades and certaine short slokes, willing them to returne vnto their citie, and bid them to stay quiet in their houses, and feare nothing.

  18. On the other side the Indians perceiuing that wee stirred not, tooke great stomacke and courage vnto them: insomuch that they came hard to our horses heeles to shoote at vs with their arrowes.

  19. But it pleased God that the Indians yeelded themselues vnto vs, and that this citie was taken: and such store of Maiz was found therein, as our necessitie required.

  20. It remaineth now to certifie your Honour of the seuen cities, and of the kingdomes and prouinces whereof the Father prouinciall[2] made report vnto your Lordship.

  21. The people of this towne seeme vnto me of a reasonable stature, and wittie, yet they seeme not to bee such as they should bee, of that judgement and wit to builde these houses in such sort as they are.

  22. We talke here in the publike haunt of men, Either withdraw vnto some priuate place, Or reason coldly of your greeuances: Or else depart, here all eies gaze on vs Mer.

  23. Faith I can tell her age vnto an houre Wife.

  24. Nurse commend me to thy Lady and Mistresse, I protest vnto thee Nur.

  25. And Ionas prayed vnto [the] lord his god out of [the] bowels of the fish.

  26. It was greate synne for Christ to heale the people on the sabboth daye vn to the glorie of God hys father/ but none at all for them to helpe theyr catell vnto theyr awne profett.

  27. Then they sayd vn to hym/ what shall we doo vnto the/ that the se maye cease frō trowblinge vs?

  28. Or if it be my head kookes man Greiued againe he shalbe, Nor noe man within my howse Shall doe wrong vnto thee.

  29. I am come ffrom Child Maurice, A message vnto thee; And Child Maurice, he greetes you well, And euer soe well ffrom mee; 12.

  30. And he called vnto his hors-keeper, ‘Make readye you my steede!

  31. Craddoccke wan the horne & the bores head; His ladye wan the mantle vnto her meede; Euerye such a louely ladye, God send her well to speede!

  32. What twayne are those (quoth she) which prease vnto the doore, Whose pages in theyr hand doe beare, two toorches light before.

  33. Welcome then, Thou vnsubstantiall ayre that I embrace: The Wretch that thou hast blowne vnto the worst, Owes nothing to thy blasts.

  34. If Richard will be true, not that all alone, But all the whole Inheritance I giue, That doth belong vnto the House of Yorke, From whence you spring, by Lineall Descent Rich.

  35. It will not be, retyre into your Trenches: You all consented vnto Salisburies death, For none would strike a stroake in his reuenge.

  36. What, is my Lord of Winchester install'd, And call'd vnto a Cardinalls degree?

  37. Hearke, by the sound of Drumme you may perceiue Their Powers are marching vnto Paris-ward.

  38. Faith I haue beene a Truant in the Law, And neuer yet could frame my will to it, And therefore frame the Law vnto my will Som.

  39. But Ile vnto his Maiestie, and craue, I may haue libertie to venge this Wrong, When thou shalt see, Ile meet thee to thy cost Vern.

  40. My gracious Prince, and honorable Peeres, Hearing of your arriuall in this Realme, I haue a while giuen Truce vnto my Warres, To doe my dutie to my Soueraigne.

  41. Successe vnto our valiant Generall, And happinesse to his accomplices Char.

  42. Then gather strength, and march vnto him straight: Let him perceiue how ill we brooke his Treason, And what offence it is to flout his Friends Tal.

  43. I haue my Lord, and their intent is this, They humbly sue vnto your Excellence, To haue a godly peace concluded of, Betweene the Realmes of England, and of France King.

  44. Thankes Reignier, happy for so sweet a Childe, Fit to be made companion with a King: What answer makes your Grace vnto my suite?

  45. Cogidune a king of the Britains, who continued faithfull to the Romans vnto the daies of the remembrance of men liuing in the time of the said Cornelius Tacitus, who liued and wrote in the emperor Domitianus time.

  46. Now Voadicia being prepared (as you heare) set foorth with such maiestie, that she greatlie incouraged the Britains; vnto whome for their better animating and emboldening, she vttered this gallant oration in manner and forme following.

  47. Therefore the Britains being thus vexed, spoiled, and cruellie persecuted by the Scots and Picts (if we shall so take them) sent messengers with all spéed vnto Rome to make sute for some aid of men of war to be sent into Britaine.

  48. They ad moreouer that Thomas archbishop of London preached, read, and ministred the sacraments there to such as made resort vnto him.

  49. For the barbarous people driue vs to the sea, and the sea driueth vs backe vnto them againe.

  50. Vnto the archbishop of London was subiect Cornewall, and all the middle part of England, euen vnto Humber.

  51. He repaired the third part of Tine bridge next vnto the south, which he might well doo; for he was accompted the richest subiect through the realme.

