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Example sentences for "arrant"

Lexicographically close words:
arrangement; arrangements; arranger; arranges; arranging; array; arrayed; arraying; arrays; arre
  1. I leave an arrant knave with your worship; which, I beseech your worship, to correct yourself, for the example of others.

  2. And this is true, although we exclude crimes and arrant swindles from the definition of it, according to the somewhat careful explanation which is given in the beginning of the chapter succeeding this one.

  3. I take it," said the sailor, "he must be an arrant snob.

  4. He calls her on a sudden all to nought, she is a strumpet, a light housewife, a bitch, an arrant whore.

  5. Miss Jenny; “you are as arrant a poltroon as was ever drummed out of a regiment.

  6. Here is what they did in 1655 to “Mr. Patrik Maxwell, ane arrant decevar.

  7. British army until the close of the Peninsular War was composed of as arrant a set of rascals as ever wore out shoe-leather.

  8. That he himself had permission to fish in the river whenever he pleased, but never availed himself of it, though in his young time, when he had no leave, he had been an arrant poacher.

  9. Mary (probably in consequence of his projected union with Elizabeth which would have raised the Hamiltons higher than the Stuarts) declaring her wish that he should be "used as an arrant traitor.

  10. In truth, he was an arrant and amusing humbug.

  11. As we have said, it begins for all the world like verse and turns out to be arrant prose.

  12. He then asked what religion I professed; and when I answered "the Protestant," swore I was an arrant Roman as ever went to mass.

  13. Their number would have inspired them with confidence; if, indeed confidence is ever wanting in the breast of the arrant blackguard; and of arrant blackguards alone are the supposed gangs ever constituted.

  14. I had under my orders a major-general who had the most ferocious-looking personality that could be imagined, and he was the most arrant coward.

  15. The peasant woman's husband was an arrant poacher, and my nephew had his bump for the chase as well developed as a hunting hound.

  16. She was also, it must be admitted, a most arrant flirt.

  17. So may I thrive in the occupation of an arrant squire.

  18. I would have none think that I call them thieves, For, if I did, it would be arrant lies.

  19. Do you not see these are an arrant pair of vagrant beggars?

  20. What a pair of arrant fools we were, not to have thought of that contingency, and to have provided for it!

  21. Like the arrant spendthrifts that we were, money was no object to us so long as our fortune lasted.

  22. Then all I can say is that he's a coward--an arrant abject coward.

  23. Between you and me," he whispered, "that uncle of yours is an arrant knave, whom the patriots have served with justice.

  24. I knew her worth when first she came to London, as arrant a baggage as ever led man a dance.

  25. Although I was convinced that the inhabitants of our bay were as arrant cannibals as any of the other tribes on the island, still I could not but feel a particular and most unqualified repugnance to the aforesaid Typees.

  26. One who meanly shrinks from danger; an arrant coward; a poltroon.

  27. An arrant coward; a dastard; a craven; a mean-spirited wretch.

  28. We are arrant knaves all, believe none of us-- Go thy ways to a nunnery!

  29. Go to bed, you arrant little humbug," replied Jim, with a perceptible quiver of his right eye.

  30. It's of no use denying it, but I am an arrant gambler at heart; I must and will have a gamble on this.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arrant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abject; abominable; absolute; arrant; atrocious; awful; bad; barefaced; base; beastly; beggarly; black; blameworthy; blatant; bold; brassy; brazen; brutal; cheesy; classical; complete; conspicuous; consummate; contemptible; crass; criminal; crummy; damnable; dark; debased; decided; definitive; deplorable; depraved; despicable; detestable; dire; dirty; disgraceful; disgusting; downright; dreadful; egregious; enormous; evil; execrable; fetid; filthy; flagrant; foul; fulsome; glaring; grave; great; grievous; gross; hateful; heinous; horrible; horrid; improper; impudent; infamous; iniquitous; intolerable; knavish; lamentable; little; loathsome; lousy; low; mean; measly; miserable; monstrous; nasty; naughty; nefarious; noisome; notable; noticeable; notorious; obnoxious; obtrusive; odious; offensive; ostensible; outrageous; outright; outstanding; paltry; peccant; perfect; petty; pitiful; poky; poor; positive; precious; profound; prominent; pronounced; proper; rank; regrettable; regular; reprehensible; reprobate; reptilian; repulsive; rotten; sad; salient; scabby; scandalous; scrubby; scurvy; shabby; shameful; shameless; sheer; shocking; shoddy; sinful; small; sordid; squalid; staring; stark; striking; superlative; surpassing; terrible; thorough; total; unabashed; unbearable; unclean; unconscionable; undeniable; unequivocal; unforgivable; unmentionable; unmitigated; unpardonable; unqualified; unrelieved; unspeakable; unspoiled; unworthy; utter; vicious; vile; villainous; wicked; woeful; worst; worthless; wretched; wrong