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Example sentences for "inflammatory"

Lexicographically close words:
inflaming; inflammability; inflammable; inflammation; inflammations; inflatable; inflate; inflated; inflates; inflating
  1. Lyons is said to be very hot in summer, and very cold in winter; therefore I imagine must abound with inflammatory and intermittent disorders in the spring and fall of the year.

  2. If the heat rarifies the blood and juices, while the cold air constringes the fibres, and obstructs the perspiration, inflammatory disorders must ensue.

  3. It is so friendly to the constitution, that in ardent inflammatory fevers, it is drank as the best emulsion.

  4. The lungs, therefore, become over worked, and inflammatory action sets in.

  5. The doctrine of present surgical pathology is that suppuration will not take place if pus-forming bacteria are kept out of the wound, which will heal by first intention without inflammation and without inflammatory fever.

  6. The bread is disagreeable to the taste and produces maladies with which many citizens are suffering, like dysentery and other inflammatory ailments.

  7. The question of arming vessels came on, on Monday last; that morning, the President sent in an inflammatory message about a vessel taken and burnt by a French privateer, near Charleston.

  8. The inflammatory composition of the speech excited sensations of resentment which had slept under British injuries, threw the wavering into the war scale, and produced the war address.

  9. No; there were still those inflammatory tracts.

  10. The voyage occupied twenty-two days, during which time Prescott had a recurrence both of his rheumatic pains and of the inflammatory condition of his eye.

  11. It had, indeed, already been badly broken into by one of his inflammatory attacks; and his progress was hampered by the inadequate assistance which he received.

  12. Of such sort are the majority of inflammatory suffragettes of the sex-hygiene and birth-control species.

  13. Mr. Guildford Onslow and Mr. Whalley were generally present to deliver foolish and inflammatory harangues.

  14. This disease, as its name implies, is an inflammatory condition of the lungs and the pleura, or the enveloping membrane of the lungs and the lining membrane of the chest.

  15. The pastures on which the blood or inflammatory fever is most prevalent are those on which the cows oftenest slink their calves.

  16. It appears to be a total suspension of nervous function, independent of inflammatory action, which is suddenly developed, and, in favorable cases, as suddenly disappears.

  17. The same treatment in the early stage is enjoined as in inflammatory pneumonia, which the reader will consult--counter-irritation and purgatives.

  18. As the intestinal canal is liable to inflammatory action from irritant substances admitted into it, animals are found to become diseased from eating too freely of these vegetable substances.

  19. This is a constitutional inflammatory affection of the joints, affecting the fibrous tissue and serous, or synovial membrane.

  20. The pleura is not much reddened, but by its thickness in some points, its adhesion in others, and the effusion of a serous fluid, it proves how much and how long it has participated in the inflammatory action.

  21. In the inflammatory stage, bleeding should seldom be resorted to, except where the animal is in full condition.

  22. In the congestive stage, upon applying the ear to the sides, no sound will be detected; While in the inflammatory stage, a crackling or crepitating sound will be distinctively heard.

  23. Usually in that case there is a chronic inflammatory condition in the seminal vesicle on the side to which the symptoms are referred.

  24. This case had been taken for an acute inflammatory arthritis with the suspicion of tuberculosis.

  25. Hence, the term arthritis deformans, which declares simply that it is an inflammatory condition of the joints producing deformities, exactly fits it.

  26. What is meant, of course, is that the microbes of these specific diseases have for some reason found a lowered resistive vitality in one of the joints, or perhaps several of them, and have set up an inflammatory disturbance.

  27. The cold will get better sooner, the inflammatory process will run its course with less disturbance and in briefer time than if it was not disturbed in this way or disturbed only as little as possible.

  28. In the course of the exudation and the contraction of the inflammatory exudate the brachial plexus is interfered with.

  29. It irritates the mucous membrane, already rendered somewhat hyperemic and tender by the inflammatory process at work, to have the breath pass over it in such an expulsive way.

  30. If there are certain positions in which pain is felt while it disappears in others, there is some local inflammatory or congestive condition and not mere hypersensitiveness of nerves at the bottom of it.

  31. No condition should be called rheumatic unless at some time in the history of it there was an acute inflammatory condition with Galen's classical symptoms--tumor, color, rubor and dolor.

  32. These get completely better and the patient has no disability, no deformity, and there usually remains not even the slightest sign of there having been a serious inflammatory condition within the joints.

  33. Northern reporters said it was not a charge, took no cognisance of the matter before the Court, was a "vulgar, inflammatory stump speech.

  34. For several days Sister Ruth had been confined to her room by inflammatory rheumatism, and when Beryl entered, the invalid presented the appearance of a mummy swathed in red flannel.

