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Example sentences for "cruell"

Lexicographically close words:
crudity; crudo; crue; cruel; cruelest; cruelle; crueller; cruellest; cruellie; cruelly
  1. The rumor of this cruell deed sprang ouer all the realme, wherevpon the Northumbers, whome he had gouerned for the space of ten yƩeres [Sidenote: The Northumbers rebell against Tostie their earle.

  2. At length Oswald perceiued that the Britains began somwhat to faint, and therfore caused his people to renew their force, and more lustilie to preasse forward, so that first he put that most cruell enimie to [Sidenote: Beda.

  3. Constantine, and so ended his life, which he had spotted with manie cruell acts, as well in persecuting the professours of the christian name, as others.

  4. Osbald and Ethelherard, burned one of their iudges named Bearne, bicause he was more cruell in iudgement (as they tooke the matter) than reason required.

  5. In the beginning of his reigne he was wrapped in manie great troubles and miseries, speciallie by the persecution of the Danes, which made sore and greeuous wars in sundrie parts of this land, destroieng the same in most cruell wise.

  6. Goths, both by countrie and maners, a cruell kind of men and much giuen to the warres.

  7. Kinwith) receiuing as they had deserued for their cruell dealing latelie by them practised in the parties of Southwales, where they had wasted all afore them with fire and swoord, not sparing abbeies more than other common buildings.

  8. Vpon knowledge giuen into Denmarke of the cruell murder of the Danes here in England, truth it is, that the people of the countrie were greatlie kindled in malice, and set in such a furious rage against the [Sidenote: Hen.

  9. Then all in blacke this lord did mourne, And for his daughters sake, 90 He judged her cruell step-mother To be burnt at a stake.

  10. The Tarrenteenes saving that they eate not mans flesh, are little lesse salvage, and cruell than these Canniballs: our Indians doe feare them as their deadly enemies; for so many of them as they meete they kill.

  11. If thou didst but consent To this most cruell Act: do but dispaire, And if thou want'st a Cord, the smallest thred That euer Spider twisted from her wombe Will serue to strangle thee: A rush will be a beame To hang thee on.

  12. My arme shall giue thee helpe to beare thee hence, For I do see the cruell pangs of death Right in thine eye.

  13. You play the Spaniell, And thinke with wagging of your tongue to win me: But whatsoere thou tak'st me for; I'm sure Thou hast a cruell Nature and a bloody.

  14. Ah Tranio, what a cruell Fathers he: But art thou not aduis'd, he tooke some care To get her cunning Schoolemasters to instruct her Tra.

  15. You Blockes, you stones, you worse then senslesse things: O you hard hearts, you cruell men of Rome, Knew you not Pompey many a time and oft?

  16. To do a great right, do a little wrong, And curbe this cruell diuell of his will Por.

  17. Fye away, fie away breath, I am slaine by a faire cruell maide: My shrowd of white, stuck all with Ew, O prepare it.

  18. But one, poore one, one poore and louing Child, But one thing to reioyce and solace in, And cruell death hath catcht it from my sight Nur.

  19. Shame to him, whose cruell striking, Kils for faults of his owne liking: Twice trebble shame on Angelo, To weede my vice, and let his grow.

  20. I must weepe, But they are cruell Teares: This sorrow's heauenly, It strikes, where it doth loue.

  21. Looke there my Lords, By vertue of that Ring, I take my cause Out of the gripes of cruell men, and giue it To a most Noble Iudge, the King my Maister Cham.

  22. Cruell was the fight, and tried throughlie with most eger and fierce minds.

  23. This chance discomforted the hearts of the Spaniards right sore, but yet king Henrie like a valiant gentleman came forward, and incouraged his men all that he might, so that there was a cruell battell, and well foughten a long time.

  24. The Lord off Lorne wonnyt thar-by, That wes capitale ennymy To the King, for his emys sak, Jhon Comyn; and thocht for to tak Vengeance apon cruell maner.

