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Example sentences for "wel"

Lexicographically close words:
weite; weiter; weka; weke; wekes; welbeloued; welbeloved; welbelovyd; welche; welchem
  1. Het zyn de wetten alzoo die ons beschermen tegen 'n misbruiken van het gezag, dat men wel genoodzaakt is dezen en genen in handen te geven in 't algemeen belang.

  2. Maar de man in de kamer dacht nooit aan zichzelf, als er gesproken werd over andere menschen, schoon hy toch, wel beschouwd, niet zeer ryk was.

  3. For the very smallest children some may be rag books, but always children should be taught to treat books carefully.

  4. It is first of all to America that we owe this, to the pioneer Stanley Hall, and more especially here to Mr. Earl Barnes.

  5. Upon this meaning depends the form of the wish, wel brûcan (compare the German geniesze froh!

  6. Kon er iets geheims wel zyn In myn hart voor u verzwegen, En datgene in 't uw gelegen, Zeg, was dit ook niet het myn?

  7. Andere kapitein Jackson, die zich in zijn armoede rijk dacht, moet hij zich verbeelden, dat hij er in zijne bekrompenheid wonder wel aan toe is.

  8. MARIE "Marie is alleraardigst," plagt ik uit te roepen, zoo dikwijls ik in den verleden zomer op den huize Duin en Dal gast was geweest; maar gister bewaarde ze mij wel voor de verzoeking het nog eens te doen.

  9. Al die jaren bleef hij de oude knecht; of was uw voorganger milder dan gij, zijne kleine douceurs werden wel vereischt, om zes of zeven kinderen groot te brengen.

  10. Nu was men wel gedwongen den bouw van de nieuwe kerk te bespoedigen, waarmede reeds in de vorige eeuw een aanvang was gemaakt.

  11. Not noticing any effect of his hypnotic suggestions, he would go further, and place his paw on my knee, with a little pleading whine.

  12. Just dozing, preliminary to falling into sounder sleep, I was suddenly and swiftly aroused by a grasp and a kick, and informed that I had usurped a corner "beeslonging" to a habitue of this dismal hostelry.

  13. They pay less, if any attention to boxing than to learning tricks of their trade.

  14. Always anxious to pose before his constituents as a man whose charity knew no bounds, this diplomat, this statesman, had given a home to his niece, the daughter of his deceased brother.

  15. Too bad that such a promising light in the sporting world should meet with such ignoble end!

  16. This seemed to invite their hunger for knowledge and they invited me to make the third in their party and to spend the night in going from dive to dive.

  17. He was lying in drunken stupor on the very edge of the dock, and in danger of losing his balance.

  18. There is a question, a number of questions, to be asked here.

  19. At the ending of the scene, my shoes, my real, new shoes, were torn from my feet.

  20. Driven into a corner he faced me and my bag with splendid heroism.

  21. Our relationship being founded on this basis, I spent a good deal of my spare time in the room, which until Bill's arrival, had been nothing but my sleeping place.

  22. Their expense account is not based on a sanitary or monetary basis, but shapes itself according to temporary income.

  23. The heroes of newsboys are always men who owe their prominence to physical prowess.

  24. To know a Watteau when you see it, my dear.

  25. The exhilarating effect of the wing of a chicken upon invalids recovering from serious illness, and long confined to a stinted and carefully chosen diet, has been frequently remarked.

  26. He used to recite all the articles in the Ministerialist journals, as if he were saying something original, and in giving his opinion at the Council Board he paraphrased the remarks of the previous speaker.

  27. Pons would have pronounced for his beloved collection.

  28. She was born during the Revolution, you see, and had never learned her Catechism.

  29. It was chance; but marriages are often made in that way.

  30. At which speech Madeleine was moved to smile.

  31. The young man is a supernumerary there at present.

  32. The lodge was spacious and wholesome, and boasted a second room; wherefore the Cibot couple were looked upon as among the luckiest porters in the arrondissement.

  33. Yet this elderly person had once taken the medal and the traveling scholarship; he had composed the first cantata crowned by the Institut at the time of the re-establishment of the Academie de Rome; he was M.

  34. She will be a very rich heiress," laughed old Cardot, as he took his departure.

  35. The ruins are yet in pretty good preservation, with beautiful Gothic cloisters, ornamented with escutcheons of arms.

  36. Lycopodium Selago, Upright Fir Moss:--on Mangerton and most other mountains near the Lake of Killarney.

  37. Near Clones is a well called Grana-buy-more, celebrated for curing the jaundice.

  38. A short distance from Navan, close to the village of Donoghmore, and standing on an eminence near the road leading to Slieve, is a round tower adorned with sculptures of the Crucifixion over the doorway.

  39. See the fine grounds and extensive prospects.

  40. De kerk is van eenen zeer fraaijen bouwtrant, en binnen in dezelve is alles doelmatig ingerigt.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wel" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    well administered; well beaten; well born; well bred; well built; well contented; well cooked; well cultivated; well disposed; well doing; well done; well enough; well guarded; well have; well known; well knowne; well paid; well preserved; well received; well remember; well skimmed; well stirred; well tell; well understood; well ventilated; well worthy