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Example sentences for "feare"

Lexicographically close words:
feale; fealtie; fealty; fear; feard; feared; fearefull; feares; fearest; feareth
  1. The Dutch war had aggravated the situation still further by leading to the confiscation of many French ships on the ground that they carried Dutch goods or contraband of war.

  2. This pollicy I used because I durst not venture to make an escape in the day tyme for feare of being watched by some body, but in the darke I thought I might goe any whether.

  3. The first night I lodged my selfe in the oven for feare of any bodyes coming into the house, for I knew not in the darke that I was soe far from neighbours.

  4. In this practise I continued almost a moneth, keeping constantly within doores both for shame of my poore habbit and for feare of myne enimies, till I got releife by a bill of Exchange from my freinds.

  5. This accident struck me againe with such new frights that I durst not goe to the Citty the next evening, according to my former intentions, for feare their should be waite laid for me at my enterance into the Citty.

  6. Now because it was daylight I durst not venture far to seeke a hiding place for feare of being betrayed againe, I was constrained to fall into a ditch under a thick hedge near the high way that came from Burdeaux.

  7. I ran for feare into a ditch full of water, but they pulled me out from thence with great cruelty.

  8. Now my terrors was multeplyed againe, and my sorrows brought to the same height they were at before, I finding myselfe forsaken of all the world, and seing no less grounds of feare and dispaire then I did two dayes before at Burdeaux.

  9. Thus (as ye haue heard) for feare of the censures of the church were the pledges restored, and the residue of the monie behind released.

  10. But yet his mother quéene Elianor procured him to reuoke that decree immediatlie, least it might seeme to the world, that hir sonnes should stand in feare one of another.

  11. On the second daie of Nouember also a little before the breake of the daie, the like thing appeared againe with lesse feare and woonder to the people (than before) being now better accustomed to the like sight againe.

  12. They within being put in feare herewith, yeelded vp the towne the daie next following, in which meane time the French king besieged Albemarle.

  13. His page that had the Dutch toong, going about the towne to change gold, and buy vittels, bewraied him, hauing by chance the kings gloues vnder his girdle: wherevpon comming to be examined for feare of tortures confessed the truth.

  14. Cortes gaue them warning not to come among the horses, nor among his men, for feare they would kil them.

  15. And therefore (I saye) feare you nor yet doubte you the victorie, consideryng that the worste is paste.

  16. The feare that our men stande in to be sacrificed.

  17. It should séeme that those Indians had some intelligence of his sicknesse, or else thinking with feare that he durst not come abroade as he was wont to doe.

  18. Their dwelling is in the vpper part of the house, for the greate moystnesse of the riuers and lakes, and for feare of fier, they haue theyr houses separated the one from the other.

  19. Neuer feare that: canſt thou get ne’r a bird?

  20. Sir, for theſe things I ſhall doe well enough, There is no feare of me.

  21. Hath not Virginia beene planted many yeares which is foure hundred miles nearer the Spaniards course, and yet never met with any affrontments; so that this scruple smells of feare and pusill-animitie.

  22. And I dare further assure any that will carrie provision enough for a yeare and a halfe, shall not neede to feare want, if he either be industrious himselfe, or have industrious agents to mannage his estate and affaires.

  23. The Tarrenteenes saving that they eate not mans flesh, are little lesse salvage, and cruell than these Canniballs: our Indians doe feare them as their deadly enemies; for so many of them as they meete they kill.

  24. It is too common with many to feare the Sea more than they neede, and all such as put to Sea, confesse it to be lesse tedious than they either feared or expected.

  25. Feare it not Sir: I would I were so sure To winne the King, as I am bold, her Honour Will remaine her's Phil.

  26. Best draw my Sword; and if mine Enemy But feare the Sword like me, hee'l scarsely looke on't.

  27. We feare not What can from Italy annoy vs, but We greeue at chances heere.

  28. You are a Friend, and there in the wiser: if you buy Ladies flesh at a Million a Dram, you cannot preserue it from tainting; but I see you haue some Religion in you, that you feare Posthu.

  29. My Lord, I feare Has forgot Brittaine Iach.

  30. Those that I reuerence, those I feare: the Wise: At Fooles I laugh: not feare them Clot.

  31. She hath my Letter for the purpose; where, if thou feare to strike, and to make mee certaine it is done, thou art the Pander to her dishonour, and equally to me disloyall Pis.

  32. My deerest Husband, I something feare my Fathers wrath, but nothing (Alwayes reseru'd my holy duty) what His rage can do on me.

  33. For the Coronation of Powhattan, by whose advice you sent him such presents, I know not; but this give me leave to tell you, I feare they will be the confusion of us all ere we heare from you again.

  34. They say he bore a pleasant shew, But sure his heart was sad For who can pleasant be, and rest, That lives in feare and dread.

  35. I have not concealed from you anything I know; but I feare some cause you to believe much more than is true.

  36. Nay, if thou dally, then I am thy foe, And feare shall force what frendship cannot winne.

  37. So striueth not the waues with sundry winds As fortune toyleth in the affaires of kings, That would be feard, yet feare to be beloued, Sith feare and loue to kings is flatterie.

  38. I feare no more; loue now is all my thoughts!

  39. On the other part, Lewes who all this season remained at London, being sore dismaied for the losse of his people, began to feare euerie daie more and more, least by some practise he should be betraied and deliuered into his enimies hands.

  40. Thirdlie, they stood somewhat in feare of the popes cursse, pronounced by his legat, both against Lewes and all his partakers.

  41. But one amongst the rest exceeded, and withall such lightening flashed foorth, as put men in great feare and terror.

  42. The earle of Glocester and his complices began to feare the matter, and sent to him for peace, which could not be granted: wherevpon they appointed to giue him batell vpon Houndslow heath.

