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Example sentences for "landlord"

Lexicographically close words:
landladies; landlady; landless; landline; landlocked; landlordism; landlords; landlubbers; landmark; landmarks
  1. The landlord has been discourteous, the Commissary will be brutal, the audience will be sordid and uproarious, and you will take a cold upon your throat.

  2. I told the landlord to apprise the young lady whenever supper was ready, and I walked to a distant part of the room and sat down.

  3. I more than hinted that the landlord had sealed his own doom, and that his miserable cabaret had seen its last days of prosperity.

  4. It is not improbable that my speculation might have been verified had it not been that it was a landlady and not a landlord who swayed the destinies of the inn.

  5. With what quiet dignity, the repose of a conscious position, do I follow the landlord as he shows me to my room.

  6. Mrs. Keats and Miss Herbert had taken their places inside the carriage, and, to my ineffable disgust, there was the German chatting with them at the door, and actually presenting a bouquet the landlord had just culled for her.

  7. I believe, sir, but I'm not sure, the landlord tried to awake you.

  8. The landlord and the house-agent both thought this a queer proceeding, and were half inclined to insist upon references.

  9. The fat landlord glanced at him hesitatingly.

  10. A mysterious house, with a mysterious owner, truly, thought Varney, as the landlord rambled on.

  11. By this time the landlord and his wife were awake, and he heard the man's heavy footsteps along the passage.

  12. The previous morning just before his dinner hour, the gardener had looked in at the inn for his morning glass of beer, and informed the landlord that a visitor was expected at Forest View.

  13. He had not been in the house half-an-hour before he engaged the landlord in a conversation about the local gentry.

  14. He was evidently the first to hear it, for he could distinguish no sounds from the room at the other end of the passage, where the landlord and his wife slept.

  15. There is noisy, would-be-facetious cousin Gordon, once a little struggling tenant, now a landlord successfully farming his own land.

  16. Much game and good fishing was to be had round the inn where we dined; the landlord said his terms were five dollars a week, and it would be a pleasant summer residence.

  17. On returning to my lodgings this evening, my landlord asked me to join him in what he called "a glass of home-brewed.

  18. The landlord struck the table before him violently with his fist.

  19. We went into the bar-room, where the landlord and I discussed between us two bottles of strong ale, which he said were part of the last six which he had in his possession.

  20. After some time I thought I would pay a visit to the landlord of the public-house, whom I had not seen since the day when he communicated to me his intention of changing his religion.

  21. The landlord of the public-house, with whom I had some conversation concerning you, informed me that he had no doubt I should find you in this place, to which he gave me instructions not very clear.

  22. The landlord allowed himself to be dissuaded, and, after a glass or two of ale, confessed that sherry was a sickly disagreeable drink, and that he had merely been in the habit of taking it from an idea he had that it was genteel.

  23. The landlord was seated on a bench by a table in the common room, which was entirely empty; he was neither smoking nor drinking, but sat with his arms folded, and his head hanging down over his breast.

  24. I therefore directed my steps to the house, and on entering it found the landlord standing in the kitchen.

  25. The landlord looked at the radical, and then at me.

  26. The moon-faced landlord had again appeared, flourishing a platter containing two finely roasted chickens.

  27. The landlord had danced about her grace in such anxiety to please that he had displeased.

  28. Swallow, however, gave him no encouragement, and the landlord once more started for the door.

  29. The landlord started boldly toward the door, but his courage failed him.

  30. He bethought him that it had a vent-hole even though the landlord had removed the spigot.

  31. If the King knew this rascal," yelled the landlord at the top of his voice, pointing to Charles, "he would be behind the bars long ago.

  32. The landlord still bowed and still uttered the meaningless phrase: "Yes, your ladyship.

  33. Indeed, the guttural tones of the landlord bespoke the grave-yard.

  34. The unsuspecting landlord re-entered at this moment, wine in hand, which he proceeded to place upon the table.

  35. The landlord turned in despair, to find the drunken champions of the King's law in a struggling heap upon the floor.

  36. Buzzard in a voice many tones deeper than that of Swallow and the landlord in a voice many tones deeper than that of Buzzard.

  37. There was a second knock; and the landlord again hastened to the window.

  38. Bless Matilde," said the landlord as he wiped his eyes again, "I had a hard time to fill her place.

  39. In vain had the landlord parcelled it out with party walls; it was still mouldering on his hands when Gérard came thither on one of his swallow-flights.

  40. I have more than once when going my rounds been accosted by a landlord in a state of abject terror, lest I might be arranging to rob him of some of his victims.

  41. But the Act did not curtail the power of the companies to cut off the supply to a house if the water-rate was not paid by the landlord or owner.

  42. The health of the Parish should not be allowed to suffer through the default of either landlord or tenant.

  43. The landlord must be held responsible for the decent and wholesome condition of his property, and for such conduct of his tenants as will maintain that condition.

  44. The site remained unoccupied, until the owner or landlord used it again for building purposes, or sold it to some one else.

  45. Such a regulation would "render it indispensable to the landlord of such holdings to promote cleanly and decent habits among his tenants--even to obtain security for their good behaviour.

  46. I have enforced upon the landlord the necessity of cleansing and lime-washing it, but it has never been done!

  47. And Lord Salisbury, who asked:-- "I suppose it is practically impossible for the ground landlord to see that the conditions are kept?

