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Example sentences for "confirme"

Lexicographically close words:
confirm; confirmation; confirmations; confirmative; confirmatory; confirmed; confirmeth; confirming; confirms; confiscate
  1. In that late solary eclipse which happened on Christmas day, when the Moone was just under the Sunne, I plainly discerned that in her which may clearely confirme what the Comets and Sunne spots doe seeme to prove, viz.

  2. I have now done with these propositions which were set downe to cleare the passage, and confirme the suppositions implied in the opinion, I shall in the next place proceed to a more direct treating of the chiefe matter in hand.

  3. Their frequent experience hath proved this, and an easie observation may quickely confirme it.

  4. I Frier Anthony Celleler of Gallipoly, confirme as aforesaid.

  5. I Frier Vincent Barba, Prior of the same place, confirme the premisses, as they are aboue written.

  6. I Frier Albert Damaro, of Gallipoly, Subprior, confirme as much.

  7. And, that the Moone giueth heate vpon the earth the Prophet Dauid seemeth to confirme in his 121.

  8. These men were sent on the behalfe of their king, to confirme the ancient leagues England, wherein it was conditioned that the new king of the one and of the other kingdome, should be bound to send to confirme the olde leagues.

  9. I Frier Bartlemew of Gallipoly, confirme as aboue said.

  10. I said before that China was full of riuers, but now I minde to confirme the same anew: for the farther we went into the Countrey, the greater we found the riuers.

  11. I Frier Francis of Gallipoly, confirme as much.

  12. Yes, Phillip, this; That I confirme him in my innocence By this large universe.

  13. A request made to the pope that he would vouchsafe to confirme the foresaid charter.

  14. This writing also was sent to the pope, that he might confirme the same in manner as followeth.

  15. Germane the bishop of Auxerre, and Lupus bishop of Trois should passe ouer into Britaine to confirme the Christians there in the faith of the celestiall grace.

  16. Asia by his Maiesties selfe, do approoue and confirme the same.

  17. This you deliver for your latest will, And do confirme it for your Testament?

  18. Your presence doth confirme you had a share In the performance of this crueltie.

  19. His love dooth not estrange me from my selfe, But doth confirme my strength with multitudes Of benefits his love will yeelde to me.

  20. And for the more strengthening of this his grant, he had gotten the pope to confirme a like charter granted the yeare before.

  21. Herevpon the archbishop and the earle of Penbroke returned to the barons, and declared the kings deniall to confirme their articles.

  22. I would the Gods had nothing else to do, But to confirme my Cursses.

  23. And if thy poore deuoted Seruant may But beg one fauour at thy gracious hand, Thou dost confirme his happinesse for euer An.

  24. I, and it doth confirme Another staine, as bigge as Hell can hold, Were there no more but it Iach.

  25. This to confirme my welcome, And to you all good health San.

  26. For 'tis commanded I should do so: you shall be mist at Court, And that will well confirme it Imo.

  27. By heauen you did; and to confirme it plaine, You gaue me this: But take it sir againe King.

  28. The people confirme the oth of allegiance by writing sealed.

  29. An hundred thousand other things came vnto my minde, to incourage and confirme me.

  30. Baltasar de Gallégos said vnto him, that hee thanked them very much for their offer, willing them to warne their Lord to come to his towne, and that there they would talke and confirme their peace and friendship, which he much desired.

  31. Next, the Dutchmen are there so crept in as they daily augment their trade thither, which may well confirme that vncertainty of the Emperours disposition to keepe promise with our nation.

  32. Confirme the crowne to me and to mine heires And thou shalt raigne in quiet whilst thou liu’st.

  33. But tell mée I pray thée whosoeuer thou art whiche doest so, by what places of Scripture canst thou confirme those ceremonies?

  34. For that were vtterly repugnant to the Lawe of God, that hee shoulde confirme Witchcraft and Sorcerie by his example.

  35. Moreouer, on the frydayes, satterdayes, and fasting dayes, to confirme superstition.

  36. Although Christ and his Apostles had the full power to shew miracles, yet did they establish and confirme their doctrine by the holie scriptures.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "confirme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.