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Example sentences for "speculation"

Lexicographically close words:
specular; speculate; speculated; speculates; speculating; speculations; speculative; speculatively; speculator; speculators
  1. At the highest notch of prices the manipulators sold out, and the airy fabric of speculation fell with a crash.

  2. The delirium of speculation whirled the sanest minds.

  3. Gambling was the chief amusement; speculation in a hundred forms was pressing forward, and fortunes were changing hourly.

  4. The net result of all the excitement and speculation attending the various efforts to improve the river was failure and collapse.

  5. The speculation gave her determination and decision.

  6. At any rate, she dismissed the speculation temporarily from her mind, and resolved to divulge nothing for the time, but merely to draw the man out.

  7. This gentleman was afterwards connected with Mr. Abbott in the management of the Victoria Theatre, in which speculation they both sustained considerable losses.

  8. Now, though the hypothesis of Pangenesis is no necessary part of "Natural Selection," still any treatise on specific origination would be incomplete if it did not take into consideration this last speculation of Mr. Darwin.

  9. Mr. Darwin's speculation as to the origin of the abhorrence of incest.

  10. Another objection to Mr. Spencer's speculation is derived from considerations which have already been stated, as to past time.

  11. Somerset-West, a prettily-built, and very charmingly situated settlement, already supports so considerable a traffic with the capital that a daily omnibus has proved a remunerative speculation to the promoters.

  12. In like manner, although the zoologist seemed to have but a poor prospect at St. Paul, it presented materials for most satisfactory speculation to the attentive naturalist.

  13. The system of barter passes away in the day of speculation in farm land; and the country church which can find means to endure the period of exploitation must put its financial system on a new basis.

  14. The difference between land-farming and exploitation is the absence of speculation in land in the former period.

  15. The speculation of a savage, forsooth, and this certainty of feeling.

  16. It may be that all this speculation about the First Cause, about the Ruling Power of the world, is unnecessary.

  17. Naturally enough, speculation soon fell into very bad repute, and the epithet "speculator" came to be considered the most opprobrious in the whole vocabulary of invective.

  18. Nothing could possibly be idler than speculation upon what might have been accomplished with the resources of the South if they had been properly economized and wisely used.

  19. Their turn for pure speculation excited all his anger.

  20. Ingenuity and speculation have busied themselves with trying to prove that the personages of the Arthurian cycle are the old gods of the Brythons, and the incidents of the romances fragments of the old mythology.

  21. Much speculation has been aroused by the S figure, which occurs on coins, while nine models of this symbol hang from a ring carried by the god with the wheel, but the most probable is that which sees in it a thunderbolt.

  22. I ceased to attach almost exclusive importance to the ordering of outward circumstances, and the training of the human being for speculation and for action.

  23. The father beseeches his wife to speak to him; there is no speculation in her wide-open eyes.

  24. The problem of the novel is, as you see, a serious one; to solve this problem the author ought to have conscientiously and impartially studied both systems of speculation and then only reach certain conclusions.

  25. Feeling no disposition to reply to him, I contented myself with an inward speculation on the differences which exist in the constitution of men's minds.

  26. In 1818, being a loser in the Nucingen speculation in Wortschin mining stock, Ragon lived with his wife in an apartment on rue du Petit-Bourbon-Saint-Sulpice.

  27. A strong love of sunshine and the south, however, consoled him in some measure for these disagreeables, and good news of the progress of his theatrical speculation contributed to raise his spirits.

  28. It is necessary that we should grapple boldly with the proposition, that over-speculation in our home works, that is, the expenditure upon the railways in progress, is the cause of our present embarrassment.

  29. Tom Paine designed a cast-iron bridge, but the speculation failed, and the materials were subsequently used in the beautiful bridge over the river Wear, in Durham county.

  30. The presence of the pseudo hunters in the hall, showing so great a dissimilarity in their manners and dress, caused quite a flurry of speculation and comment.

  31. This man, whose hand had sent the messenger of death, which so materially affected the aspect of the tragedy, suddenly became an object of speculation and the hero of the hour.

  32. Much speculation was indulged in by the city's denizens, as to what they were there for.

  33. Every unstable and fluctuating dollar fails as a basis of credit, and in its use begets gambling speculation and undermines the foundations of honest enterprise.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "speculation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.