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Example sentences for "toughen"

Lexicographically close words:
toucht; touchwood; touchy; touchyng; tough; toughened; toughening; toughens; tougher; toughest
  1. This tends to toughen the steel, and it makes a better knife by this extra work.

  2. The slight change of temperature does not materially lessen the degree of hardness, but it does toughen the tool so that it will do more work.

  3. If continued too long, this degree of heat would tend to toughen the joint throughout; after the first few minutes, therefore, the heat must be reduced to about 180° F.

  4. Tell the pupils simmering temperature will not harden and toughen meat and eggs as much as boiling does.

  5. It also gives the heat time to reach the centre and hardens the yolk, but does not toughen it or make it hard to dissolve or digest.

  6. To ensure the latter, anything that would toughen the gluten must be avoided.

  7. Eat soon, as the oranges toughen in the wine.

  8. Serve in a salad-bowl and eat at once, lest the celery should toughen in the vinegar.

  9. To Toughen Lamp Chimneys and Glass-ware:--Immerse the article in a pot filled with cold water, to which some common salt has been added.

  10. Never soak ham in tepid or hot water, as it will toughen the meat.

  11. You've got to toughen up and stop bein' so polite and helpful and all that.

  12. You'll never get on if you don't toughen up.

  13. It is possible by exposure for men to toughen their skin and their bodies, just as they can toughen their hands.

  14. The best way, an' the easiest an' the quickest, to toughen up, is just to toughen up.

  15. The tile is pressed and allowed to toughen slightly, the design being transferred as before.

  16. Cut along the inside edge of each strip to allow the whole slab to contract evenly and allow it to toughen slightly.

  17. Let the tiles toughen and then pile in stacks with flat pieces of clay or old tile between each corner and a true biscuit tile at bottom and the top.

  18. I know that, sir; but yet it will toughen me to do it, and after a spell I won't mind it any more'n you do.

  19. You want to toughen up; but you're goin' too strong at the start.

  20. Without some kind of covering, the chicken will dry out and toughen before it finishes cooking.

  21. Don't add salt until after it's finished cooking; salt will draw out the juices and toughen the meat.

  22. He bade Tamenund remember, that he had not taught his little son how to toughen a young ash bow, nor how to splint a shaken arrow.

  23. Tamenund taught his son how to toughen a young ash bow, and splint a shaken arrow; and the son of his father's wife forgot the dignity of an approved hunter, to assist his beloved woman in harvesting the corn.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "toughen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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