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Example sentences for "none other"

  • None other than he asking permission to borrow some magazines from time to time.

  • None other than to ask me if I knew of a place where you could discharge firearms, that is, close by, without getting in the car and riding for hours.

  • The writ of habeas corpus on the 1st day of February last was suspended in the late rebellious States, including Kentucky, and in none other.

  • Protection and allegiance are reciprocal obligations, and consequently the allegiance due to the Crown must, as I said before, be paid to him who is in the full and actual exercise of the regal powers, and to none other.

  • At this sight he was confounded and said, "This is none other than he, the rascal Hunchback!

  • The Wazir marvelled greatly and exclaiming, "This is none other than a right strange matter!

  • He who robbeth my stuff is none other than a man.

  • Agib, "my heart irks me for the loss of a beloved one, who is none other than my father; and indeed my grandfather and myself have come forth to seek for him throughout the world.

  • He who steals my goods is none other than a man.

  • That there is none other way to be justified in the sight of God, but by laying hold of what the Son of Mary (Jesus) did do and suffer in his own person, when he was in the world.

  • For [because] it knoweth that there is salvation in none other (Acts 4:12).

  • I am God, and before me there is none other.

  • And sacrifice will be offered to him, and a worship of adoration, saying, He alone is God, and there is none other.

  • He will provide the lamb; and if none other is here, then must thou be the offering, my son.

  • None other obtain it but those that are enclosed and bound up in that bundle.

  • That we cannot have we must forego; There is none other remedy.

  • Have ye none other man to mock, but ever me?

  • None other way I know, But to withdraw as an out-law, And take me to my bow.

  • None other rede I can: For I must to the green wood go, Alone, a banished man.

  • He even declared that "hanging on to an industry which has lost its competitiveness is none other than a big loss to the country.

  • I hear not speak of none other service, of no lord's that he shall be in.

  • None other tydynggys I can none wryte unto you, but Jesu have you in Hys kepyng.

  • And that ye make no ferther bergayn than Sporle woode and the lawnde, not delyng with noon other woode, nowther in the maner, nor ellys wher in none other tenement.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "none other" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    absolute power; after passing; back chair; divine civilization; from the; learn something; light heart; none beside; none but; none effect; none else; none former; none knew; none local long form; none local short form; none other; none other name under heaven given; none shall; none the; none whatever; none will; only daughter; should think you would; then pour off the; typhoid fever; will result