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Example sentences for "poore"

Lexicographically close words:
poond; poop; pooped; poops; poor; poorely; poorer; poorest; poorhouse; poorhouses
  1. She loves her Dorastus not merely because he is lovable, but because "hoping in time to be advaunced from the daughter of a poore farmer to be the wife of a riche king.

  2. Jack has always borne him affection, "partly for the high discent and linage from whence he sprung, and partly for the tender care and provident respect he had of poore soldiers .

  3. Poore Lady, say no more: I had as leife trace this good action with you As that whereto I am going, and never yet Went I so willing way.

  4. Though I know His Ocean needes not my poore drops, yet they Must yeild their tribute there.

  5. My deare kinesmen, Whose lives (for this poore comfort) are laid downe, You have sould 'em too too cheape.

  6. Poore wench, goe weepe, for whosoever wins, Looses a noble Cosen for thy sins.

  7. She is horribly in love with him, poore beast, But he is like his master, coy and scornefull.

  8. And the stage-direction in the folio indicates the contrast thus: "Enter the King and his poore Souldiers.

  9. Was never poore soule that such a life had.

  10. O, man, this was the ghost of the poore man, that they kept such a coyle to burie, & that makes him to help the wandring 875 knight so much.

  11. I pittie the poore painter if he be in love.

  12. Heark, heark, with what a pretty throat Poore Robin Red-breast tunes his note!

  13. Do you now remember since you paid for the burying of a poore fellow?

  14. You may be ashamed, you whorson scald Sexton and 425 Churchwarden, if you had any shame in those shamelesse faces of yours, to let a poore man lie so long above ground unburied.

  15. Was it any marvaile though the poore woman arose And start up, being afraide of that was in hir purse?

  16. Well, to my purpose then, when we to loue thus crie, To helpe vs hence poore silly men from this our miserie.

  17. To seeke out a vent for our Bonettos, a cap made for Barbarie, for that the poore people may reape great profite by the trade.

  18. And whoso wel considereth in what estate the poore towne was at that time, seeing their enemies haue so great aduantage, might well say, and iudge, that at length it should be taken, and a lost towne.

  19. And lying long aloft vpon my bed in paine, Vnto Morpheus call'd I oft that he would not disdaine To heare me then poore wight, but sende me helpe with speed That I might haue good rest this night of which I had great need.

  20. The first and principall cause was that he did consider and sawe by experience, that there was none other Towne nor place in Leuant that warred against him nor kept him in doubt, but this poore rocke of Rhodes.

  21. Poore meanwhile took another patrol up the Shangani, in order to intercept these rebels should they think of retiring in that direction.

  22. Poore and I have a splendid log fire between us.

  23. We did not wait one instant; Poore and I tore up the path, followed by the hussars, as fast as we could go.

  24. In the afternoon we started again with our newly-received supplies, to overtake Poore and the rest of our party, the men who had brought the supplies meanwhile returning to the waggons.

  25. Therefore, leaving Poore with his men to destroy the huts, I took two or three hussars with me, and followed the spoor for nearly another three miles alongside the thick bush.

  26. I am leaving all the sick and worn-out horses here at Inyati, where Poore will take charge of them when he arrives about two days hence.

  27. Poore joined me there, and also his sergeant-major, and the farrier, who came armed with a revolver only.

  28. Ergo, sithence it is in free choise to loue, or not to loue, whoso loueth, is a murtherer of himselfe, and wrongfullye accuseth the poore wench beloued.

  29. And if I had mony to giue in almoys vnto some poore bodie a Carolyne.

  30. Do you gladly helpe to releue the poore and the indygent with your goodes?

  31. And euen so had I for yf I were ryche and there were no remedy but that I must eyther forgoo my rychesse, or my name I had rather be called Irus whiche was a poore beggers name then lacke my ryches.

  32. Thus he hath sold his land soe broad, Both hill and holt, and moore and fenne, All but a poore and lonesome lodge, That stood far off in a lonely glenne.

  33. A poore beggars daughter did dwell on a greene, Who for her fairenesse might well be a queene: A blithe bonny lasse, and a daintye was shee, And many one called her pretty Bessee.

