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Example sentences for "unparalleled"

Lexicographically close words:
unpacks; unpaid; unpainted; unpaired; unpalatable; unparallelled; unpardonable; unpardonably; unpardoned; unparliamentary
  1. So Egypt gave us the Calendar, and Babylonia the system of dividing the week into seven days, and the day into twelve double hours.

  2. This early southward drift of Armenoids might account for the presence in southern Palestine, early in the Copper Age, of the tall race referred to in the Bible as the Rephaim or Anakim, "whose power was broken only by the Hebrew invaders".

  3. Sir Henry availed himself of the young investigator's assistance in producing the third volume of The Cuneiform Inscriptions.

  4. Figure to yourself, reader, the elements of the case; suffer me to recall before your mind the circumstances of the unparalleled situation.

  5. If our rulers had followed the advice of the sages of former times, instead of the theories of modern bullionists and interested parties, they would have avoided this unparalleled accumulation of disasters.

  6. That calamity was unparalleled in point of extent, and has, in two years, swept away at least one half of the whole commercial and manufacturing wealth of the kingdom.

  7. The unparalleled growth of the city made.

  8. Except the Indian or border war in Kentucky, fought by a preceding generation, the first year of the war in Missouri is unparalleled in the history of war on this continent.

  9. The country suffered unparalleled abuses; crops were ravaged, cotton burned, and the magnificent palaces of the southern planter licked up by flames.

  10. I most sincerely beg your pardon for what must have seemed an act of unparalleled impudence.

  11. Marvellous and unparalleled beyond conception was this rising-up of the people,--as a psychological phenomenon it stands unrivalled in extent and magnitude in modern history.

  12. At the time this unparalleled breach of faith took place at Shanghae, England was bound by every tie, legally or theoretically binding, to maintain a strict neutrality between the two contending powers.

  13. And what had he to oppose against the seasoned veterans of the English army, thrice armed in the consciousness of their unparalleled achievement?

  14. Again the cheerfulness with which the people passed under the rod during these unparalleled journeys was no less marvelous than the protecting providence that was over them.

  15. In fact, the first successful landing on a roof made by Jules Vedrines last January was hailed as a feat of almost unparalleled daring.

  16. Meanwhile high in the clouds, perhaps lost to view of the earth, men will be speeding on at an unparalleled rate, guiding their course by the wireless which alone gives them connection with the world below.

  17. In his youth he was placed under the tuition of Aristotle, who acquired very great influence over his mind and character, and retained it until his pupil was spoiled by his unparalleled successes.

  18. The barbarous conduct of Alexander towards Philotas four years after, when contrasted with his noble confidence in Philip, shows the bad effect of his unparalleled success, upon his moral character.

  19. For at that moment he had in his head merely a certain chaos of indefinite thoughts; he understood that something unparalleled had happened,--something from which a new epoch in life would begin.

  20. Nor are these massacres a new or unparalleled feature of Turkish rule.

  21. A massacre of innocence, unparalleled for ages, had been perpetrated.

  22. The passionate attachment which this dead Galilean peasant is able to evoke in the hearts of people all these centuries after His death, is an unheard of and an unparalleled thing.

  23. Then there rises before him the thought of how transcendent and unparalleled a love is that which pours its whole preciousness on unworthy and unresponsive hearts.

  24. To this extent, I think--that the mysterious, the unparalleled nature of the murders gave rise to a morbid condition in the public mind, which in turn resulted in the epidemic of suicide.

  25. Whether the annexation be now held to be right or wrong, its execution, so far as regards the act itself, was an unparalleled triumph of tact, modesty, and firmness.

  26. The unhappy men now united their efforts at pulling, but her roots had evidently gone down to China without stopping; next they endeavored to pry her up, but she was manifestly stuck by some glue of unparalleled strength.

  27. First he struck me mightily here--then he gave me a terrific blow here--then one of unparalleled strength here.

  28. No finer example of this could be found than in the music of Isolde's swan-song, the so-called Liebestod, which is built up out of the motives of the life into a symphonic structure of almost unparalleled force and truth.

  29. The number of musical-dramatic motives employed is very small, but they are insisted upon and emphasized by a musical working out unparalleled in the other works.

  30. The "Volsunga Saga" has this unique and unparalleled interest, that it gives the spectacle of the highest epic genius, struggling out of savagery into complete and free and conscious humanity.

  31. His career was one of unparalleled production, punctuated by revolutions, voyages, exiles, and other intervals of repose.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unparalleled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alone; best; champion; choice; elect; elite; epochal; exceptional; extraordinary; fabulous; freak; greatest; immortal; incomparable; indescribable; ineffable; inimitable; invincible; legendary; marvellous; marvelous; matchless; mythical; notable; noteworthy; only; optimal; optimum; paramount; peerless; phenomenal; picked; portentous; prime; prize; prodigious; queer; quintessential; rare; remarkable; select; splendid; star; stupefying; stupendous; supreme; surpassing; towering; transcendent; unapproachable; unbeatable; unequaled; unexampled; unexcelled; unique; unmatched; unpalatable; unparalleled; unprecedented; unrivaled; unspeakable; unsurpassed; wonderful