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Example sentences for "inflammations"

Lexicographically close words:
inflames; inflaming; inflammability; inflammable; inflammation; inflammatory; inflatable; inflate; inflated; inflates
  1. For the winders, however, it is certain that their work seriously affects the eye, and produces, besides the frequent inflammations of the cornea, many cases of amaurosis and cataract.

  2. The working-man lies on his side and loosens the coal with his pick; resting upon his elbow as a pivot, whence follow inflammations of the joint, and in cases where he is forced to kneel, of the knee also.

  3. Certain inflammations and displacements of the uterus and ovaries are often the origin of pains, indispositions and nervous disorders in women.

  4. Tuberculosis, tumors and inflammations of the testicles and ovaries may cause sterility.

  5. Burning pain characterizes violent inflammations involving the skin and subjacent cellular tissue, as in case of boils and carbuncles.

  6. It is a valuable remedy, well adapted to break up inflammations and disease of the chest.

  7. Local inflammations by this method of treatment may be speedily cured.

  8. Is it any wonder that acute suppressions occur or that inflammations set in?

  9. Inflammations of the Liver, and their Sequelae.

  10. The diseases on which dropsy most frequently supervenes are fevers and visceral inflammations and obstructions.

  11. The most valuable point made of late in the therapeutics of acute inflammations of the valves is Fothergill's development of Sibson's principle--viz.

  12. The acute inflammations which are occasionally observed in one or several articulations of newly-born infants are generally pyaemic.

  13. It is an important fact that acute serous--less often parenchymatous--inflammations are very apt to occur during the existence of even temporary glycosuria.

  14. Much difference of opinion obtains as to whether inflammations of the heart, lungs, and serous membranes occur as manifestations or localizations of true gonorrhoeal rheumatism.

  15. It varies greatly in its virulence, and is found in such widely different conditions as skin pustules, boils, carbuncles, and some acute inflammations of bone.

  16. A third group of chronic inflammations are those that begin as an acute pyogenic inflammation, which, instead of resolving completely, persists in a chronic form.

  17. Otherwise, other changes occur exactly as in inflammations of other structures.

  18. Of all the gonorrheal affections of the body the most dangerous and important are the cardiac inflammations and ophthalmia neonatorum.

  19. Acute gonorrhea, inflammations of the Fallopian tubes, and appendicitis sometimes interrupt pregnancy.

  20. The pathological significance of these bends is apparent when we consider the effect which the kinking of the tube would have on catarrhal and other inflammations accompanied by distension of the appendix.

  21. Many of the Soldiers during the Campaign were seized with Inflammations of the Throat, especially when the Nights were cold and moist after warm Days; and when they did Duty in cold wet Nights in the Winter Season.

  22. A soluble, non-irritating silver preparation used in the treatment of various inflammations of mucous membranes.

  23. Inflammations of varying intensity are of frequent occurrence; they maybe due to rheumatism or gout, to traumatism, to the action of microorganisms, or, to disturbances of innervation.

  24. Both of these are extensively used in the treatment of inflammations of the mucous membranes.

  25. These inflammations may be acute or chronic.

  26. Inflammations may arise in the joint structures proper or may extend to it from contiguous structures, such as the cancellous bone ends, the overlying tendons or the periarticular connective tissue.

  27. From antiquity the local symptoms of inflammations have been enumerated, as heat, redness, pain and swelling and to these has been added, impaired function.

  28. For inflammations take one tablespoonful of the cold infusion every hour or two.

  29. This is sometimes used to relieve inflammations of the eye, lung or kidney, or even muscular pains like lumbago.

  30. Catarrhal inflammations of the respiratory mucous membrane predisposes to it.

  31. All kinds of injuries, wounds, ulcers, and other local inflammations are common causes of insomnia by reason of the painful impressions transmitted from them to the brain.

  32. Inflammations which encroach upon sensitive nerves produce intense pain with consequent loss of sleep.

  33. Inflammations require partial packs, while at the same time dissolving or diverting packs of longer duration are applied to the parts of the body which are not affected.

  34. For a similar reason acid drinks, such as lemonade, raspberry vinegar, and diluted raspberry juice, are of the greatest services in inflammations and fevers.

  35. All pelvic inflammations should be promptly treated, and not allowed to become chronic.

  36. The ones are a prey to inflammations more or less severe; the others remain under the dominion of nervous attacks more or less violent.

  37. It is to be remembered that this is not in itself a disease, but indicates a disease of some of the pelvic organs; and that all such inflammations left to themselves incline to grow worse.

  38. Inflammations upon their Tonsils, and greatly endangered their Lungs.

  39. Dr Fox denies that Filariæ are a cause of true elephantiasis, but admits the occurrence of “elephantoid inflammation and inflammations due to Filariæ.

  40. He investigated lactic-acid fermentation, the relation of bacteria to flesh inflammations and to the best methods of treating wounds antiseptically.

  41. As regards the anginæ, the acute inflammations of the larynx and pharynx, we might repeat what has been said about inflammations of the mouth.

  42. Gazeau advises the use of Coca for inflammations of the mouth and gums.

  43. The treatment of secondary inflammations naturally divides itself into local and constitutional, both as regards the primary lesion and the subsequent affections.

  44. Chronic inflammations are not to be removed by storm, but by a chronic use of remedies, and particularly by attention to diet.

  45. When patients with severe inflammations of the lungs become too weak or too deeply narcotized to cough, then attacks of suffocation from the accumulation of mucus in the air-tubes are likely to occur at any time.

  46. As regards the influence of chronic inflammations and irritation, much can be done, and here is our most hopeful field for prevention.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inflammations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.