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Example sentences for "happie"

Lexicographically close words:
happening; happenings; happens; happes; happeth; happier; happiest; happilie; happily; happin
  1. If then ye would enjoy a happie reigne, Observe the statutes of our heavenly king; And from his law make all your laws to spring; Since his lieutenant here ye should remaine.

  2. Oh happie hee that may enioy such and so great a treasure of loue; and not onely a happie possessor I account him, but most happie that shall possesse and obtaine her obedience, to hys desire and rule.

  3. O happie were hee that myght bee but a drudge or kitchin slaue in suche a Paradice.

  4. But afterwardes finding my selfe in such an accumulation of glorie, pleasant seate, happie Country, great contentment and tryumphant company, such as Clodius the Player in Tragedies neuer had seene.

  5. Read it diligently, but for thy better direction and safegarde, thou shalt haue to accompany thee, two of my handmaydes, which know verie well the way thither, and therefore go on vndoubtedly with a happie successe.

  6. Whylome, before that cursed Dragon got That happie land, and all with innocent blood 8 Defyld those sacred waues, it rightly hot The well of life, ne yet his vertues had forgot.

  7. Proud man himselfe then Braggadocchio deemed, And next to none, after that happie day, 8 Being possessed of that spoyle, which seemed The fairest wight on ground, and most of men esteemed.

  8. He there does now enioy eternall rest 2 And happie ease, which thou doest want and craue, And further from it daily wanderest: 4 What if some litle paine the passage haue, That makes fraile flesh to feare the bitter waue?

  9. It was a famous Present for a Prince, And worthy worke of infinite reward, 8 That treasons could bewray, and foes conuince; Happie this Realme, had it remained euer since.

  10. By Ignorance, is that thir happie state, The proof of thir obedience and thir faith?

  11. Mean while enjoy Your fill what happiness this happie state Can comprehend, incapable of more.

  12. That ye may live, which will be many dayes, Both in one Faith unanimous though sad, With cause for evils past, yet much more cheer'd With meditation on the happie end.

  13. Glad was the Spirit impure as now in hope To find who might direct his wandring flight To Paradise the happie seat of Man, His journies end and our beginning woe.

  14. Thee Native Soile, these happie Walks and Shades, Fit haunt of Gods?

  15. Speck ment to vizet the kyng to wish hym a good new yeare, and gave me councell to doe the lyke, this day being held a happie day, and taken in kynd parte by them which were vizeted.

  16. This Andrea Dittis is now chosen capten and cheefe comander of all the Chinas in Japon, both at Nangasaque, Firando, and else wheare, and I trust in God will prove the author in soe happie a matter as to gett trade into China.

  17. To conclude happie is the man and threefold bleste is he, That can be contente to live with his degree.

  18. Herevpon the queene wrote letters to the king, signifieng to him both of the happie victorie chanced to his people against the Scots, and also of the demeanour of Iohn Copland, in deteining the Scotish king.

  19. Secretarie Woolly came aboorde of vs, and declared to the company, that her Maiestie had appointed him to giue them charge to be obedient, and diligent to their Captaine, and gouernours in all things, and wished vs happie successe.

  20. God blesse your Grace, with health and happie dayes Prin.

  21. In happie time, here comes the Duke himselfe Rich.

  22. God giue your Graces both, a happie And a ioyfull time of day Qu.

  23. To morrow then I iudge a happie day Buck.

  24. Happie were England, would this vertuous Prince Take on his Grace the Soueraigntie thereof.

  25. I goe: and if you plead as well for them, As I can say nay to thee for my selfe, No doubt we bring it to a happie issue Buck.

  26. On him I lay that, you would lay on me, The Right and Fortune of his happie Starres, Which God defend that I should wring from him Buck.

  27. O happie he who doth possesse Christ for his fellow prisoner, who doth gladde With heavenly sunbeams, goales that are most sad.

  28. O happie he who doth possesse Christ for his fellow-prisoner, who doth gladde With heavenly sunbeames jails that are most sad.

  29. Live ever there, and leave me here distressed With mortall cares and cumbrous worlds anoy; But where thou dost that happiness enioy, Bid me, O bid me quicklie come to thee, That happie there I maie thee alwaies see.

  30. If Juno be the Queene Of Mariage, let her give happie way To what is done, in honor of the State She governes.

  31. Were I baser borne, my meane estate Could warrant me from this impendent harme, But to be great and happie these are twaine.

  32. Somewhat I feare, betideth them amisse, They are so pale in lookes, so vext in minde: In happie houre the Noble Scottish Peeres Haue I incountred you, what makes you mourne?

  33. In hope at lengthe, an happie hale to haue.

  34. An happie wight, which is to her a hell: What other partes within this furie bee?

  35. Then happie wee that haue, a Princeſſe ſo inclin’de.

  36. Augustus eeke, that happie most did raigne, The scourge to them, that had his vnkle slaine.

  37. In a word, he is even fitted to make us a happie people, were his subjects worthie of him.

  38. Tis verie true, thou didst it excellent: Well you are come to me in happie time, The rather for I haue some sport in hand, Wherein your cunning can assist me much.

  39. XXXII The knight and Una entring faire her greet, 280 And bid her joy of that her happie brood; Who them requites with court'sies seeming meet, And entertaines with friendly chearefull mood.

  40. IV Then gan triumphant Trompets sound on hie, That sent to heaven the ecchoed report Of their new joy, and happie victorie 30 Gainst him, that had them long opprest with tort, And fast imprisoned in sieged fort.

  41. Not thou, O Clarion, though fairest thou Of all thy kinde, unhappie happie flie, Whose cruell fate is woven even now 235 Of loves owne hand, to worke thy miserie!

  42. Eftsoones he wypes quite out of memory Whatever ill before he did aby*: Had it beene death, yet would he die againe, To live thus happie as her grace to gaine.

  43. But, where thou dost that happines enioy, Bid me, O bid me quicklie come to thee, That happie there I maie thee alwaies see!

  44. And doth deserve to have small faults remitted; If Hell at least things lightly done amis 475 Knew how to pardon, when ought is omitted: Yet are ye both received into blis, And to the seates of happie soules admitted.

  45. Have purchast him in heaven an happie crowne: Where he now liveth in eternall blis, 265 And left his sonne t'ensue those steps of his.

  46. And theis be the men, that becum in the end, both most happie for themselues, and alwaise best estemed abrode in the world.

  47. And verilie they be fewest of number, that be happie or wise by vnlearned experience.

  48. Happie are they, which haue beene my Friendes: and woe vnto my Lord Chiefe Iustice Pist.

  49. Mount: I would thou wert so happie by thy stay 80 To heare true shrift.

  50. Ah why should Heauen so much conspire with Woe, 20 Or Fate enuie our happie Marriage, So soone to sunder vs by timelesse Death?

  51. Moth: Well then, thou hast a carefull Father Girle, And one who pittying thy needfull state, Hath found thee out a happie day of ioy.

  52. Paris: Younger than she are happie mothers made.

  53. Fr: Without more words I will doo all I may, To make you happie if in me it lye.

  54. But come young Wauerer, come goe with mee, 85 In one respect Ile thy assistant bee: For this alliaunce may so happie proue, To turne your Housholds rancour to pure loue.

  55. The measure done, ile watch her place of stand, And touching hers, make happie my rude hand.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "happie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.