  43. Also there happened about the beginning of Nouember great thunder and lightning, and therewith folowed an earthquake to the great feare of the inhabitants of the towne of Huntington and other places thereabouts.

  44. Our gold and our silver to Holland they sent, But being found out, this is knowne by a many, That no one would owne it for feare of a shent, Twelve Parliament men are sold for a peny.

  45. Feare not mee, pox on him: A Captaine turne Informer against kissing?

  46. I finde that I must take another course, Feare nothing.

  47. Oh, feare not you, sir, Ile shift into a thousand, but I will Conuert your heresie.

  48. XL He there does now enjoy eternall rest And happy ease, which thou dost want and crave, And further from it daily wanderest: What if some little paine the passage have, 355 That makes fraile flesh to feare the bitter wave?

  49. XIV And to augment her painefull pennance more, Thrise every weeke in ashes she did sit, And next her wrinkled skin rough sackcloth wore, 120 And thrise three times did fast from any bit: But now for feare her beads she did forget.

  50. But he them spying, gan to turne aside, For feare as seemd, or for some feigned losse; 300 More greedy they of newes, fast towards him do crosse.

  51. God gives not kings the stile of Gods in vaine, For on his throne his scepter do they swey: And as their subjects ought them to obey, So kings should feare and serve their God againe.

  52. With him were two that ranne awa, For feare that Browne would make a fray.

  53. Wherwith Dan Cupide fled, For feare of further flame, When angel-like he saw hir shine, Whome he had smit with shame.

  54. It was a thing so strange, and caused such feare and terrour in our mindes, that it was not in our power to stay and receiue your Lordship with the solemnitie due to so high and renowmed a Prince, as your Lordship is.

  55. And this is the greatest feare that the Spaniardes have, to witt, our plantinge in those partes and joyning with those savages, their neighbours, in Florida, and on the northe side of Nova Hispania.

  56. I had also determined to beat downe the Fort before my departure and to set it on fire, for feare least some new-come guest should haue enioyed and possessed it.

  57. They coasted this great watter for a long time, finding allways some litle nation whose language they knew not, haveing great feare of one another.

  58. The great belief that that people had in me should make them not to mistrust me, & by that I should have greater occasion to save me without feare of being pursued.

  59. They approached not without feare & apprehension of some plot.

  60. Every boat is tyed up in the rushes, whether out of feare for what the prisoner told them, or that the prisoner should escape, I know not.

  61. The wildmen did feare that it was somewhat else, but 3 leagues beyond that of the fort of Richlieu we saw them coming to us.

  62. Then my comrad began to call it, and before we weare out of the litle river our feare was over; so we resolved to bring her to the fort, and when once arrived att the great river, nothing but crosse over it to be neare our fort.

  63. Our ennemys shall feare us, for this is the man that we have wished for ever since the dayes of our fathers.

  64. But the feare of death makes vertu of necessity.

  65. Feare not, quoth he, shall kill them all 3 this night when they will bee a sleepe, which will be an easy matter with their owne hatchetts.

  66. I blamed him & the comander for putting me in feare in not making the usuall signes.

  67. Suerlie these be examples of more vehemencie, than mans toong can expresse, to feare and astonish such euill persons, as will not liue one houre vacant from dooing and exercising crueltie, mischiefe, or outragious liuing.

  68. And least that it might be suspected that he was abashed for feare of his enimies, and for that cause looked so pitiouslie; he recited and declared to his familiar freends in the morning his wonderfull vision and fearefull dreame.

  69. Wherefore he intending to be releeued, and to haue an end of all his doubtfull dangers, determined cleerelie to extirpate and plucke vp by the roots all the matter and ground of his feare and doubts.

  70. Besides that, it is to be presumed that she stood in feare to impugne his demands by denials, least he in his malicious mood might take occasion to deale roughlie with hir, being a weake woman, and of a timorous spirit.

  71. For truelie I doubt which is greater, the malice of the soldiors toward their capteine; or the feare of him conceiued of his people.

  72. Let vs therefore fight like inuincible giants, and set on our enimies like vntimorous tigers, & banish all feare like ramping lions.

  73. O feare him not, His spell in that is out: the King hath found Matter against him, that for euer marres The Hony of his Language.

  74. I feare nothing What can be said against me King.

  75. I must reade this paper: I feare the Story of his Anger.

  76. I feare he will indeede; well, let him haue them; hee will haue all I thinke.

  77. She is asleep: Good wench, let's sit down quiet, For feare we wake her.

  78. Nay, Ladies, feare not; By all the lawes of Warre y'are priuiledg'd.

  79. This is no time to feare Apelles gramm: Ne Sutor quidem ultra crepidam.

  80. Are you so angry with those that never gave you just cause to be angry, but by their too much feare to anger you at all, when you gave them cause enough?

  81. Ninthly, that godly humble Christians ought not to wonder impatiently at the wonderfull workes of God in these times: it is full Season for him to work Soveraign worke, to vindicate his Soveraignty, that men may feare before him.

  82. I am perswaded the Devill himselfe was never willing with their proceedings, for feare it would breake his wind and wits to attend such a Province.

  83. Feare nothing Gentlemen, Rubiconem transiistis, jacta est alea, ye have turned the Devill out of doores; fling all his old parrell after him out at the windows, lest he makes an errand for it againe.

  84. This is no time to feare Apelles gramm: Ne Sutor quidem ultra crepidam.

  85. To expedite worke with what speede you safely may, else ignorant people will feare they shall have no end at all.

  86. This is the last I haue writ, and I feare me the last I shall write.

  87. But passing them, I commend this to your fauourable censures, and like an Embrion without shape, I feare me will bee thrust into the world.

  88. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "feare" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    feared lest; feared that