  34. It shalbe better to kepe faithe in the harte for the profitinge of many / then rashly to poore it furthe to the hurte of an infinite number.

  35. For not without mutch dishonesti and shame / do they afflicte many poore Christians therwith.

  36. Sweet Maiestie, be pleased to looke vpon a poore Wydow, mourning before your Grace.

  37. Alas poore widdow, charitie doth say, Pittie the widow and the fatherlesse.

  38. Surely Thou seest the wronge which they haue done, And all oppressions underneath the sunne; To Thee alone the poore his cause commends As th' only freind of him that wanteth freinds.

  39. Thy hand on high, The poore forgett not which oppressed ly: For why should wicked men blaspheme Thee thus 'Tush!

  40. And at my comyng home to my poore house, I sent for Robart Bernard, and shewid on to hym that I had mevyd your lordshepp for hym; and he in lyek forme is agreable to be redy by the xiiij.

  41. My lord, I trust that your lordshepe shall lyek bothe ther persones and ther condicyons; and as for ther trowthes, if it may please your good lordshepe to accept my poore woord with thers, I wyll depose largely for that.

  42. As for the ofyces that ye wrot to my brodyr for and to me, they be for no poore men; but I tryst we shall sped of othyr ofyseys metly for us, for my Mastyr the Erle of Oxynforthe bydeth me axe and have.

  43. But sure it is that there be Lyons on that Continent, for the Virginians saw an old Lyon in their plantations, who having lost his Iackall, which was wont to hunt his prey, was brought so poore that he could goe no further.

  44. To which I answere, that they are poore but in comparison, compare them with the rich Merchants or great landed men in England, and then I know they will seeme poore.

  45. Seeing, therefore, mine hope frustrate on that side, I made my prayer unto God, and thanked him of his grace which he had showed unto my poore souldiers which were escaped.

  46. It was not of religion he doubted but of science, of human knowledge with its uncertainties, its shifting theories, its concern about the unimportant: Poore soule, in this thy flesh what dost thou know?

  47. With this welter of shifting theories and worthless facts he contrasts the vision of which religious faith is the earnest here: In this low forme, poore soule, what wilt thou doe?

  48. But of all other cheere most did content A cheerefull countenance, and a willing minde, Poore entertainment being richly ment, Pleaded excuse for that which was behinde.

  49. Item, I give and bequeath as a poore token of my love to my sonne in law James Molins, a faire black velvett deske embroidered with seede pearles and with a silver and guilt inkhorne and dust box therin, that was Queen Anne's.

  50. It was the business of such men to claim the attention of the public by their cry of "Some broken breade and meate for ye poore prisonors!

  51. I would you had liu'd so, my Lord that I, Might rather haue continu'd your poore seruant, 10 Then sit here as your Iudge.

  52. One moment more, But to bestow a few poore legacyes, 110 All I haue left in my dead fathers rights, And I haue done.

  53. You are angry with me, and poore I laugh at it.

  54. Can it be cal'd magnificence in a Prince, 75 To powre downe riches, with a liberall hand, Vpon a poore mans wants, if that must bind him To play the soothing parasite to his vices?

  55. Theirfore as the credit which they gave to my relation was mixed with doubts so they recomended me to a poore drinking house, where upon their word I had some poore entertainment mixed with sorrow.

  56. In this manner I made a poore shift to keepe my selfe from starving that night.

  57. In this practise I continued almost a moneth, keeping constantly within doores both for shame of my poore habbit and for feare of myne enimies, till I got releife by a bill of Exchange from my freinds.

  58. And al the harme that was done did light onely vpon the poore Turk, and the Spaniard himselfe.

  59. But poore Reuenge, lesse rich, and not so great, Aunswered her cuffe for cuffe, and threat for threat.

  60. Thair was none within the Realme more unmercyfull to the poore Ministeris then war thei whiche had greatest rentis of the Churches.

  61. We require Deaconis and Thesauraris rathir to resave the rentis, nor the Ministeris them selvis; becaus that of the teyndis must not onlie the Ministeris be sustened, but also the Poore and Schollis.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "poore" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.