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Example sentences for "stabilize"

Lexicographically close words:
stabbing; stabboard; stabd; stability; stabilization; stabilized; stabilizer; stabilizing; stable; stabled
  1. In 1987, the government embarked on a series of macroeconomic reforms designed to stabilize the economy.

  2. However, significant aid has helped to stabilize the country.

  3. In early 1999 output has started to stabilize as emergency government spending begins to take hold.

  4. Significant aid and relief have helped to stabilize the country.

  5. Industry consists only of a large aluminum plant, hydropower facilities, and small obsolete factories mostly in light industry and food processing.

  6. Over the past decade, the Irish government has implemented a series of national economic programs designed to curb inflation, reduce government spending, and promote foreign investment.

  7. Continued tight monetary and fiscal policies have helped slow inflation - although inflationary pressures are mounting - and stabilize the exchange rate, but have resulted in the slowdown of economic growth (moving from 1.

  8. Government efforts to achieve a "zero deficit," to stabilize the banking system, and to restore economic growth proved inadequate in the face of the mounting economic problems.

  9. For half a century United States money and arms were used to stabilize capitalism.

  10. The politics of civilization faces a simple mandate: establish, stabilize and perpetuate a nucleus of wealth and authority; build around the nucleus a periphery of associates and dependencies.

  11. Several thousand years, during which civilizations have appeared, disappeared and reappeared, have been too brief to establish and stabilize a hard and fast social pattern.

  12. Since 1986 the government has acted to rehabilitate and stabilize the economy by undertaking currency reform, raising producer prices on export crops, increasing petroleum prices, and improving civil service wages.

  13. The government, in consultation with international economic agencies, is implementing programs to stabilize the economy and foster growth.

  14. The regime made initial efforts to stabilize the economy and promote reform in 1996.

  15. To curb the budget deficit and bolster confidence in the economy, the government adopted an adjustment program in November 1994 that aims to eliminate the government budget deficit and to stabilize the debt to GDP ratio.

  16. Tight monetary and fiscal policies under an IMF program have helped slow inflation and stabilize the exchange rate, but, as a result, economic growth has slowed down and unemployment remains high.

  17. At the same time that farm prices are stabilized, I will stabilize wages.

  18. Therefore, I have asked the Congress to pass legislation under which the President would be specifically authorized to stabilize the cost of living, including the price of all farm commodities.

  19. In Washington to-day are met the delegates of the Central American nations, gathered at the table of international understanding, to stabilize their Republics and remove every vestige of disagreement.

  20. I can not too strongly urge in early completion of this necessary legislation It is needed to stabilize our industry at home; it is essential to make more definite our trade relations abroad.

  21. In the late 1960s there was some evidence that social mobility was slowing down and that the society was beginning to stabilize into self-perpetuating social groups.

  22. Scrub on the remainder, however, serves to stabilize the soil of the forest lands against erosion and to slow the runoff of water.

  23. Prospects for fisheries are not bright, as the important shrimp catches will at best stabilize and cod catches have dropped.

  24. Such provision would go far to relieve distress in a multitude of families, would stabilize values in many communities, and would liberate working capital to thousands of concerns.

  25. Such a basis will give confidence in the determination of the Government to stabilize its finance and will assure taxpayers of its temporary character.

  26. Zinc oxide is used to brighten a glaze or to stabilize colour.

  27. A white metallic oxide; used to brighten and stabilize glazes and colours.

  28. Destroyer had to stabilize to bring Scarf aboard; now they're hustlin'.

  29. Use your attractors to stabilize and hold position.

  30. It seemed quite interesting to me that the President of the United States had on an ordinary $3 Ace bandage probably in an effort to stabilize his pelvis.

  31. I presume that it was--my thoughts at the time were that he probably had been having pelvic pain and had put this on as an additional support to stabilize his lower pelvis.

  32. We have all agreed to stabilize the Medicare Trust Fund.

  33. The actions taken by the Congress at my request helped stabilize the system.

  34. Our program for farm prosperity should also seek to expand the domestic market for agricultural products, particularly among low-income groups, and to increase and stabilize foreign markets.

  35. Two years ago, with bipartisan support that was almost unanimous on both sides of the aisle, we moved to protect the pensions of 8 million working people and to stabilize the pensions of 32 million more.

  36. Fourth, revision and extension of the authority to expand production and to stabilize prices, wages, and rents.

  37. These actions, together with flexible monetary and debt management policies, helped to halt inflation and stabilize the value of the dollar.

  38. Henceforth, I expect that their single purpose shall be to serve the whole Nation by policies designed to stabilize the economy and encourage the free play of our people's genius for individual initiative.

  39. The way is now open to a fully-functioning International Coffee Agreement which can help to stabilize this major world commodity market.

  40. If the scramjets failed to stabilize and initiated auto shutdown, he would flame out--at almost twenty-five hundred miles per hour.

  41. Both East and West went out of their way to support and stabilize Third World countries in order to keep them out of each other's camp.

  42. Whatever happens, though, you've got to keep pushing her right on out, to stabilize the shock wave in the scramjets and bring them to full power.

  43. When we hit eighty thousand feet, or maybe eighty-five, skin temperature should stabilize down around a thousand degrees.

  44. Androv pushed a switch on the console, then said, "Petra, stabilize at three thousand.

  45. Officials anticipate that the rural population will stabilize and that most future increases will be to the towns and cities.

  46. This serves to stabilize the purchasing power of the workers earnings, although in the past unavoidable and absolute dearth of necessities has tended to work against this stabilization.

  47. We're still trying to stabilize her condition," Van de Vliet said in a soothing tone.

  48. Fortunately, it was only a flesh wound, but it took us almost an hour to stabilize her.

  49. The Old Guard was good to stabilize a nose-diving economy and a disintegrating body politic.

  50. King Zog rule of beys and bajraktars aided by a ruthless police, a Byzantine bureaucracy (a major employer) and Italian money did stabilize the country, including to the bandit and brigand-ridden highlands.

  51. The inevitable devaluation of the Rouble (supposed to encourage exports and stabilize the currency) will lead to increased inflation.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stabilize" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.