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Example sentences for "close quarters"

  • One man climbed up into the barbed wire and fired three shots at the defenders at close quarters before he was killed.

  • Captain Holland was shot through the back at close quarters by a man concealed in a tent.

  • The others are well enough when you come to close quarters, but the long gun generally keeps the pirates from getting there; they don’t like being peppered before they come within fighting distance.

  • So we managed a peep at close quarters, and were startled to see the ramifications and extent of the spider's web of deep, narrow trenches along the coast and on either front of the lines of Bulair.

  • One of the neatest of strokes and the credit of it lies with the Queenslanders who were not content to flourish their fists in the enemy's face but ran out and attacked him at close quarters.

  • That was when they were marching past, but afterwards I inspected the Infantry at close quarters, taking a good look at each man and speaking to hundreds.

  • One account says that when all was lost he cut his throat with his dagger, another that he was shot down at close quarters.

  • She was to be herself a weapon, not merely a means of bringing fighting men to close quarters for a hand-to-hand struggle.

  • Ships sank and drowning men struggled for life; the Asiatic archers shot their arrows at close quarters, the spearmen hurled their javelins; but it was not by missile weapons the fight was to be decided.

  • In this fight at close quarters on the narrow space afforded by the galleys' decks there was no question of surrender on either side, no thought but of which could strike the hardest and kill the most.

  • This fact is of some military importance, as, for example, in warfare with savages, in which the chief danger is usually a rush of large numbers at close quarters.

  • They are intended for use at close quarters when a volley of small shot is required.

  • This first specimen of the power of his pursuer's guns seemed to satisfy him that he had better not engage at close quarters.

  • Then came the choice of the particular clump of blooms to be photographed at close quarters, with Earle standing in the midst of them to show their enormous size.

  • Clearly they were only dangerous at close quarters, and the "Lane" at once began a rapid fire to beat them back.

  • Every thing was to be sacrificed to the end of getting to close quarters.

  • With this enemy Commodore Barney was ready to come to close quarters; and he moved down upon the British, who quickly retreated to the shelter of their ships.

  • For a moment only did it seem that the vessels were likely to come to close quarters, and the English captain seized that occasion to call up his boarders.

  • Once convinced, however, she would come direct to the nest; and I had the satisfaction at last of watching a loon at close quarters.

  • Of all the loons that cried out to me in the night, or shared the summer lakes with me, only one ever gave me the opportunity of watching at close quarters.

  • They did not, however, immediately come to close quarters.

  • In January 1842, as the session approached, they came to close quarters.

  • One can love one’s neighbors in the abstract, or even at a distance, but at close quarters it’s almost impossible.

  • In the latter case one has a splendid weapon for use against several assailants at close quarters.

  • Give them a raking volley at close quarters.

  • Through the smoke and snow I saw the dusky warriors advancing in great numbers and at close quarters, filling the air with their infernal yells.

  • The yelling redskins pressed after us, and for several moments, by a cool and steady fire, we prevented them from coming to close quarters again.

  • In order to keep the weather gage, which would enable him to attack at close quarters, Blake took the risk of grounding on the shoal.

  • The four galleasses stationed well in front of the Christian battle line opened an effective fire at close quarters on the foremost Turkish galleys as they swept past.

  • After a single broadside, the two fleets grappled, and in a two-hour fight at close quarters eight of the Spanish ships were captured, seven destroyed, and 1200 Spaniards killed.

  • He rushed in to close quarters aiming a stinging blow at Billy's face, and then to Cassidy's chagrin and the crowd's wonder, the mucker lowered his guard and took the wallop full on the jaw.

  • Miguel and Bridge rode in rapidly to close quarters, firing as they came.

  • The warrior, with a growl of rage, drew his sharp parang, leaping to close quarters.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "close quarters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    annual salary; close approach; close behind; close embrace; close interbreeding; close observer; close relation; close resemblance; close support; close together; close vessel; closed eyes; closed the; closed vessel; closely bound; closely pursued; closely resembles; closer union; either player; forward policy; good works; keeping them; lady friend; may easily; these terms; thou only