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Example sentences for "haue"

Lexicographically close words:
hauberk; hauberks; haud; hauden; hauds; haueing; hauen; hauens; hauer; hauere
  1. Thou art a comly gentleman, and in good fauour with the Duchesse, as I haue oftentimes percieued by her communication, albeit that holdinge fast the bridle of her honor, shee hath been afraid hetherto to open herselfe vnto thee.

  2. Madame, thanckes be to God and you, I haue the thing that I desire, and euen so it is time to recompence your desert, that afterwards I may depart.

  3. Alacke, I haue proued that mischiefe, and am yet in the greatest excesse and pangues of my disease.

  4. And then tourning his face towardes the Duchesse, sayde vnto her: “Madame it behoueth me to confesse that the losse of this one life is to litle to paye the tribute of the curelesse faulte that I haue committed against you.

  5. Then Cræsus asked him: “Who was happie next Tellus;” thinking hee would haue attributed to him the second place.

  6. On the other side, he knewe that so long as the Lady was aliue, he could haue no maner of ioy or contentation.

  7. I thought, concernyng the fansie that many yong Ientlemen of England haue to trauell abroad, and namely to lead a long lyfe in Italie.

  8. The first booke teachyng a bloodie desire to haue all taken away, by sword or burning, Pigius.

  9. I write this, not for nought: for I haue heard some both well learned, and otherwayes verie wise, that by their lustie misliking of soch diligence, haue drawen back the forwardnes of verie good wittes.

  10. Giuen to loue learning: for though a child haue all the giftes of nature at wishe, and perfection of memorie at wil, yet if he haue not a speciall loue to learning, he shall neuer attaine to moch learning.

  11. For ioyning Virgil with Homer I haue suf- ficientlie declared before.

  12. I haue read as many as I could get diligentlie, and what I thinke of euerie one of them, I will freelie say my mynde.

  13. And will deny him: Ile haue fiue hundred Voyces of that sound 1.

  14. A match Sir, there's in all two worthie voyces begg'd: I haue your Almes, Adieu 3 Cit.

  15. A strange one as euer I look'd on: I cannot get him out o'thhouse: Prythee call my Master to him 3 What haue you to do here fellow?

  16. Martius 'tis true, that you haue lately told vs, The Volces are in Armes Mar.

  17. But some haue said (which were there attending on him) that Perkin, fearing least the French king should deliuer him to the king of England, beguiled the lord Congreshall, and fled from Paris by night.

  18. So in this wise was that dangerous storme and cruell rage of those furious rebels appeased, which was doubted would haue growne to the destruction of manie a man.

  19. But although the French king seemed willing enough to haue peace, yet meant he nothing lesse.

  20. Sidenote: King Henrie desireth to haue Edmund de la Poole earle of Suffolke deliuered into his hands.

  21. Insomuch that they (as it was at their arreignment openlie prooued) intended to haue slaine their maister, and to haue set Perkin and the earle of Warwike at large.

  22. King, 170 "ffor that wee will not striffe; ffor thou shalt haue my daughter dere to be thy weded wiffe.

  23. And he hath a Ladye to his daughter, of ffashyon shee hath noe peere; Knights & lordes they woed her both, 15 trusted to haue beene her peere.

  24. Now list and lithe you gentlemen, and Ist tell you the veretye, how they haue delt with a banished man, driuen out of his countrye.

  25. He would haue persuaded such knights, gentlemen and other as held their lands of his father in Annandale, to haue gone with him, but they would not breake their faith giuen to the king of England, and so left him.

  26. The English fleet that should haue come from Berwike, and kept alongst the coast to haue furnished the armie with victuals, was staied and holden backe with contrarie winds, so that the armie began to be in great necessitie of victuals.

  27. But king Edward (as God would haue it) denied that sute.

  28. At length Oliuer bishop of Lincolne, required in all their names to haue three daies respit to make answer to the matter, the which time expired, they offered to the king two dismes to be paid within one yeare.

  29. Haue was desirous of making further experiments, but the figure disappeared.

  30. And whanne ȝe haue þis noble þing [Heat the water in the distiller till it comes to a heavenly savour.

  31. All is yours (most inuincible princes) which are accounted woorthie of you, and thereof commeth it, that you may equallie prouide for euerie one, sith you haue the whole in your maiesties hands.

  32. The Romans would haue had Geta created king of Britaine, bearing more fauour to him because he had a Romane ladie to his mother: but the Britains moued with the like respect, held with Bassianus.

  33. London, whereunto some of them euen now haue gotten readie passage, and taken up their innes in the greatest merchants' parlours .

  34. Yet diuerse haue assaied to deale with our okes to that end, but not with so good successe as they haue hoped, bicause the ab or iuice will not so soone be removed and cleane drawne out, which some attribute to want of time in the salt water.

