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Example sentences for "assailants"

Lexicographically close words:
assaie; assaied; assail; assailable; assailant; assaile; assailed; assailing; assails; assain
  1. Rallying their forces, they turned upon their assailants in right good earnest and a desperate hand-to-hand engagement ensued.

  2. Having an empty rifle with him, he succeeded, for some time, in keeping his assailants at bay, by pretending that the piece was loaded and pointing it at the foremost warrior as if he intended to fire it.

  3. The attack was growing weaker, as their assailants saw that instead of five men they had now to face a considerable number, and Wulf had difficulty in restraining his men.

  4. The secret passage was next investigated; it was found that the opening was about half-way down the rock, and that the assailants must have climbed up by a path that a goat could scarce traverse.

  5. Wulf defended himself as firmly, but had to shift his ground continually to avoid the blows of the heavy spiked clubs with which his assailants were armed.

  6. With jeering cries too they greeted the efforts of their assailants to cross the palisade and break their line.

  7. To his surprise they were so warmly received that two hundred of the assailants fell at the first onset, and the attack was most conclusively repulsed.

  8. Their vigorous hand to hand fighting kept off the assailants until Nevers and Longueville received the king at the gates of Aumale with a force before which the Leaguers were fain to retreat as rapidly as they had come.

  9. Down went Bill, struggling and raving like a madman, with his six youthful yet active assailants on to him like a pack of bulldogs.

  10. He was the same red-necked fellow who had been one of the assailants of Sir Silas Gwinnear.

  11. They will telephone the description of the two assailants to the other stations, and in that way a tardy assistance may be rendered to the Force.

  12. The capture of the assailants is, after all, a secondary matter.

  13. There was a stifled shriek followed by a heavy plash, while the assailants bolted as fast as their legs could carry them.

  14. Some suspicion remained hanging about Danton, but the assailants used their materials with so little skill that they were worsted in the encounter with Robespierre.

  15. Feyler, a Swiss military expert, wrote on April 10 as follows: "It is certain that the first great attacks in February and March caused the German assailants very exceptional losses.

  16. Unless barriers rose swiftly, the French counter-attacks, already massing, would sweep the assailants back into the wood.

  17. I now let our assailants see we were not quite so helpless as they might have supposed.

  18. The assailants immediately swarmed round me, those behind running up, howling, until the whole body were within thirty yards of me; then they came on more slowly.

  19. Two of our new assailants were of commanding stature, each being nearly tall enough to make two of Tietkens if not of me.

  20. A band of Indians were upon them; but, seeing them prepared, the cowardly assailants did not wait to exchange a shot.

  21. Though hopelessly entangled, he made furious plunges at his assailants before being shot.

  22. Covering Vannes's humiliation the fort opened a determined fire, which after a time disabled one of the small mortars which the assailants had placed in position.

  23. But at the same time the painted defenders rose with a yell, and beat back their assailants with gunstock and hatchet.

  24. The manner of his death and that of those of his assailants illustrate the war manners of the Montenegrins so completely that I was interested in the case more than in other heroic details of the fight.

  25. But no man halted, and the race between the two battalions was won by the Montenegrins only by a minute, and they poured over the wall of the redoubts, the Turks who could escape going out at the rear as their assailants poured in.

  26. Already their own ranks were terribly thinned, and they saw that mischief was meant by the deadly fury with which their assailants came on at them.

  27. But this sight filled him with such fury that he was like a veritable tiger amongst the assailants who still came flocking out of the cave.

  28. Seizing their arms the garrison rushed to the ramparts and manned them in time to receive the assailants with a sharp fire.

  29. As the French advanced they received them with great determination, and poured in so sharp a fire that the assailants speedily retired with considerable loss.

  30. The English fought with the greatest obstinacy, and frequently flung back among their assailants the grenades which the latter showered among them, before they had time to explode, Lord Donegal himself setting the men the example.

  31. These dogs are invaluable friends, but as enemies and assailants they are not exactly calculated to win a 'cycler's esteem.

  32. If the lower part of the house, which was of stone, could be secured from entrance, the assailants would, of course, fight under a great disadvantage.

