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Example sentences for "assaile"

Lexicographically close words:
assaied; assail; assailable; assailant; assailants; assailed; assailing; assails; assain; assalt
  1. Furthermore, Cesar considering the time serued not to assaile his enimies, kept his ground, and shortlie after brought backe his legions into the campe.

  2. Within the castell of Fiennes was the constable of France, that was lord thereof, with such a number of souldiers and men of warre, that the Englishmen thought they should but lose their labour to assaile it.

  3. The Englishmen neuer brake out of their battels to chase any man, but kept themselues togither in their wards and ranks, and defended themselues euer against such as came to assaile them.

  4. He had great desire to be the first that should enter the towne: but shortlie the king of England with the prince his son was readie at the gate, vnder the banner of the lord Walter de Mannie to assaile him.

  5. The third daie after his comming thither, he caused the citie to be assaulted in three places, and the greatest number were appointed to assaile the weakest part of the citie.

  6. The king of England would not assaile the towne of Calis by giuing anie assault to it, for he knew he should but lose his labour, and waste his people, it was so strong of it selfe, and so well furnished with men of warre.

  7. Here was the French king counselled to stay and not to giue battell that day, but to aduise all things with good deliberation and regard, to consider well how and what way he might best assaile them.

  8. Then Lewes in a great furie menaced that he would not once depart from thence, till he had woon the castell, and put all them within to death, and began to assaile it with more force than before he had doone.

  9. Well, seeing gentle words will not preuayle, Assaile them with the Army of the King Staf.

  10. Sit downe a-while, And let vs once againe assaile your eares, That are so fortified against our Story, What we two Nights haue seene Hor.

  11. Herevpon before all other, he determined to assaile Edelvulfe king of Kent, whome he knew to be a man in no estimation amongest his subiects.

  12. What will ye do if the people vnderstanding that we care not for their departure, do in armes assaile vs?

  13. For all so soone, as Guyon thence was gon 2 Vpon his voyage with his trustie guide, That wicked band of villeins fresh begon 4 That castle to assaile on euery side, And lay strong siege about it far and wide.

  14. Héerevpon a rumor was raised in the court, that the kings power should shortlie march foorth to assaile earle Goodwine in that place where he was lodged.

  15. So ben ther in the same wise Lovers, as I thee schal devise, That whan noght elles mai availe, Anon with strengthe thei assaile And gete of love the sesine, Whan thei se time, be Ravine.

  16. Bot he goth al an other wente; For rathere er he scholde faile, With Nigromance he wole assaile To make his incantacioun With hot subfumigacioun.

  17. Britains as kept out, prepared to assaile the Ile of Anglesey, a countrie full of inhabitants, and a place of refuge for all outlawes and rebels.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "assaile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.