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Example sentences for "confirm"

Lexicographically close words:
confined; confinement; confinements; confines; confining; confirmation; confirmations; confirmative; confirmatory; confirme
  1. If anything were wanting to confirm them in their decision, it was forthcoming in the shape of news that the old king had demanded at midnight admittance into the fortress of Turin, but had been refused by the commander.

  2. Ball-goers' are probably not history readers; but any guide-book would confirm what is sufficiently stated in the poem.

  3. The main design of the present volume has been to trace these coincidences, and thus to elucidate and confirm the biblical narrative.

  4. The fact that they were found in a district which is known to have been directly in the line of march pursued by invaders from the north tends to confirm the theory that the introduction of iron was the work of such invaders.

  5. Talleyrand and the Chapter of Autun at the most difficult and troublesome time: he is the better pleased by these discoveries as they confirm his opinion of M.

  6. The peers will confirm it, and in this respect at least we can be at rest.

  7. These accounts of the Greeks fully confirm the statements of the Buddhists given above (p.

  8. If no witnesses are forthcoming the king must endeavour to find out the truth by the oaths of the accuser or the accused, which in cases of special importance he may test and confirm by the "divine declaration.

  9. This statement and the epithets quoted at any rate confirm the usurpation and the fact that it was accomplished by force.

  10. The seventeenth chapter of this work, and the notes attached to it, have incontestably proved this truth; and it is not necessary that I should stay to confirm it here.

  11. There she assembles seven thousand who have not bent the knee to Baal; and while she endeavors to confirm them in faith and good works, she protests, in the name of God, against those who resist the Holy Spirit.

  12. I will endeavor, nevertheless, to extend them and confirm them by arguments of another kind.

  13. Cardinal Gotti, who wrote in the early part of the last century, gives, in his Treatise upon Laws, the above opinion as previously admitted, without even attempting to confirm it.

  14. Laws are vain when the prince who promulgates them does not confirm and uphold them by his own life and example.

  15. When Newton proclaimed to the scientific world the fruit of his profound calculations, how many of his disciples could flatter themselves that they were able to confirm them by their own convictions?

  16. When this man pronounced so wise a judgment on the real tendency of Protestantism, did he imagine that his own son would confirm the justness of his prediction?

  17. He points out four ways in which power may be said to emanate from God, and it is remarkable that none of them are extraordinary or supernatural; all of them serve to confirm more and more what reason and the very nature of things teach us.

  18. An anecdote is related which is little adapted to confirm the opinion of those who assert that the Inquisition was a political instrument in the hands of Philip.

  19. I will confirm these observations by an example, which will serve for many others.

  20. Several facts which, taken in isolation, are only imperfectly proved, may confirm each other in such a manner as to produce a collective certainty.

  21. When several presumptions all point in the same direction they confirm each other, and end by producing a legitimate certitude.

  22. We must not, however, infer that they confirm each other; each comes under the category of unique statements.

  23. In an itinerary of a sovereign, the days and the places confirm each other when they harmonize so as to form a coherent whole.

  24. Thus Laud's attempt to perfect and confirm the system resulted in expelling it completely from the kingdom.

  25. He was pleased with Laud's endeavors to enlarge and confirm the powers of the Church, and wished to aid him in the work.

  26. The king and all the others wished to confirm it thoroughly.

  27. The captain-general said many things concerning peace, and that he prayed God to confirm it in heaven.

  28. The intention that they had already declared, they were to confirm with good works.

  29. The Mob Threatens Joseph and Oliver A few days later Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery returned to Colesville to confirm those whom they had been forced to leave, at the time of Joseph's arrest.

  30. The mummy preserved in the cabinet of St. Geneviève, and the two which are in that of the Celestins, may throw some new light on this passage of Herodotus, and confirm my conjectures.

  31. Without doubt, an enlightened policy would contribute much to introduce, extend, and confirm the practice.

  32. The articles themselves assume it as a branch of the prerogative of the crown to confirm or annul the acts of the colonial legislature at pleasure.

  33. And yet something in himself seemed to confirm it somehow.

  34. Mr. Stone, "I am glad that you confirm me.

  35. I'm making any number of observations, and they all confirm my theory.

  36. Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God to confirm the premises made unto the fathers.

  37. I say, we have the light of all these circumstances to confirm us in the belief of things done by persons of despicable power and knowledge, beyond the reach of Art and ordinary Nature.

  38. The suitors selected were the most promising young men in the city, and held the highest positions, but all the three several marriage meetings remained without result, except to confirm her resolution not to marry.

  39. Does it not confirm every man in the belief that while she is making professions of friendship through her Minister here, Great Britain is, in another direction plotting our destruction by her secret agents?

  40. To confirm this prediction and secure our reverence, the prophecies of the last session are relied on.

  41. To remove these doubts, to confirm the proclamation, to prevent inquiry and investigation in the judicial tribunals of the country, the act of March, 1811, was passed.

  42. On the contrary, these arrivals confirm what he had stated, and say, that every vessel arriving in France shares the same fate.

  43. The history of England, instead of destroying this argument, is in favor of it; the celebrated exploits of the Dutch confirm it.

  44. No news of much importance at the Cabinet room, except that Lord Heytesbury's despatches confirm the account of the sickness of the Russian army.

  45. The Turks to confirm the Government established during the ten years, and not to impose any taxes for two years more.

  46. These accounts only confirm what we had already heard of the arrogance and violence of the Russians.

  47. The agents have come to a compromise, and if the Common Council should confirm the terms, as I conclude they will, the thing will be at an end.

  48. The occurrences of the early weeks of the Session of 1893 fully confirm this view.

  49. He happens to mention the case of Norway and Sweden as one of the cases which confirm his contention that autonomy produces friendly relations.

  50. When you have a suspicion that certain things are so, every little circumstance and every lightest remark seem to confirm you in that belief.

  51. The information seemed to confirm their worst apprehensions.

  52. Your report and Arnold's," said the Proprietary, "confirm the common rumour.

  53. As was natural to her tranquil position and kindly temper, her feelings had taken a ply towards devotion, which father Pierre did not omit to encourage and confirm by all the persuasions enjoined by the discipline of the Romish church.

  54. The disagreements between the tests and the teachers' estimates are thus found, when analyzed, to confirm the validity of the test method rather than to bring it under suspicion.

  55. Observations we have made on subjects during the test confirm this view as to the factors involved.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "confirm" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.