  33. The garrison, seeing her fall, redoubled their volleys of iron and stone; the assailants were weary, twilight was gathering, and no radiant armor shone through the dusk to light them on.

  34. As the French advanced, the English sallied forth to meet them, in such numbers and with so bold a front that the assailants wavered, and began to fall back toward the island on which the central part of the bridge rested.

  35. Indeed, it was impossible for them to hold out if their assailants determined to force matters.

  36. It may be set down as singular that something of the kind did not take place, since the assailants must have known it could not fail to be effective.

  37. He managed to appear on the outer fringe of the ring of assailants, without drawing special notice, and he used all his skill in learning what the assailants intended to do.

  38. The assailants knew they were there, and it could not matter a jot in what particular manner they were employing themselves.

  39. Deerfoot knew, when he observed the heavy log borne forward, and the butt placed on the wall, that it was meant to be used to carry out some plan not clearly settled in the minds of the assailants themselves.

  40. The assailants had become convinced that they were throwing away valuable time, and they assembled in a group to consider the best means of forcing matters to an issue.

  41. The attack was made about two hours before daylight, and the assailants were gone before light.

  42. So great was the advantage of their assailants that the Iowas could make but a feeble resistance.

  43. Every advance by the enemy was met with a galling fire from within and the assailants were repulsed, only to resume the assault more fiercely than before and again retire with heavy loss.

  44. The rampart was soon taken; but darts, stones, and flaming balls of pitch and tow were hurled upon the assailants from the tower, and if they attempted to approach it, planks and pots filled with gravel.

  45. The trebuchets within the rampart continued to send stones which, passing over the heads of the defenders and assailants on the breach, struck those who were gathered around the remains of the cat, and made wide lanes among them.

  46. Twice the defenders of the cite endeavoured to sally forth from their retrenchments to drive off the assailants and destroy their works; they met with a warm reception, especially as the Franks could avail themselves of the ruins as a rampart.

  47. This body, disposed crescent-wise, formed as it were a second intrenchment, which the assailants vainly endeavoured to break through.

  48. Nearly at the same instant the second retrenchment was vigorously assaulted, and to facilitate this night attack, the assailants set fire to the houses between the first and second retrenchment.

  49. Numbers conferred no advantage, since it was impossible to deploy; so that the crowd of assailants that continued to pour forth from the wooden tower had to fight on the right and the left in a space six feet wide.

  50. On this side the assailants were exposed to the projectiles hurled from the towers and curtains of the bailey.

  51. But a thick smoke soon began to issue from the trench, and the assailants who were coming up, seeing the ground undermined beneath them, dared not advance.

  52. The wattling gave way, and the assailants rushed on to the rampart walk.

  53. An hour later, the assailants being masters of the rampart walk in that quarter, set fire to the roofs of these towers (Fig.

  54. The hosts of assailants surged over on the rampart walk, and at the cry of "Burgundy!

  55. Hirpinus, however, covered his body skilfully under his shield, and defended himself bravely with his sword--dealing more than one fatal thrust at such of his assailants as were rash enough to believe him vanquished because down.

  56. The two first assailants who entered the Court of the Gentiles were Valeria, in her golden armour, and Hirpinus, brandishing the short deadly weapon he knew how to use so well.

  57. Esca knew that the assailants were gladiators.

  58. Again and again were the assailants obstinately repulsed.

  59. Automedon's fears had magnified both the number of the assailants and the dangers undergone.

  60. But still fresh assailants pour in, and the camp is carried and overrun.

  61. In a very short time the barricade, was completed, but as yet no assailants had appeared.

  62. In the centre of the room the whites stand shoulder to shoulder--covering the floor with Mexicans by their stalwart blows; but the odds are fearful against them, and other assailants crowd up to supply the place of those who fall.

  63. The assailants were soon in an equality of position fatal to the enemy.

  64. The capital of an ancient empire, now of a great republic, or an early peace, the assailants were resolved to win.

  65. Others sallied forth from the fortress to meet their assailants in the open field, and fell in honorable combat.

  66. As they approached the fort, cries of distress were heard in that direction, which at first filled the assailants with surprise.

  67. The waggons were wrecked, and the assailants too strong to be handled by his column unaided.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "assailants" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.