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Example sentences for "electric"

Lexicographically close words:
electives; electoral; electorate; electorates; electors; electrical; electrically; electrician; electricians; electricities
  1. I--" An electric bell pealed sharply through the tiny apartment.

  2. Then, suddenly, to her whole self there came an electric change.

  3. Mother Horton rubbed their hands and lighted the electric heater, although the room was very warm and comfortable, and put on all the wood in the fire-basket till the fireplace was ablaze with flames.

  4. The electric lights gave out a kind of fictitious radiance against the dull grey of the hall windows through which the dawn was struggling.

  5. Then a distinct sigh of relief whistled softly through the entire house when the electric lights suddenly blazed and the speaker was discovered to be cook.

  6. But they all leapt in unison, as though spurred into action by an electric shock, when a deep voice boomed from the shadows round a green baize door in the hall which led to the servants' quarters.

  7. Flying ants and gnats of every description were flinging themselves at the electric lights, and a bat circled monotonously round the ceiling.

  8. Only, the electric light was gone; the burner had died out, and someone had forgotten to replace it or thought it not worth while to do so, for this was the last night at sea and the ship was to dock on the morrow.

  9. Far away, the sky above Trafalgar Square was spasmodically lit by electric advertisements.

  10. We have fifteen hundred lights in this church, and when by electric touch they are kindled in the evening service it is almost startling.

  11. May it have other Leyden jars, and other electric batteries, and other voltaic piles, and other magnifying glasses with which to storm the barred castles of the natural world until it shall surrender its last secret.

  12. The dreaming architect had turned on him like one under sudden electric compulsion; he shook himself into unbelievable alertness.

  13. Through the ever-gathering darkness the electric lights began to twinkle like blue-white diamonds against purple velvet.

  14. A day or two later the lawyer took the electric car to Kochton and read a little Michigan law in the office of a friendly attorney.

  15. They owned the electric light plant and the water works.

  16. I want to know why the electric lights go out every night at ten o'clock," he shouted, excitedly.

  17. It was a pretty building, gay with electric lights.

  18. The electric and electronic needs of the space program are requiring more and more skilled labor.

  19. In England a 40-cell unit has been used to drive a forklift truck and to do electric welding.

  20. Already 10 municipal areas along the Mason-Dixon line are preparing to experiment with electric power derived from this source.

  21. If there were no sputniks the Government could cut the cost of cloth for an overcoat in half and put a few electric flatirons in the stores.

  22. Progress has already been made in this direction by use of special kinds of batteries and solar cells which convert the sun's rays into electric current.

  23. One is the fuel cell, which converts fuel directly into electric power without the necessity for machinery or working parts.

  24. Model I We made the point some months ago that our electric light companies have been far behind those of Europe in making it possible for poor people to get their service.

  25. The electric company has figured out plans whereby houses can be wired at a cost of from $9 to $15 each, and lighting service can be given for a minimum of $1 per month.

  26. It is interesting to note that the Indiana and Michigan Electric Company, which operates in South Bend, Ind.

  27. A tavern of the horrible village in the light of an electric lamp.

  28. The little electric globes, placed apart like a garland, suffice now for our eyes which have forgotten the sun.

  29. We are to descend with him, but quickly, quickly, for the electric light will soon be extinguished.

  30. In the darkness, where at first, after so much sunlight, the little electric lamps seem to us scarcely more than glow-worms, we expected a certain amount of chilliness as in the undergrounds of our climate.

  31. The great town, which we know to be so close, appears from time to time, thanks to the undulations of the ground, as a mere phosphorescence, a reflection of its myriad electric lights.

  32. He urges us to come to see the king before the electric light is again extinguished, and this time for good and all.

  33. The electric light has gone out--everywhere at once.

  34. Caterina felt an electric thrill, and was motionless for one long moment; then she pushed away the arm and hand, and, turning round, lifted up to the face that hung over her eyes full of tenderness and reproach.

  35. She suddenly thought--and the thought was like an electric shock--there was one spot in her memory which seemed to promise her an untried spring, where the waters might be sweet.

  36. A loving woman's world lies within the four walls of her own home; and it is only through her husband that she is in any electric communication with the world beyond.

  37. The vibration rushed through Caterina like an electric shock: it seemed as if at that instant a new soul were entering into her, and filling her with a deeper, more significant life.

  38. To keep pace with the electric mind of this companion required some effort on her part, and she applied herself with renewed zeal to her studies.

  39. In the evening an electric arch forming in the clouds announces a heavy thunderstorm, if the wind lulls.

  40. It exhibits under the action of light a remarkable variation in electric conductivity, and is used in certain electric apparatus.

  41. A mechanical device for shifting an electric current to another circuit.

  42. He rang the bell furiously, keeping his finger on the electric knob.

  43. Clare had shrunk back to the wall now, and touched the electric bell.

  44. Presently Herbert rose from his chair and touched the electric bell.

  45. She was afraid he would jump on somebody’s back, or do something dreadful on the electric car; so she shut him up in his box, and took him along.

  46. The electric lights and the crowd and the strange sights and sounds all excited him.

  47. This was in a large station, full of people and lighted by electric lights.

  48. The next instant, while he held her wrist firmly with one hand, the brilliant flame of an electric match flashed over her face and form.

