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Example sentences for "vs"

Lexicographically close words:
vrgent; vrier; vrom; vrouws; vry; vsage; vse; vsed; vses; vseth
  1. No more be manye whiche nowe in oure tyme be made by continual vse, very familier to most men, and come so often in speakyng, that aswel is knowen amongest vs the meanyng of them, as if they had bene of oure owne natiue broode.

  2. The lyuynge God from whome all good giftes do procede, gyue vs grace so to order all oure words and speache, that it may be to his honour and glory for euer and euer.

  3. Kynred monisheth vs to cõsider of what progeny a man dothe come.

  4. Sir Iohn tis thus, your dishonest meanes To call our credits into question, Did make vs vndertake to our best, To turn your leaud lust to a merry Iest.

  5. Here comes the man that hath deceiued vs all: How now daughter, where haue you bin?

  6. Well send to {F}alstaffe, and if he come thither, 50 Twill make vs smile and laugh one moneth togither.

  7. All parties pleased, now let vs in to feast, And laugh at {S}lender and the Doctors ieast.

  8. And thereof in the behalfe of all as for myselfe, I do most earnestly intreate you not to say vs nay.

  9. He rasawyt all that wald cum till his pess.

  10. Apon the morn, quhen that the day was brycht, With gentill wemen hapnyt thaim to pass, Off Ingland born, in Lithquhow wounnand was.

  11. And if it appears that Menteith acted in concert with Aymer de Valence?

  12. Thus, from gross misapprehension, the very sense of the poet was often lost.

  13. At him thai sperd, how thai suld tak on hand 15 The rychtwyss blud to scour out off Scotland.

  14. Than thai inclynd all with a gudly will; His playne commaund thai hecht for to fullfill.

  15. The worthi Scottis, quhilk cruell was and keyne, 160 Fol.

  16. Than at the strenth thai mycht no langer bide, The range so strang come wpon athir syde.

  17. The rancour more remaynde thi mynd with in.

  18. Quham euir thai mett, was at the Ingliss fay, 295 Thai sparyt nane that was off Ingliss blude; To dede he yeid thocht he war neuir so gude.

  19. On to Tay side thai hastyt thaim full fast, In will thai war the wattir till haiff past.

  20. Tha hwila wi thermitha al dvande weron, kem wind vs vppa kop, to thera lafa and thera wiva skrik, thrvchdam wi nene slavona navt nede as thera ther vs bi ajn willa folgan were.

  21. Tha forsta and prestera kemon barja, that wi hjara tjvth over herich makad hede and that folk kem to vs vmbe hul and skul.

  22. Tach alsa nil-t vs drochten navt, hi wil that wi ekkorum helpa, men hi wil ak that jahweder fry sy and wis wrde.

  23. Men Minerva heth al et folk bihexnath, jes bihexnath frjunda, ivin as al vs fja that lasten sturven is.

  24. Tha Hellenja jefta Minerva sturven was, tha baradon tha prestera as jef hja mith vs weron, til thju that hel blika skolde havon hja Hellenia to-ne godene ute keth.

  25. Neidam that skriffilt makja nv alti vs grateste bydriv west is, sa heth thju Moder wilt that man et vs lera skolde.

  26. Nearchus wilde nw, wi skolde vs del setta an Phonisi his kad, men that nilde nimman navt ne dva.

  27. Aftre Sahaladyn, regned his sone Boradyn; aftre him his nephewe.

  28. Neither yet spurred wee on our horse any faster for all their assaults.

  29. And therfore it semethe wel, that theise hilles passen the clowdes and joynen to the pure eyr.

  30. And he let delyveren Seynt Lowys out of presoun, for certeyn ransoum.

  31. In the meane time, the Christians inuading and entring into the munition [Footnote: Fortification.

  32. And there is another hille, that is clept Athos, [Footnote: It is only 6678 feet.

  33. And for als moche as it ne reynethe not in that contree, but the eyr is alwey pure and cleer, therfore in that contree ben the gode astronomyeres; for thei fynde there no cloudes, to letten hem.

  34. And wee finde by good account taken out of their histories, that they had the vse thereof long time before vs in Europe.

  35. Of the examination of such whome they preferre to the degree of Loytia, which is with vs the degree of a doctor: and howe they doo commence them, and howe they doo beare him companie.

  36. How that with them they haue had the vse of Artilery long time before vs in these parts of Europe.

  37. Now our age, substance, estimation, and bloude are as well betweene vs two, as betweene both our parentes in a maner equall.

  38. Saint Francis cowles, and get ye vp into the Pulpit, and let vs heare you there my yong Beardling.

  39. And yet, whatsoeuer shal mischaunce vnto vs two, yours shoulde be but the one halfe thereof, the greater parte I will alwaies take vnto mine owne selfe.

