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Example sentences for "enact"

Lexicographically close words:
ena; enable; enabled; enables; enabling; enacted; enacting; enactment; enactments; enacts
  1. They would be quite as ready to pass a law prohibiting strikes as to enact a statute fixing maximum wages.

  2. The State has not only the moral right but the moral duty to enact legislation of this sort, whenever any important group of labourers are receiving less than living wages.

  3. Had it given any intimation that it would enact such a law at a future time, these persons would not have paid as much for their land as they actually did pay.

  4. Spirits, which by mine Art I haue from their confines call'd to enact My present fancies Fer.

  5. They must have authority to enact any laws for executing their own powers, or those powers will be evaded by the artful and unjust, and the dishonest trader will defraud the public of its revenue.

  6. The representatives in that House are those chosen by the nation by regular and legal methods to exercise their judgment, to enact laws, and to control acts of the executive.

  7. The governments of the two British colonies and the two Boer republics, which have already done well in trying to preserve some of the rarest and finest beasts, ought to go thoroughly into the question and enact a complete protective code.

  8. The United States Government has no police power within the States, and it is not within its province to enact or enforce rules or laws, or even to make police inspection regarding the methods of operating mining properties.

  9. It remains for the States to enact laws and rules applying the remedies which may be indicated as a result of Federal investigation.

  10. The state was to enact the laws regulating this species of property; the church was to plead for morality and to exhort to practise mercy.

  11. Joseph said that no legislature could enact laws that would meet every case, or attain the ends of justice in all respells.

  12. Or that Congress would enact a law which would present the alternative to religious believers of being consigned to a penitentiary if they should attempt to obey a law of God which would deliver them from damnation?

  13. Make the limit twenty pounds or whatever sum you please but clearly enact that sufficient chattels to furnish a reasonable house are exempt from execution.

  14. All that is wanted is to enact in your statute that the fine should "not exceed one-fiftieth or one one-thousandth of a man's income.

  15. Thereupon the Legislature of Georgia petitioned Congress to enact some law to compel state authorities to comply with this provision of the Federal Constitution.

  16. With such a system in active operation, it only became necessary, in order to invest the whole movement with the dignity of state usurpation and wrong, for states to enact the so-called Personal Liberty Laws.

  17. As we shall hereafter see, Virginia was willing to re-enact the Missouri Compromise; make it a part of the constitution and thus forever exclude slavery from all the territory north of the historic line established by that settlement.

  18. I urge the House to follow the Senate and enact proposals permitting use of all reliable evidence that police officers acquire in good faith.

  19. I would hope the leadership might agree on an expedited timetable in which to develop and enact that down payment.

  20. Tonight, I'm especially pleased to join with the Speaker and the Senate majority leader in urging the Congress to enact this plan by Easter.

  21. After 2 years of debate, it's time for us to get together and enact a port modernization bill.

  22. Pope and Councils may enact what they will, “but I have my own right to judge, and I may accept it or not as I please.

  23. And in his fixed face I could see, Lit by a lurid shine, The drama re-enact which she Had dyed incarnadine For us, and more.

  24. But there is nothing impossible in the supposition that a Saxon king should enact a law that every tenth strip ploughed by the common ploughs throughout the villages of England should be devoted to the Church.

  25. And King Ine found it needful to enact laws to secure that they performed their landlord's duties.

  26. And this is the thorn walk, Joanna, and I am free to re-enact the old passage in two lives, and plead with you not to desert Whitethorn if we are to retain it.

  27. They would re-enact the old statutes of the Puritans.

  28. Yet, if the Legislature of New York would re-enact next winter the Mosaic code, the members might consider themselves lucky if they were not hung upon their return home.

  29. When you do that, you put those occupations within what is called the police power of the country, and when you do that, then, of course, you can enact laws bearing directly on the subject.

  30. If they persist in coming, let their home State enact a law which will make a divorce decree obtained in Nevada, void and of no effect whenever and wherever said divorcee sets foot within the borders of the home State.

  31. When other States enact and rigidly enforce some such drastic measure, the West will begin to have some regard for their particular brand of virtue.

  32. Will they not, as Bloch predicts, possibly, re-enact the horrors of the French Commune, or even those of the French Revolution?

  33. I hope the Democrats will give protection to these new industries and will also enact some "anti-dumping" legislation.

  34. I believe that Germany will enact laws against emigration and that there will be zones of espionage on all German frontiers designed to watch and keep back such Germans as may seek to escape to other countries.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enact" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accomplish; achieve; act; affect; ape; attain; authorize; betoken; brandish; breathe; compass; complete; conduct; constitute; consummate; copy; dangle; decree; demonstrate; depict; develop; discharge; disclose; discourse; dispatch; display; divulge; dramatize; effect; effectuate; embody; enact; establish; evidence; evince; execute; exhibit; express; fetch; filibuster; flaunt; flourish; formulate; fulfill; handle; highlight; illuminate; impersonate; incarnate; indicate; kill; legalize; legislate; lobby; make; manage; manifest; masquerade; materialize; mean; mimic; ordain; pantomime; parade; pass; perform; personate; pigeonhole; play; pocket; portray; prescribe; present; produce; railroad; realize; regulate; represent; reveal; sanction; show; spotlight; succeed; support; table; token; transact; unfold; validate; veto; wave; work