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Example sentences for "starve"

Lexicographically close words:
startling; startlingly; starts; starue; starvation; starved; starveling; starvelings; starves; starving
  1. It is the great subject of modern times, how to fertilize without ruinous expense; how, in short, not to starve the earth to death while we get our living out of it.

  2. But there were one hundred and fifty of the colony who would rather starve or eat each other than help gather food.

  3. Do you want us to make our own clothes and starve the sewing-women?

  4. There were people who were willing to teach us German, without rooms or board; or to lodge us without giving us German or food; or to feed us, and let us starve intellectually, and lodge where we could.

  5. The man's head was fallen forward and his gun lay across his lap; he must be one of the guards that his enemies had set on his refuge to keep him there and starve him out; and he must be asleep.

  6. They had no desire to have the young rascal as a traveling companion, but at the same time they did not see how they could very well turn him loose in the jungle in which he might starve to death.

  7. Faith, a barber would starve to death in this country," declared Muldoon.

  8. So you mean to starve us into submission, eh?

  9. Me leave him there starve to death plitty quick," growled Salloo, with a scowl at the crestfallen prisoner.

  10. Whole families used to starve in their cabins without their plight being discovered until the stench of their decaying corpses attracted notice.

  11. Performe what thou art bidden; if thou art charg'd To starve me, Ile not blame thee but blesse heaven.

  12. I thank you; but were not you better be no good Christian, as I am, and so fill your belly as to lie here and starve and be hang'd thus in Chaines?

  13. Just to know that I never need starve to death or go into the workhouse is such a relief that--" "Oh!

  14. To go to Castle Clare," faltered Agatha, "will be like being sentenced to starve to death.

  15. Thousands of Indians used to starve and freeze to death every hard winter.

  16. If labor should try slacking, as it did in Russia, the economic state would starve to death and the workers die with it.

  17. One book said that British capitalists owned all the money in the world and that at a given signal they would draw the money out of America and the working men here would starve to death in twenty-nine days.

  18. The hawk eats the sparrow; the fox devours the young rabbit; the cat leaps from under a bush and kills the mother robin while the young are left to starve in the nest.

  19. Why, if he did, you'd starve along with us, wouldn't you?

  20. Now we won't starve right away," said Snap, and gave a sigh of satisfaction.

  21. Let us be thankful if we are not snowbound so completely that we starve to death!

  22. Going to tie me up in the barn and starve me to death, eh?

  23. He said we couldn't shoot but that we were all blowers--and if left to ourselves in this cold weather we would starve to death and freeze in the bargain.

  24. That precious old piano is a white hyacinth and we'll starve our inmost souls if we try to live without it.

  25. They must starve him over at the Judge's.

  26. I told them they had as good do that as starve me to death.

  27. Hunger and cold are hard masters, far worse than Southern slaveholders; and the penurious Yankee who inadequately pays the laborer, and thus suffers him to starve or freeze to death, is morally as bad as the man who whips his slave to death.

  28. But as soon, as Northern white slaves become incapacitated for labor, they are suffered to lie down in their filth and starve and die.

  29. They are as sick that surfeit with too much as they that starve with nothing.

  30. You'll starve and come to me, that's what you'll do.

  31. If thy father had married a pious woman, she would have been living still and thou wouldst have been able to live happily in our midst instead of being exiled among strangers, who feed thy body and starve thy soul.

  32. If it be worth anything, it won't be starved; but if starving to death be possible, that is the way to starve it.

  33. In besieging a town the surest way is to starve the garrison.

  34. If Gian Maria had time unlimited at his command, he might starve us into submission.

  35. He reported to his headquarters and the steam railroad began to fight--it was going to starve out the resources of its trolley competitor by cutting passenger rates to a cent a mile.

  36. The only way to wear out land is to starve and to rob it at the same time.

  37. She would starve on the buffalo grass which supports her half-wild sister, "northers" would freeze her, and the snow would bury her.

  38. The moment these discords cease, that moment this man loses his job and must work or starve like the rest of you.

  39. Some starve out of the sunshine; and I have seen misery deaden once kind people to everything but self--almost the saddest sight in the world!

  40. If it were only two cents we wouldn't submit to it, for the difference would be made because we are colored, and we're not going to help degrade our own people, not if we starve for it.

  41. He was flung out to starve and die; a proper fate, surely, for his presumption.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "starve" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.