  40. Nothing were more easie for me to doe, but wordes be wynged, and when they be flowen out once doe not retire, I will tell you what were a better way for vs both.

  41. So that if anie good thing doe happen vnto vs oure pleasure shall be dubble if anye euill betide vs, you shall haue but the one halfe of the griefe, and I the other.

  42. He shall discourse the troubles I haue past, And bring vs both together at the last Thus she presents her shadow to thy sight That would her person gladly if she might.

  43. Stay, maister; I have spied the fellow that mocks vs all this while: see where he sits.

  44. Your Godhead shall commaund vs all to stay.

  45. Prin: Come seale your mouthes of outrage for a while, And let vs seeke to finde the Authors out Of such a hainous and seld seene mischaunce.

  46. Iul: Make hast, make hast, this lingring doth vs wrong.

  47. Cap: O heere she lies that was our hope, our ioy, And being dead, dead sorrow nips vs all.

  48. Me: Come between vs good Benuolio, for my wits faile.

  49. Pittie shall dwell and gouerne with vs still: Mercie to all but murdrers, pardoning none that kill.

  50. Ben: Come, come, this winde doth blow vs from ourselues.

  51. But let them measure vs by what they will, Weele measure them a measure and be gone.

  52. Why wife, we thought that we were scarcely blest That God had sent vs but this onely chyld: But now I see this one is one too much, 125 And that we haue a crosse in hauing her.

  53. Signior 40 Romeo bon iour, there is a French curtesie to your French slop: yee gaue vs the counterfeit fairely yesternight.

  54. Ah why should Heauen so much conspire with Woe, 20 Or Fate enuie our happie Marriage, So soone to sunder vs by timelesse Death?

  55. If you re vs and fa vs, we will note you.

  56. Some say the Larke and loathed Toad change eyes, I would that now they had changd voyces too: Since arme from arme her voyce doth vs affray, Hunting thee hence with Huntsvp to the day.

  57. Let vs hearken them, somewhat there is I feare it.

  58. Nay and ye will haze, haze: otherwise I tell you plaine, And ye will not haze, then giue vs our geare againe.

  59. Let vs sing and play homeward that it may be knowne.

  60. Our good maister here will no longer with vs dwell, But in spite of Custance, which hath hym weried, Let vs see his mashyp solemnely buried.

  61. Let vs hearken them, somwhat there is I feare it.

  62. Away, away, away, she will else kyll vs all.

  63. We must to make vs mirth, maintaine hym all we can.

  64. Surely some thing there is with vs they haue to doe.

  65. This hastie forth goyng Had almost brought vs all to vtter vndoing, It made me forget a thing most necessarie.

  66. Come on therefore lette vs go home in sadnesse.

  67. Shall I so breake my braine To dote vpon you, and ye not loue vs againe?

  68. The Lorde strengthen hir most excellent Maiestie, Long to reigne ouer vs in all prosperitie.

  69. Ah that I might but once in my life haue a sight Of him that made vs all so yll shent by this light, He should neuer escape if I had him by the eare, But euen from his head, I would it bite or teare.

  70. Ye are an other your selfe sir, the lorde vs both saue, Albeit in this matter I must your pardon craue, Alas woulde ye wyshe in me the witte that ye haue?

  71. Ye are to tender hearted: shall she make vs dawes?

  72. In the South parts Gardening may be more timely, and more safely done, then with vs in Yorkeshire, because our ayre is not so fauourable, nor our ground so good.

  73. A Vine ouer-shadowing a seate, is very comely, though her Grapes with vs ripe slowly.

  74. The wast boughes closely and skilfully taken away, would giue vs store of fences and fewell, and the bulke of the tree in time would grow of huge length and bignes.

  75. Though it did, being small, with vs in the North, they haue their part of our Aprill and Mayes frosts.

  76. Oft hath she askt vs vnder whom we seru'd, And when we told her she would weepe for griefe, Thinking the sea had swallowed vp thy ships, And now she sees thee how will she reioyce?

  77. How now Getulian, are ye growne so braue, To challenge vs with your comparisons?

  78. I but the barbarous sort doe threat our ships, And will not let vs lodge vpon the sands: In multitudes they swarme vnto the shoare, And from the first earth interdict our feete.

  79. You sonnes of care, companions of my course, Priams misfortune followes vs by sea, And Helens rape doth haunt thee at the heeles.

  80. Lede vs nott in to temptacion, but delyvre vs from yvell.

  81. And forgeve vs oure treaspases, even as we forgeve them whych treaspas vs.

  82. Then began he againe, saieng; God and saint Mango, saint Romane and saint Andro, shield vs this daie fra Gods grace, and the fewle death that Englishmen dien vpon.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.