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Example sentences for "bloodie"

Lexicographically close words:
blooded; bloodedly; bloodedness; bloodhound; bloodhounds; bloodied; bloodier; bloodiest; bloodily; blooding
  1. I run before King Harries victory, Who in a bloodie field by Shrewsburie Hath beaten downe yong Hotspurre, and his Troopes, Quenching the flame of bold Rebellion, Euen with the Rebels blood.

  2. And let them further consider, that in the beginning of their bloodie reigne, the haruest of their iniquitie was not comen to full maturitie and ripenes.

  3. Set on there: Neuer was a Warre did cease (Ere bloodie hands were wash'd) with such a Peace.

  4. But since so iumpe vpon this bloodie question, You from the Polake warres, and you from England Are heere arriued.

  5. We must haue bloodie Noses, and crack'd Crownes, And passe them currant too.

  6. Iohn layes you plots: the times conspire with you, For he that steepes his safetie in true blood, Shall finde but bloodie safety, and vntrue.

  7. Murther indeede, that bloodie sinne, I tortur'd Aboue the Felon, or what Trespas else Suff.

  8. As lyounes does poore lambes devoure, With bloodie teethe and naillis, They burnt the biggingis, tuik the store, Syne slewe the peopillis sellis.

  9. Heir lyes manie carved skinnes, With manie ane bloodie beard, For anie helpe, with litell dinne, 295 Sall rotte aboue the eard.

  10. Advertisements were come to him from all parts, both within and without the realme, from Rome, Spaine, Lorraine and Savoye, that a bloodie catastrophe would dissolve the assemblie.

  11. See yee the blindefolded pretie god, that feathered archer, Of louers miseries which maketh his bloodie game?

  12. Giue me some sudden counsell: els behold Twixt my extreames and me, this bloodie Knife Shall play the Vmpeere, arbitrating that Which the Commission of thy yeares and arte Could to no issue of true honour bring.

  13. God saue the sample, on his manly breast: 15 A bloodie coarse, a piteous bloodie coarse, All pale as ashes, I swounded at the sight.

  14. Stand forth thou close disguised hipocrite, And speake directlie to these articles: First, didst thou hire two bloodie murtherers To massacre Pertillo in a wood?

  15. And send him quicklie with a bloodie scrowle, To greete his maister in another world.

  16. They dwell not farre that did this bloodie deed, As God no doubt will at the last reveale, Though they conceale it nere so cunninglie.

  17. The first booke teachyng a bloodie desire to haue all taken away, by sword or burning, Pigius.

  18. God and good order, than all The In- // the bloodie Inquisitors in Italie be in seauen yeare.

  19. But as for all the bloodie beastes, as that fat Boore of the Psal.

  20. I think no man of judgement can sa esteme, but rayther the direct contrair, that is, that by this few noumer thai intend to prepair a way to thair bloodie interprises aganis the whole.

  21. The pairtis of Fyiff sett at fredome frome the bondage of those bloodie wormes, solempned thankis war gevin, in Sanctandrois, unto God for his mychtie delyverance.

  22. Lawe giuer, to bruste out with soche a cruell and bloodie lawe, that without iudgement or sentence giuen, the matter neither proued nor examined, adulterie to be death.

  23. Loud rattle the caps of the clerkes in aire, And the citizens many a sortie beare; And many a churchman fought his waye, Like a heroe in the bloodie fraye.

  24. Illustration: page262] A true chronicle of ye bloodie fighte betweene the Clerkes of and Scholairs of Oxenforde, and the Townsmen of the Citie, who were crowdinge rounde the Easterne Gaite to see the Kinge enter in his progresse wostwarde.

  25. And thus as old Ankyses sonne did beare His aged father on his manly backe, And fought with him against the bloodie Greeks, ·daw055· Euen so will I.

  26. A tract of 1613 is devoted to the details of 'Three Bloodie Murders,' but it is mainly taken up with an account of the murder of the Rev.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bloodie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.