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Example sentences for "speculating"

Lexicographically close words:
specula; specular; speculate; speculated; speculates; speculation; speculations; speculative; speculatively; speculator
  1. He begged me to go to bed, saying that he would bathe and then do likewise, and I left him for the night; speculating on the nature of this secret and precious remedy.

  2. The speculating Blunt kept all this time blowing and blowing at his bubble.

  3. I merely throw out the hint to any speculating Fredonian who owns a hole in the ground.

  4. They all have on their Sunday clothes and are speculating as to whether it is best to get acquainted with the forerunner of civilization or not.

  5. The Indians did not seem to feel cast down; some in fact appeared rather to enjoy the situation; others, again, were more serious, and were probably speculating as to the probable outcome of the unfortunate condition of affairs.

  6. For eleven long years I have been speculating on coming to this coast.

  7. She had never seen the like, and led the way upstairs speculating on their cost.

  8. When she grew stronger, it consoled her a little to talk with Mrs. Strongtharm; not confiding her regrets and self-reproaches, but speculating much on this great book of Maternity into which she had been given a glimpse.

  9. The Collector laughed inwardly as he replaced his hat, and rode on speculating what this bit of by-play might mean.

  10. Then there was nothing to do but wait until morning, when the march was to be resumed, and Neal and Teddy occupied their time speculating as to what the loved ones at home were doing just at that particular moment.

  11. The boys stood for some time looking at the busy heap, until from looking at the whole together they came to selecting particular ants and speculating on their destination, for every ant had a purpose in going and coming.

  12. Speculating in securities properly forms no part of a bank's business.

  13. The people were exchanging views across their waterways from darkened house to house, speculating on the chances of another aerial raid tonight.

  14. They 'were soon speculating on the unimpressionable house in its clump of wood midway below, which had no response for anxieties.

  15. He came of a fighting stock, but I could not help speculating on the possible future which awaited him.

  16. This turned my thoughts into another channel, and set me speculating upon his probable temper, qualities, and age; whether or not he was strong enough to thrash me, and if we were likely to be good friends.

  17. This strange sight set us all speculating as to who it could be, for we knew that all the canoes accustomed annually to go through these wilds had long since passed.

  18. Sam watched her with a cold admiration, speculating endlessly on what might be going on behind her mask-like face.

  19. He saw Mahooley's hesitation, and began speculating on what reason the trader could have for not wanting to discharge Sam.

  20. Here was an opportunity for the great American speculating public to take "a flyer" on something much more tangible and lasting than a horse-race, I determined.

  21. I felt confident that the speculating public was going to make a great big "killing" in Goldfield.

  22. While Ely Central stock was going skyward and all the speculating world was making money in it, our publicity forces were busily driving the bald facts home regarding La Rose, Cumberland-Ely, Nevada-Utah and other pets of the mighty.

  23. The lesson of this experience was that the speculating public did not "give a rap" whether their brokers were short of stocks to them or not.

  24. Guess he'll have taught you something, and I'm not speculating much when I stake on that.

  25. She found herself speculating as to the amount these elaborate furnishings would fetch if sold.

  26. Speculating as to what he would say when he received her letter telling of her father's misfortunes, she was obliged to confess that she "had not the remotest idea.

  27. That's a pretty swift bunch of females that have been speculating at Kerr Parker & Co.

  28. Don't think that I've been gambling or speculating or anything of that sort," she went on.

  29. If she found a peculiarly feminine satisfaction in speculating on his disappointment, it is not to be wondered at.

  30. They seemed speculating as to what had become of Smart, he was evidently not with us.

  31. The two good boys prepared with the gravity necessary for so important a business, to fish for our dinner, speculating upon what bait the fish would take that particular morning, and what they would not.

  32. Speculating now as to the latest time of the existence of mastodons in Siberia, a circumstance has to be noted that would seem to countenance the belief in the existence of it up to a not very remote period of historic times.

  33. The unprejudiced topographer, speculating upon the probable location of that mysterious region, ‘the last ditch,’ would hitherto have assigned it to South Carolina.

  34. While the editors and other leading minds at the Confederate capital were thus speculating and wondering, General Sherman was having a most auspicious start on the long march over rebel soil.

  35. I am afraid he is too fond of speculating and taking huge risks; he likes to be a man or a mouse.

  36. It seems that for a considerable time this agent had been speculating with his clients' capital, and paying them the interest to the day.

  37. Then we knew he had been sold, and we who were left spent our time in gossiping about what had become of him, and speculating whose turn would come next.

  38. However, there was no time for jeers and recriminations at present, we were all too deeply absorbed in watching the fate of our fellows and speculating on our own.

  39. Zey have never adorned my body, zey have never been expose to the speculating eye of the public, zey have not hid from view these charms of mine.

  40. What's the use of speculating about the war?

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "speculating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.