  49. Suddenly from a distance sounded the whirr of an electric car, passing on the avenue behind them.

  50. From the Levee they took an electric car, which was crowded with officers and deputies bound for the stock yards.

  51. He rode down the sodded lane, and as his horse picked his way carefully toward the avenue where the electric cars were shooting back and forth like magnified fireflies, he turned in his saddle to look once more at the cottage.

  52. The stiff cape slipped back from Alves's head, revealing in the blue electric light the marble-white pallor of the flesh, the closed eyes.

  53. She drew her chair over to the window and sat there long quarter hours, watching the electric cars.

  54. The Hitchcock house revealed itself in the floods of electric light as large and undeniably ugly.

  55. He turned on an additional bunch of electric lights before the picture.

  56. Then he took the cable car, which connected with lines of electric cars that radiated far out into the distant prairie.

  57. Lindsay got up from his chair at the sound of an electric bell.

  58. Whipped by the intolerable imagination of her suffering, he passed swiftly down the sandy path toward the electric lights, that were already lamping silently along the park esplanade.

  59. I now shoved the boat out and used the oars a few minutes, but soon tiring of that exercise, I looked into the operation of the electric motor and found it quite simple.

  60. A flash of intelligence suffused my being like an electric shock, frilling my imagination with the most beautiful vision and making the moon appear to me now as the one desirable place in all the universe.

  61. We carried an electric battery with us, and the lamps were out of sight, and so arranged that they gave us only reflected light.

  62. We took an electric carriage to the station, and from there went by the tubular road to the metropolis.

  63. The electric apparatus was extremely sensitive, and a slight movement of the lever made an instant increase in our speed.

  64. With my imperfect development I had made an error in judgment in taking Mona upon the water, and with my untrained mind I had simply made a mistake when I turned the lever of the electric apparatus the wrong way.

  65. The next morning after our arrival Thorwald gave us a long ride in an electric carriage to show Mona the country.

  66. We replied that if it were smoke that they saw it was probably caused by forest fires, but if we ever reached the earth again we would organize a company and try to make some electric signals which they could see.

  67. Occasionally an electric carriage would pass me, but the first pedestrian I met was a woman of noble bearing and about the age of Fronda, I should judge.

  68. It was evidently intended for children, but was fitted with both sails and oars, and also, I was glad to find, with a little screw and an electric apparatus to turn it.

  69. On impulse, he pressed the electric button in the wall behind him.

  70. She knew he was separated from her as by a heavy, grated prison door, and was unable to feel the electric thrill of touch; yet she thought he must get some joy out of the sight of the dumb show of caress.

  71. Fastened to the leather was a small steel framework, and in this frame were two small grooved wheels, like the wheels of a trolley by means of which street cars receive the electric current from the wire.

  72. The Sampson Brothers' Show was a modern one, and carried a portable electric light plant.

  73. In reality the candles were gas jets, made to look like wax tapers, and Joe lighted them from an electric current produced by a dry battery he carried on his person.

  74. Do you think our electric lights or gasoline flares are going to fail?

  75. It is much as if the street-dealers were connected with Billingsgate by electric wires.

  76. That confession, the truth of which was made evident by her voice and by her looks, proved the electric spark which ignited the latent fire.

  77. The rain comes down in torrents, I take off my cloak to shelter us in front, at the same moment we are blinded by a flash of lightning, and the electric fluid strikes the earth within one hundred yards of us.

  78. On hands and knees, Matt groped his way through the haze, pulled a switch, and set an electric ventilator fan at work.

  79. Ah Sin, having been duly instructed as to his duties, prepared the supper on the electric stove, and served it.

  80. The electric projector was then turned on, and a ray of light shot through the forward lunette and marked the submarine's path through the tumbling sea.

  81. The electric lighting machinery consists of three dynamos of Siemens manufacture driven by a Willans engine, each of which is capable of producing a current of 400 amperes.

  82. Chlorine does not unite with carbon even at the high temperature of the electric arc, but fluorine reacts even at the ordinary temperature with finely divided carbon.

  83. In cases of this kind a number of holes should be drilled and fired simultaneously by the electric battery.

  84. The holes are blasted simultaneously by the electric battery.

  85. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "electric" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    breathtaking; charged; disquieting; disturbing; dynamic; electric; electrical; electrified; electrifying; electrostatic; elevated; exciting; exhilarating; express; flier; flyer; freight; freighter; funicular; galvanic; heady; hydroelectric; impressive; inflammatory; interurban; intoxicating; jarring; jolting; limited; local; maddening; monorail; moving; overpowering; overwhelming; perturbing; photoelectric; piquant; provocative; provoking; shuttle; special; static; stimulating; stirring; striking; subway; tantalizing; telling; thrilling; train; tram; troubling; tube; underground; unsettling; upsetting

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    electric battery; electric cars; electric circuit; electric current; electric currents; electric force; electric furnace; electric lamp; electric lamps; electric light; electric machine; electric motors; electric power; electric railway; electric shock; electric telegraph; electric waves; electrical apparatus; electrical current; electrical currents; electrical engineering; electrical equipment; electrical machine; electrical phenomena; electrical science; electricity supplied