  48. With that, Arkansas began to shoot, and the landlord to clamber over benches, men and every sort of obstacle in a frantic desire to escape.

  49. In the midst of the wild hubbub the landlord crashed through a glass door, and as Arkansas charged after him the landlord's wife suddenly appeared in the doorway and confronted the desperado with a pair of scissors!

  50. The landlord of the American said the party had been gone nearly an hour, but that he could give me my choice of several horses that could overtake them.

  51. But the foolish landlord was so happy to have escaped butchery, that he went on talking when he ought to have marched himself out of danger.

  52. At length, beginning to grow sleepy, he retired to his chamber, taking with him a queer little lamp the landlord gave him, which appeared to hold only about a thimblefull of oil.

  53. Alfred's step-father was the landlord of the hotel, and of course he and his young friends were privileged characters about the premises.

  54. While Solomon was slowly progressing at the expense of the landlord and the eating-house keeper, Haydon spent his leisure in literary rather than artistic circles.

  55. Fortunately, he acquired with the house a landlord of amazing benevolence, who took pot-boilers in lieu of rent, and meekly submitted to abuse when nothing else was forthcoming.

  56. He paid away £500 to landlord and tradesmen in the first week, and though this did not settle half his debts, it restored his credit.

  57. Haydon already owed his landlord two hundred pounds, but that seemed to him no reason for moving into cheaper rooms.

  58. On perceiving them the landlord exclaimed with an oath, "There's two lads of spirit!

  59. It was to this man that the landlord introduced his two sons, and upon whom he was endeavoring to impose a belief, that he was the head of a family which took rank with those of the first planters of the district.

  60. I embraced her, promised to get back what her landlord had seized for rent, and then begged her to go to bed, as she was in need of rest.

  61. Tell the landlord that I will take them both.

  62. After dinner my landlord told me that the Court was giving a masked ball to five thousand persons to last sixty hours.

  63. At eight o'clock in the evening the landlord came up and said very politely that he had been ordered by the police to give the lady a room at some distance from mine, and that he was obliged to obey.

  64. Why did the landlord refuse to rent Edwin's father a house?

  65. The story is told of how Mr. Landseer once decided to move, selected the house, and thought all was settled, when the landlord refused to rent the house to him because he kept so many animals and birds as pets.

  66. Of such hotels thirty years ago the most notable were commonly described as "private"--a word which implied that no guests were received who were not known to the landlord either personally or through fit credentials.

  67. It is because if a landlord drives away his tenants, he may not get others; whereas the demand for money is so great, it may always be lent.

  68. Mr. Allen was his landlord and next neighbour in Bolt-court.

  69. Because there is a sort of kindly connection between a landlord and his tenants.

  70. The landlord looked at the Radical, and then at me.

  71. I must derive my thoughts from some source or other; and, after all, it is better to plariarise from the features of my landlord than from the works of Butler and Cervantes.

  72. As for wine, I can give you some much better than you can get here: the landlord is an excellent fellow, but he is an innkeeper after all.

  73. The landlord handed the stranger the newspaper, and, bowing, retired with his maid Jenny.

  74. I wasn't figuring on the portages," the landlord rejoined, meaningly.

  75. On the whole, he puzzled the small farmers, to whom a landlord of his type was new, although they liked his frankness and answered his direct questions, since it was obvious that this was a man who knew how things were done.

  76. Three or four men in ragged overalls lounged about the veranda, and the landlord leaned against a post.

  77. His party was strong, and if the other had meant to do him some injury, it was hardly probable he would have uttered his dark hints while the landlord was about.

  78. I observed that the landlord and his wife, as I presumed ~188~~her to be, exchanged very blank looks when Oaklands announced this determination.

  79. Nothing queer about it at all," retorted the landlord savagely.

  80. The landlord says you are the freshest boy he ever met, and we have arranged the air accordingly.

  81. Pump, the nurse and the landlord and every patient in the place fled from the room, shrieking with terror.

  82. Jimmieboy immediately perceived that he was in trouble, for the landlord spoke with great determination and, what was more, had locked the door behind him, so that the boy was practically a prisoner.

  83. And now for you, sir," the landlord added severely, turning to Bikey.

  84. Jimmieboy and Bikey entered as they were bid, and the landlord closed the door after them.

  85. Then the landlord pressed another button and they jumped up, mounted again and the race began once more.

  86. Why, what an ungrateful creature you are," cried the landlord of the Tyred Inn, for that was who the pudgy little old fellow was.

  87. The landlord looked at Jimmieboy with an amused expression.

  88. And then the door opened again, and the landlord and Dr.

  89. Now," said the landlord kindly to Bikey, as Jimmieboy was led away, "let us attend to you.

  90. After a railway had been once opened, not a landlord would consent to have the line taken from him.

  91. He had left all his luggage there, and had intended to be back this day or the day before, the landlord was not sure which, and to go on to Paris.

  92. But, that arrived at Marseilles, they had found he had gone two days before to Nice, to look for a house for his children, the landlord said, whom he was going to Paris to fetch.

  93. Some purchasers of lots put up houses to let furnished, and in a new Prairie city they make a very good thing of it, but every Canadian wants to be his own landlord as soon as he can manage it.

  94. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "landlord" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beneficiary; host; householder; laird; landlady; landlord; master; mistress; owner; proprietary; proprietor; squire