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Example sentences for "aftre"

Lexicographically close words:
afterwards; afterwhile; afther; afthernoon; aftir; aftuh; aftur; aftyr; aga
  1. And is giuen of the Bishoppe onely, before the Aultare in the Churche, to suche as are of growen yeres, and fastyng (if it maie be) aftre this maner.

  2. Thirdly, giuyng it suche name as it shall euer aftre bee called by: he marketh it on the breaste and backe with holie oile, aftre the facion of a crosse.

  3. The Anthemes (which Ambrose, Bysshoppe of Millayne wrate, and endited) Damasus put ordre that the quiere should sing side aftre side, and added to euery psalmes ende.

  4. Al these vsed coules, much aftre one facion, but in colour diuers, and abstained fro fleshe.

  5. The fiuetenth of Iuly, how the blessed Apostles, acordyng as thei ware commaunded, the twelueth yere aftre the Ascension of their Master into heauen: wente their waies into the vniuersalle worlde, to Preache vnto all people.

  6. Aftre that he affiaunceth them both with one ringe.

  7. Aftre the mindes of other there ware nine.

  8. This Churche did thei vse to builde, aftre the facion of a crosse, and not vnlike the shape of a manne.

  9. The fiueth daie aftre that, how Christe in his laste supper, for a continualle remembraunce of himself, instituted the moste holsome Sacramente of his bodie and bloud, vndre the fourme of breade and wine leauyng it to be sene and eaten of his.

  10. And aftre what time the priest hath sensed the corps, throwen holy water vppon it, and said certeine prayers, to laye it into the graue with the face vpwarde, and the heade into the Weaste.

  11. And the Bishoppe aftre he hath saied one orasion ouer them all, wetyng his thumbe in the holie oile, maketh a crosse vpon eche of their foreheades: In the name of the father, sonne, and holie ghoste.

  12. Your worshipfull Demeanyng in this case and in this tyme of so straite necessite shall be an example to all þe land aftre I besiche you right hertly to contynue yor saide goode & worshipfull entent to yor perpetuell laude & worship hereaftre.

  13. And also þat not onely aftre their entree into our saide citee and chambre ye have suche awaite & and [sic.

  14. Into that welle aungeles were wont to come from Hevene, and bathen hem with inne: and what man that first bathed him aftre the mevynge of the watre, was made hool of what maner sykenes that he hadde.

  15. And aftre He was lad in to the chambre of Pylate, and there He was examynd and crouned.

  16. I tolde my seyde Lady that I feeryd that my power sholde natt be ther aftre to gyff so large a plesyr, for at that tyme I was in hope that the Bysshop of Wynchester sholde have payd it, thoghe it hadde drawen a Cli.

  17. Aftre dew recomendacion, my most tendre and kynde moodre, I beseche yow off yowr dayly blessyng.

  18. No moore, but wretyn the next daye aftre Seynt Petre, anno E.

  19. And as for my brother William, he is not purposed to come to London tyll aftre Pentecost; but my brother Clement is purposed to come forward on Monday or on Twesday next comyng at the ferthest.

  20. Wreten at Wynterton, the morwe aftre I departed from your maisterschip.

  21. And as for the writtes of replevyn, they were delyverd openly be for the juges to the scheryf, and also other writtes wech Jamys Gresham brought; and aftre that Ric.

  22. Wreten at Castre, the Friday next aftre I receyved your lettre.

  23. Item, it was tolde me thys day that Master John Salatt hathe made a serge in the regestre this monethe aftre the wylles and testements or suche as hought the maners of Heylesdon and Drayton this c.

  24. For the custom is suche, that no straungere schalle come before him, but zif he zeve hym sum manere thing, aftre the olde lawe, that seythe, Nemo accedat in conspectu meo vacuus.

  25. And aftre that, as preestes amonges us syngen for the dede, Subvenite sancti Dei, &c.

  26. Thei spare no man that hath trespaced, nouther for love ne for favour ne for ricchesse ne for noblesse, but that he schalle have aftre that he hathe don.

  27. Aftre that, is another yle, where the folk ben alle skynned, roughe heer, as a rough best, saf only the face and the pawme of the hond.

  28. And aftre mydday, thei discrecen and entren azen in to the Erthe, so that at the goynge doun of the Sonne, thei apperen no more; and so thei don every day; and that is a gret marvaille.

  29. In that yle men ben fulle rightfulle, and thei don rightfulle iuggementes in every cause, bothe of riche and pore, smale and grete, aftre the quantytee of the trespas, that is mys don.

  30. And that other ryvere is clept Nilus or Gyson, that gothe be Ethiope, and aftre be Egypt.

  31. And aftre is Libye the hye, and Lybye the lowe, that descendethe down lowe, toward the grete see of Spayne.

  32. And aftre this, Chane putt in subieccioun alle the londes aboute him.

  33. And aftre men fynden there an ile, that is clept Crues: and thidre comen marchantes of Venyse and Gene and of other marches, for to byen marchandyses.

  34. This cytee founded Helizeus Damascus, that was Zoman and Despenser of Abraham, before that Ysaac was born: for he thoughte for to have ben Abrahames heir: and he named the toun aftre his surname Damasce.

  35. And fro thens was he translated in to paradys of delytes, as thei seyn: and aftre that he was dryven out of Paradys, he was there left.

  36. He that wil passe over the see, to go to the city of Jerusalem, he may go by many wayes, bothe on see and londe, aftre the contree that hee cometh fro; manye of hem comen to on ende.

  37. And aftre that, thei weren at gret discord, for to make a Soudan.

  38. And wytethe wel, that aftre that, that I may parceyve and comprehend, the londes of Pestre John, Emperour of Ynde, ben undre us.

  39. And whan the kyng hathe don, thanne don the lordes; and aftre hem here mynystres and other men, zif thei may have ony remenant.

  40. And forasmoche as for certayne especiall causes moving, there be sessions appoynted to be holden at Gyppiswiche, the Friday sevenyght aftre Estre, which shall be the xv.

  41. But while I doe declare these impure spirites to be one cause, I must remoue your myndes from spirites to humours, for that the spirites be fedde of the finest partes therof, & aftre bringe you againe to spirites where I toke you.

  42. Thirdly by putrefaction or rot in groundes aftre great flouddes, in carions, & in dead men.

  43. And alle be it, that the Pygmeyes ben litylle, zit thei ben fulle resonable, aftre here age and connen bothen wytt and gode and malice now.

  44. That ryvere gothe thorge the lond of Pigmaus, where that the folk ben of litylle stature, that ben but 3 span long, and thei ben right faire and gentylle, aftre here quantytees, bothe the men and the women.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aftre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.