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Example sentences for "enacting"

Lexicographically close words:
enabled; enables; enabling; enact; enacted; enactment; enactments; enacts; enamel; enameled
  1. A still more important provision, in its permanent consequence, was made, by enacting that all statutes lately made in England be deemed good and effectual in Ireland.

  2. Commons began to omit the name of the Lords in the preamble of bills of supply, reciting the grant as if wholly their own, but in the enacting words adopted the customary form of statutes.

  3. And whatever the necessity was that brought us into the enacting of such laws, it was a fatal necessity; it has greatly added to the power of the Crown, and particular care ought to be taken not to throw any more weight into that scale.

  4. A Scots parliament resembled an English one in the mode of convocation, in the ranks that composed it, in the enacting powers of the king, and the necessary consent of the three estates; but differed in several very important respects.

  5. I had resumed my bed in the little dressing-room, and went to sleep with thoughts of my delicious day's doings, to dream of re-enacting them with every amorous excess that the utmost lubricity could suggest.

  6. The adjourned session of 1873 was for the special purpose of considering and enacting the new code, which the three commissioners had now spent nearly three years upon.

  7. Ministers themselves dreaded enacting anything that savoured of religious intolerance, and the Queen herself has left on record her feelings about the subject.

  8. Meanwhile a still more exciting scene was enacting before Warwick's office near the Royal Exchange.

  9. The enacting or passing of a law a second time; the renewal of a law.

  10. Mollie Ward enacting the part of Cinderella or Cinder Maiden--enter the Black Prince with the glass slipper.

  11. Storm and Stress enacting the part of Good Samaritan';" and here Noel fairly crowed himself out of the room.

  12. This the members refused to do, until a bright idea struck one of them, which was that they need not disturb the law, but could make it inoperative by enacting another statute.

  13. To break up the vicious system of straw bidding, this bill would be very valuable, and I regret exceedingly that a mistake should have been made in the title and enacting clause which will render its provisions inoperative.

  14. And as history has recorded what I have called your attention to as having occurred in the days of the Revolution, so history will record the events of the year and of the hour in which we are now enacting our little part in this mighty drama.

  15. Tom, enacting driver, jumped down, and held the door to help her in.

  16. He felt, and he told himself so more than once, that he was enacting the part of Mephistopheles, without the supernatural power of that fatal auxiliary, without even a fair allowance of time to lure his Faust to perdition.

  17. Who was it, that in capacity of Surgeon, seemed enacting the part of a Regenerator of life?

  18. And though but few of them have cause to feign intoxication, yet some individuals may be suspected of enacting a studied part upon these occasions.

  19. The First will be by enacting a law for the frequent summoning the proprietors of landed property to appear de facto at stated times.

  20. There would be substantially the same reason in enacting mathematics by statute, that there is in enacting natural law.

  21. Talk of enacting natural law by statute, that it may be known!

  22. He was again Clifford Armytage, enacting a polished society man among yokels.

  23. My own feeling is that the South will gradually reach the point where it will see the wisdom and the justice of enacting an educational or property qualification, or both, for voting, that shall be made to apply honestly to both races.

  24. And, what is stronger, the Lords themselves voted upon the articles judicially, and not as if they were enacting a legislative measure.

  25. It was certain that in the present temper of the administration, a law simply enacting that the interval between parliaments should never exceed three years, would prove wholly ineffectual.

  26. They had been so blindly infatuated, as even in the year 1640, amidst all the perils of the times, to fill up the measure of public wrath by enacting a series of canons in convocation.

  27. His majesty, who has no views but for the good of the people, will thenceforth appoint the governor, who, unshackled by proprietary instructions, will be at liberty to join with the Assembly in enacting wholesome laws.

  28. But while enacting her part as a Hleafdian, she never for a moment forgot that she was a Moreville, and never really descended from what she deemed the dignity of a noble lady.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enacting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acting; characterization; embodiment; enactment; imitation; impersonation; incarnation; masquerade; mimicry; miming; pantomime; performance; performing; personation; personification; playing; portrayal; posing