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Example sentences for "live with"

  • There were people who had openly pitied her lonely life, and who had urged her to have some friend or companion to live with her; but she had not welcomed either their sympathy or their advice.

  • I thought some of you might like him--to live with you, you know.

  • I'm Pollyanna Whittier, Miss Polly Harrington's niece, and I've come to live with her.

  • My niece, Miss Pollyanna Whittier, is coming to live with me.

  • But it's dashed awkward--Holly's young half-brother is coming to live with us while he learns farming.

  • Well, the fellow couldn't force his wife to live with him.

  • If I had chosen not to marry Tod but to live with him in free love, we could have done it without inconvenience.

  • Certainly not since Gyp had come to live with him, fifteen years ago, had he felt so forlorn and fit for nothing.

  • There was an excellent man quite close; she and Val would love Jon to live with them.

  • But says she: 'I'm not going to live with him.

  • Let us go to my father and mother; I don't want to live with convicts.

  • My wife and I do our utmost to live with you in peace and harmony; we help the peasants as we can.

  • Then papa will know what it is to live with a woman who claims all her rights.

  • How could he live with a wife who would make his whole life a series of surprises?

  • He has never tried what it is to live with a strong-minded woman," said she.

  • Yes; but my little daughter and I live with my father again.

  • However difficult it may be to live with an artist, to hate him is quite as difficult.

  • There is now no need for you to pursue a kind of work for which you are quite unfitted, and I repeat that I am willing to live with you as before.

  • There are many reasons, as you know very well, why one shouldn't live with a husband who is at all suspected of mental derangement.

  • That I became so poor you couldn't live with me?

  • I think I should like to live with Aunt J.

  • I am poor, but I live with my aunts in a brick house, and of course they wouldn't like me to be a peddler.

  • Si, Signore; I live with my mamma and my Patrigno.

  • Now I live with my mother and my step-father.

  • She was left an orphan very young and went to live with an aunt.

  • I showed her the letter I had that day received from Harry; and we once more talked over the expediency of my going to live with him, and trying what entire change of air would do to re-establish my failing health.

  • But to these young ladies, who do me the favour to live with me at present, I stand pledged.

  • That is where Ima and I lived during the year of 1932, and that is where we lived when Dennis, our first born, came to live with us.

  • Gaddie, Grandpa came to live with us, and died.

  • But I guess we hadn't seen Grandpa Gaddie more than once or twice before he came to live with us.

  • Some years after that, Grandpa Gaddie came to live with us in Texas.

  • The young people are going abroad first with her family for a year, and then they come back to live with his--where the Works are.

  • You needn't bring the whole Pasmer family home to live with you, if you do marry them all.

  • I wonder what is the use of being a countess, if one never is to do anything to please oneself, and one is to live with a cross old aunt!

  • Yes," returned Mrs. Remington, "Janet came to live with my mother when I was a little girl no larger than Maude.

  • Hannah, who was growing old, went, from choice, to live with Maude, but John would not forsake his master.

  • After the death of Mr. Wren my mother and I went to live with my sister, and put two small incomes together, so as to be able to bring up and educate her two children, a boy and a girl.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "live with" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    always more; close formation; five fathoms; held firmly; live according; live after the flesh; live coal; live coals; live for; live forever; live like; live with; lived together; lively interest; livery stable; lives lost; livestock production; livestock products; living waters; local colour; past events; quite understand; rature fran; slavery times; week from; will open