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Example sentences for "stabbing"

Lexicographically close words:
ssten; sta; stab; stabbed; stabboard; stabd; stability; stabilization; stabilize
  1. The blood was rising to our men's heads badly by now, and I saw several who could stand it no longer stabbing at the few dead Boxers we had secured.

  2. The Comanches doubled their fury on the wretched victims, incessantly hacking and stabbing them, and though the majority were dead already, they did not leave off till they had destroyed all appearance of humanity.

  3. Men were stabbing and hewing upon the barricades where Morolt's feudatories had stormed up from the gloom of the streets.

  4. She had a confused vision of carnage, of stabbing swords and trampling hoofs.

  5. Around them the fight gathered, a whirlwind of contorted figures and stabbing steel.

  6. To and fro swung the surging mass of struggling, stabbing humanity, but not for long.

  7. These spears are not used for throwing but like the Zulu "bangwan," or stabbing assegai, are for close quarters only, when the wound inflicted by them is terrible.

  8. Jeff sat bolt upright in the darkness, ignoring the stabbing pain that shot through his chest and neck.

  9. And then, like some horrible nightmare, the hooded figures loomed up directly in his path, long bony fingers stabbing out at him accusingly.

  10. He leaped for the ceiling of the car, stabbing up with his fingers for the little escape doorway.

  11. The haste caused certain criticism when, in the same month one Johnson was hanged for stabbing a man named Montgomery, at Iowa Hill, who later recovered.

  12. At Jackson they hanged another Mexican for horse stealing, and at Volcano, in 1854, they hanged a man named Macy for stabbing an old and helpless man.

  13. He had a stabbing idea that the little man was reading him with that penetrating gaze.

  14. It was an opening--the widest VB had had, wider than he could have hoped for, and he rushed in, stabbing his horse shamelessly with spurs and babbling witlessly as he strove to make slack in the rope.

  15. And are not his Majesty's fellow-subjects shooting and stabbing one another at this instant moment[A] in the American plantations?

  16. From either side a great Zulu was bearing down on me, their broad stabbing assegais aloft, and black shields in their left hands.

  17. I never was frightened of man or beast, and I am not going to run away from a White Ghost," answered the redoubtable Bombyane, as he examined the blade of his great bangwan or stabbing assegai.

  18. They passed over the baffled grass, the leader carrying another short ladder which he hung from the roof, stabbing its lower rungs down into the matted verdure below.

  19. Of course," and she began rattling off a catalogue of items, stabbing the air with her toothpick as a sort of running punctuation.

  20. And who stopped those wild Belgians from stabbing us with their bayonets?

  21. Stabbing her; but she is lurking in thy house.

  22. Yet pain comes stabbing in the night with silver knife through the window, A blanched moon full of fear and the burden of desire-- And nothing rids us utterly of grief, We who have pilgrim souls that will not sleep.

  23. How grey and sober, full of placid wit The furniture, the pictures on the wall; How steely swift the light, stabbing you to the heart As you stand at the window, bright as rushing blood.

  24. Sounds and smells would bring sudden and stabbing remembrance.

  25. He visualized himself stabbing food with it as the larger beetle had stabbed the former owner of the weapon he had in his hand.

  26. He could only picture himself, dimly, stabbing something that was food with this death-dealing thing.

  27. There was Essen, which was to have been the "nodal centre" of the great embarkation, and scarcely had I located it on the map before its tall spire was stabbing the north-western skyline as we drew in to the station.

  28. It was nothing more or less than a map of the United States which some angry pilot had thoroughly strafed by stabbing with a penknife blade.

  29. Again and again he brought it slashing down, hacking, stabbing at the clinging tentacles.

  30. To think suddenly of Rodney, of Gerda and of Kay, sleeping in the still house beyond the singing wood and silver garden, was to founder swiftly in the cold, dark seas, to be hurt again with the stabbing envy of the night.

  31. Italy and Greece are Europe's pleasure grounds; there the cultivated and the prosperous traveller may satisfy his soul and forget carking cares and stabbing ambitions, and drug himself with loveliness.

  32. Nan, like a wild animal for grace, brilliant like blown fire, cool like the wind, stabbing herself and him with her keen wit.

  33. There was a big, bearded man also who came in from time to time, and Peggy grew to dread his appearance, for with it came terrible stabbing pain, as if her whole body were on the rack.

  34. His mental processes did not go far enough to disassociate these enemies with the stabbing foe in his gums.

  35. As often, in the case of the old, his teeth were rotting away; and the pain was a darting, stabbing devil in his gums.

  36. Thoughts such as these had fought with the acute sympathy that had all her life made her and her father in feeling wellnigh inseparable, stabbing her love with the reflection that his deepest heart had, after all, been locked from her.

  37. Through and through the maze of his conflicting feeling was stabbing an assurance sharpened with unbelievable joy.

  38. They use a stabbing assagy instead of the light throwing spear of the Amakosa, and are consequently in war more disposed to fight at close quarters than are the Amakosa.

  39. Dingaan had assembled about three thousand warriors, all armed with the broad-bladed stabbing assagy, and with the heavy knob-kerrie, or clubbed stick.

  40. It was after the second shot that King's rifle answered him; it roared out like the crash of doom in Gloria's ears; she saw the stabbing spurt of fire.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stabbing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.