  35. Bardfield parke is the finest for ioiners craft; for oftentimes haue I seene of their workes made of that oke so fine and faire, as most of the wainescot that is brought hither out of Danske [Danzig]; for our wainescot is not made in England.

  36. Begins--'I haue a Ladie where so she bee.

  37. What wight on-lyve trusteth in hir cheres Shal haue at last his guerdon and his mede; They can shave nerer then rasours or sheres; Al is nat gold that shyneth!

  38. For I haue sadled your horsse, master, Well bridled I haue your steed; Haue not I serued a good breakfast, When time comes I haue need.

  39. And when they games that they were done, And all they ffolkes away were gone But the Erle of Marr and William Stewart, The erle wold needs haue William home.

  40. Soe haue I done a heathen child, Which ffull sore greiueth mee, For which Ile repent all the dayes of my life, And god be with them all three!

  41. He wold haue layen by our comely queene, Her deere worshipp to haue betraide; Our queene shee was a good woman, And euer more said him nay.

  42. I thought shee shold haue beene my wiffe; I pray thee, Lord Phenix, ryde not away, For with thee I will loose my liffe.

  43. And at the wakening of your first sleepe You shall haue a hott drinke made, And at the wakening of your next sleepe Your sorrowes will haue a slake.

  44. They used to burne certaine sweete gume, to perfume that god withall, and to besprinkle it with water; and this done, they belieued assuredly to haue rayne.

  45. Besides, diuers of worship haue reported his vprightnes of dealing, which argues his honesty, and his facetious grace in writing, that aprooues his Art.

  46. The reason of this their curiosity is, because the Italian cannot by any means indure to haue his dish touched with fingers, seing all men's fingers are not alike cleane.

  47. For more blasphemous and more bedelem rype then thys booke is were that booke harde to be, whyche is yet madde enough, as men say that haue seen it" (p.

  48. The Danish Chancellor was induced to grant him a safe-conduct into Sweden; "whereupon a nvmber hath wondred and thinks he shall haue small thank for his panis.

  49. This will proue a braue kingdome to me, Where I shall haue my Musicke for nothing Cal.

  50. Had I byn any God of power, I would Haue suncke the Sea within the Earth, or ere It should the good Ship so haue swallow'd, and The fraughting Soules within her Pros.

  51. Mercy, mercy: This is a diuell, and no Monster: I will leaue him, I haue no long Spoone Tri.

  52. They haue often pictures of clay, or waxe (like a man, &c.

  53. They haue ordinarily a familiar, or spirit, which appeareth to them.

  54. Auoide from me sathan, my soule is my sauiours, to him I haue bequeathed it, from him can no man take it.

  55. The hogge dieth presently if he loseth an eye: with the hogge haue I wallowed in the myre, I haue lost my eye of honestie, it is cleane pluckt out with a strong hand of vnchastitie: what remaineth but I dye?

  56. It was concluded betwixte vs, that I shoulde bee the Earle of Surrie, and hee my man, onely because in his owne person, which hee woulde not haue reproched, he meant to take more libertie of behauiour.

  57. Her verie countenance repiningly wrathfull, and yet cleere and vnwrinkled, would haue confirmed the cleernes of her conscience to the austerest iudge in the world.

  58. O quoth he long I haue liu'd sworne brothers in sensualitie with one Esdras of Granado, fiue hundred rapes and murders haue wee committed betwixt vs.

  59. Oh, quoth he, I am bought & solde for doing my Country such good seruice as I haue done.

  60. I would spend my soule willingly, to haue this triple headed Pope with all his sin-absolued whores, and oile-greased priests borne with a blacke sant on the deuills backes in procession to the pit of perdition.

  61. I haue traslated it in Latyn for our holy father y^e pope.

  62. Soft folys soft, a lytell slacke your pace Tyll I haue space you to order by degre I haue eyght neyghbours, that firste shall haue a place Within this my shyp, for they most worthy be They may theyr lernynge receyue costeles and fre.

  63. And then I passed on further vnto Armenia maior, to a certaine citie called Azaron, which had bene very rich in olde time, but nowe the Tarters haue almost layde it waste.

  64. Bizze and an halfe, there was such quantitie came in that ship; so that I was glad to stay two yeres in Pegu vnlesse I would haue giuen away my commoditie: and at the end of two yeres of my 2100.

  65. I haue knowen many rich men that haue dwelled in Pegu, and in their age they haue desired to go into their owne Countrey to die there, and haue departed with al their goods and substance without let or troubles.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "haue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    haue beene; haue bene; haue done; haue doone; haue found; haue heard; haue made; haue said; haue sayd; haue seene; haue spoken; haue taken; haue thought; haue written