  35. Both these periods will be fraught with cares and anxieties, and the latter influence will act detrimentally on the health, disposing to attacks of gout and inflammatory action in the system.

  36. Its diseases are those which arise from inflammatory action in the tissues.

  37. Mars induces death by fevers and inflammatory action, and frequently by haemorrhage.

  38. This was supplemented by inflammatory broadsides.

  39. He was a horse-car driver, who got inflammatory rheumatism by the exposure, and was discharged.

  40. As between the inevitable contest between the Crowd and the Crown, springing from the inflammatory ideas of French Constitutionalism, Bismarck did not shrink; but fought it out in his own way.

  41. Bismarck made an inflammatory speech, at table, ending by showing his derision of scholasticism by hurling ink bottles out of the window.

  42. Thrones were falling everywhere; the inflammatory ideas of the French Revolution had wrested from monarchs the form, if not the substance, of constitutional liberties for the masses.

  43. An acute disease occurring in India, characterized by multiple inflammatory changes in the nerves, producing great muscular debility, a painful rigidity of the limbs, and cachexy.

  44. An inflammatory swelling or sore; a bulla, pustule, or blister.

  45. An affection of the kidneys, usually inflammatory in character, and distinguished by the occurrence of albumin and renal casts in the urine.

  46. The induration results from coagulation and partial organisation of the inflammatory effusion, and prevents the necessary contraction of the sore.

  47. The term epiphysitis has been applied to an inflammatory process in two distinct situations--namely, the ossifying nucleus in the epiphysis, and the ossifying junction or metaphysis between the epiphysial cartilage and the diaphysis.

  48. The protective effects of the inflammatory reaction depend for the most part upon the transudation of lymph and the emigration of leucocytes.

  49. The nature of the inflammatory and suppurative processes will be considered in detail later; suffice it here to say that they are brought about by the action of one or other of the organisms that we have now to consider.

  50. The swelling is partly due to the increased amount of blood in the affected part and to the accumulation of leucocytes and proliferated tissue cells, but chiefly to the exudate in the connective tissue--inflammatory œdema.

  51. In inflammatory conditions of internal organs, for example the abdominal viscera, the pain is frequently referred to other parts, usually to an area supplied by branches from the same segment of the cord as that supplying the inflamed part.

  52. A marked rise of temperature is one of the most constant and important concomitants of acute inflammatory conditions, and the temperature chart forms a fairly reliable index of the state of the patient.

  53. Delhi boil is a chronic inflammatory disease, most commonly met with in India, especially towards the end of the wet season.

  54. It has not proved so useful in acute inflammation as passive hyperæmia, but is of great value in hastening the absorption of inflammatory products and in overcoming adhesions and stiffness in tendons and joints.

  55. The speakers, even Wolfe, not only took especial pains to recommend order and peace, but avoided, for the most part, all inflammatory enlargement upon the grievances of which they complained.

  56. The Blood was of a florid Colour, and commonly threw up more or less of an inflammatory Buff.

  57. When the Rheumatism began with Pains all over the Body, attended with a High Fever, we treated it at first entirely as an Inflammatory Fever[60].

  58. In the Inflammatory Fever, the Sick were seized at first with cold and hot Fits, succeeded by Pain in the Head and all over the Body.

  59. We treated it entirely as an inflammatory Disorder, and none died who applied early for Relief.

  60. Lind's first Paper on Fevers), there is always an inflammatory Diathesis of the Blood.

  61. Both this and the Blood taken away the Day before threw up an inflammatory Buff.

  62. During this Season, Soldiers are subject to Coughs, Pleurisies, Peripneumonies, Rheumatisms, and other Disorders of the inflammatory Kind.

  63. All of them I saw in Germany were of the inflammatory Kind; I did not observe any that were malignant.

  64. The Remissions were short, and it partook much of the Nature of the common Inflammatory Fever; and most of them were cured by the antiphlogistic Method.

  65. This is evident from a weakness of the body being the consequence of the force of the heart being increased in an inflammatory fever.

  66. Waters drank at their source are efficacious in many complaints that are not accompanied with inflammatory symptoms; but if they are drank after a long or short conveyance, their effects must be proportionably injurious instead of beneficial.

  67. Inflammatory diseases more rarely occur, and in general are much less rapid and violent in their progress than formerly; nor do they admit of the same antiphlogistic method of cure which was practised with success a hundred years ago.

  68. These inflammatory utterances, in South Carolina especially, stirred the Southern heart more or less throughout the whole cotton belt; and the pernicious principles which they embodied found ardent advocates even in the Halls of Congress.

  69. Only a few days after this inflammatory speech at Columbus, S.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inflammatory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    inflammatory action; inflammatory disease; inflammatory fever