  25. Thar men mycht se men fecht felly, And richt ane cruell melle mak, And mony strakis giff and tak.

  26. Thair mycht men cruell bargane se, And hard battall, I tak on hand.

  27. For the king being aduertised of such outrage, doone contrarie to the order of his lawes and expresse commandement, wrote ouer to the bishop of Elie his chancellour, charging him to take cruell punishment of the offenders.

  28. Come, come, my dearest; wherefore doe you starve My quycke desyers with your so cruell absence?

  29. Mother, tys true your sonne, my cruell brother, The toe much wise, toe subtyll Ganelon, Onlye withdrawes Richards affectyon.

  30. I, but another tale tells of an asse Which haveinge throwne hys cruell ryder wente In pyttie to the surgeon, who recurd The sycklie man & reconcyld the asse.

  31. Thus will I crucifie, my cruell shee; Thus Ile plague her which hath so plagued mee.

  32. Will ye say that the Bull of Perillus, or Diomedes Horsses, were afflictions more cruell than these?

  33. But the cruell woman excused hir self that she was a Widow and that it shoulde bee vnseemely for one of hir degree (of intente) to visite a Gentleman, whose Parentage and Alliance she knew not.

  34. The amityes and hatredes of Kynges and Prynces, be they so hardened, as commonly in a Moment hee is not seene to be a hearty Friende, that lately was a cruell Foe, and spyred naught else but the ruine of his Aduersary?

  35. Of which thy mortall cup, I am the offerd wight, A vowed sacrifice to that thy cruell spight.

  36. Therefore we haue good cause to reioyce for the death of thys cruell enimy that should haue raygned, and to thinck the slaughter of him not to be done without God's speciall prouidence, who in this sorte hath prouided for vs.

  37. O God, the effect of the cruelty resting in this Woman, painting it selfe in the imaginatiue force of my mind, hath made me feare the like myssehappe to come to the cruell state of this disaduenturous gentleman?

  38. My mynde now set at liberty from thee (O cruell Dame) Doth giue defiaunce to thy wrath, and to thy cursed name, Proclayming mortal warre on thee vntill my tongue vntide, Shall ioy to speak to Zilia fast weping by my side.

  39. But if thou haddest beene so gready after the Cappelletts bloud, wherefore didst thou spare the deare bloud of mine owne heart when so many tymes, and in sutch secret place the same was at the mercy of thy cruell handes?

  40. I seyd the cruell amerciementes by their labour, and the [they ?

  41. And so we should of our cruell enimies Make our friends for feare of marchandies, If they were not suffered for to passe Into Flanders.

  42. Furthermore king William perceiuing that by his cruell and couetous gouernment, sundrie of his subiects did dailie steale out of the realme, [Sidenote: A proclamation that none should depart the realme.

  43. After Lanfrankes death, the king began greatlie to forget himselfe in all his dealings, insomuch that he kept many concubines, and waxed verie cruell and inconstant in all his dooings, so that he became an heauie burthen vnto his people.

  44. And because of the cruell coldnesse of the winter which lasteth continually, they make them houses within the ground, and dwell together in Caves or else in Sellars.

  45. Tis judged by most people that they were the cause Of England and Holland, their warring together, (39) Both friends and dear lovers to break civill lawes, And in cruell manner to kill one another.

  46. With Bluddy hands that ware his Cruell foes.

  47. Let us depart and Shun their cruell fate, and all repent before it is to late.

  48. Cruell Medea doth us example shewe Of woman's furour, great wrath and cruelty; Which her owne children dyd all to pecis hewe.

  49. Were not you then as cruell as the Sentence, That you haue slander'd so?

  50. Yet will I not say naie, but that it is a deed of pitie, that such men as the sea, or their euill debtors haue brought in pouertie, should haue some place of libertie, to keepe their bodies out of danger of their cruell creditors.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cruell" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.