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Example sentences for "well paid"

  • I didn't come alla way from the Jornada just to hear you say I'd be well paid.

  • Your 'well paid' and my 'well paid' might be two different things.

  • Thus the law holds that an author is well paid by forty-four years' rent for a book which he has made, but that the landlord is never paid for the land which he did not make.

  • Thus the law holds that an inventor is well paid by fourteen years' rent for a thing he made himself, while the landlord is never paid for the land he did not make.

  • But, thanks to a very wise and fair arrangement an author or an inventor has a good chance to be well paid, and after that the people have a chance to enjoy the benefits of his genius.

  • Therefore, if my sufferings cry goodness, and praise, and honour upon Christ, my stipend is well paid.

  • I have good cause to work for my Master, for I am well paid beforehand; I am not behind, howbeit I should not get one smile more till my feet be up within the King's dining-hall.

  • Heaven is not a fowl flying in the air (as men use to speak of things that are uncertain); nay, it is well paid for.

  • In but three or four trades are they even fairly well paid, and these few require a peculiar adaptation, as well as an expensive training out of reach of most women laborers.

  • Ruffians were hired, or reckless profligates induced to betray her under plea of love and sympathy, well paid by the next heir for their treachery.

  • They are not so well paid as male bookkeepers.

  • The smaller children are engaged in spinning, and not so well paid.

  • They are as well paid, according to the cost of living, as mechanics in this place.

  • Women are as well paid here, generally, as men, when comparative strength and power of endurance are considered.

  • This would be just the thing for me; well paid, of course.

  • Well, wherever I am well paid, there I stay.

  • For a young fellow like you lesson-giving is far too much trouble, even when it is well paid.

  • I told the landlord the mythical history of the abbe debt to me, and handed over the trunk, telling him that he had nothing to fear with regard to the bill, as I would take care that he should be well paid.

  • Thus one cannot enjoy any little freedoms without great precautions and the aid of cunning procuresses, who have to be well paid, as they would be cruelly punished if they were found out.

  • Wise and good rhetoricians make the good to appear just in states (for that is just which appears just to a state), and in return, they deserve to be well paid.

  • And in like manner the Sophist who is able to train his pupils in this spirit is a wise man, and deserves to be well paid by them.

  • I am well paid, and Saint Peter will bless my boat for thy sake.

  • He said to the voltigeur Jean Meyer: "You shall be well paid.

  • He said to the voltigeur Joseph Mény: "You must come to Paris; you shall be well paid.

  • Had literary ability been there in the demand in which it now is here, he would have written thrice as much, would have been thrice as well paid, and would have provided abundantly for his widow and his children.

  • On one side of the Atlantic literary labor is well paid, and on the other it is badly paid.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "well paid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    great multitude; social forces; well acquainted; well armed; well beaten; well browned; well cooked; well doing; well for; well here; well informed; well knew; well know; well knowing; well remembered; well seasoned; well seen; well spoken; well suited; well taken; well they; well together; well treated; well used; well with; work will