  52. And immediatlie after the deceasse of our souereigne lord king Charles, we shall be faithfull liegemen vnto the said king Henrie, and to his successors for euer.

  53. When this composition was agreed vpon, the lord Bacqueuill was sent vnto the French king, to declare in what point the towne stood.

  54. And as the French king sent the copie of this treatie to euerie towne in France: so the king of England sent the same in English vnto euerie citie and market towne within his realme, to be proclamed and published.

  55. The duke of Clarence was also sent to besiege and subdue other townes, vnto whome, at one time and other, we find, that these townes vnderwritten were yeelded, wherein he put capteins as followeth.

  56. Iul: Well, thou hast comforted me wondrous much, 180 I pray thee goe thy waies vnto my mother Tell her I am gone hauing displeasde my Father.

  57. Balth: I brought my maister word that shee was dead, 200 And then he poasted straight from Mantua, Vnto this Toombe.

  58. Boy: I brought my Master vnto Juliets graue, But one approaching, straight I calld my Master.

  59. Nurce: Faith I can tell her age vnto a houre.

  60. Now after Cheuling, his nephue Celricus or Ceolric that was sonne vnto Cutwine, the sonne of the foresaid Cheuling, reigned as king ouer the Westsaxons fiue yeares & fiue moneths.

  61. But this Wighart comming vnto Rome, and declaring his message vnto Vitalianus then gouerning the church of Rome, immediatlie after he died of the pestilence (that then reigned in that citie) with all those that came with him.

  62. Stoneheng, which name continueth vnto this day.

  63. Kent being assigned vnto Hengist in reward, the which countrie was before that time gouerned by one Guorongus (though not with most equall Justice) which Guorongus was subiect vnto Vortigerne, as all other the potentats of the Ile were.

  64. Christ rooted in the harts of his subiects, vsed as an interpreter to report vnto the people in their Saxon toong, such whole sermons as Aidan vttered in his mother toong.

  65. This Cadwallo and Edwin the sonne of Ethelfred, as Galfride saith, were brought vp in France, being sent thither vnto Salomon king of Britaine, by king Cadwane, when they were verie yoong.

  66. As they were sailing along, there arose such a mightie tempest, that the whole Fleete was dispersed, so that when the duke was returned vnto his company, he could not escry aboue 80.

  67. Sir Richard thus ouermatched, was sent vnto by Alfonso Baçan to remooue out of the Reuenge, the shippe being marueilous vnsauorie, filled with blood and bodies of dead, and wounded men like a slaughter house.

  68. Hence springs that vniuersall strong desire, Which all men haue of Immortalitie: Not some few spirits vnto this thought aspire, But all mens' minds in this vnited be.

  69. This seemed vnto vs very happy tidings, to haue in an Island lying so neere vnto the maine, which we intended to plant vpon.

  70. And if that faile, well fare an other drift: I will in secret certaine letters send Vnto the English King, and let him know The order of his daughters ouerthtow.

  71. Vnto this high promotions doth belong, Meanes to be talkt of in the thickest throng: And first to fit the humors of my Lord, Sweete layes and lynes of loue I must record.

  72. It was of dutie Prince that I haue done: And what in fauour may content me most, 220 Is, that it please your grace to giue me leaue, For to returne vnto my Countrey home.

  73. Vnto thee we do present, Siluer heart with arrow wounded.

  74. So was I told by Elinor of Carlile, But tell me louely Bartram, is the maid euil inclind, Misled, or Concubine vnto the King or any other Lord?

  75. But yet my boones good Princes are not past, First English king I humbly do request, That by your meanes our Princesse may vnite, 2540 Her loue vnto mine alder truest loue, Now you will loue, maintaine and helpe them both.

  76. A Hue and Cry hath followed certaine men vnto this house Prince.

  77. They embrace, the trumpets sound, the King entereth with his power, alarum vnto the battell.

  78. Come, come, you Paraquito, answer me directly vnto this question, that I shall aske.

  79. Say you so, say you so: I say vnto you againe, you are a shallow cowardly Hinde, and you Lye.

  80. You start away, And lend no eare vnto my purposes.

  81. Reuenge the geering and disdain'd contempt Of this proud King, who studies day and night To answer all the Debt he owes vnto you, Euen with the bloody Payment of your deaths: Therefore I say- Wor.

  82. In the British Museum there is a copy of another impression of the Circles of Proportion, dated 1639, with the Addition vnto the Vse of the Instrument etc.

  83. In 1633 there was added the following, with a separate title-page: An addition vnto the Vse of the Instrvment called the Circles of Proportion.

  84. In 1633 appeared An Addition vnto the Vse of the Instrvment called the Circles of Proportion which contained at the end "The Declaration of the two Rulers for Calculation," giving a description of Oughtred's rectilinear slide rule.

  85. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vnto" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    vnto their; vnto them; vnto whom