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Example sentences for "improper"

Lexicographically close words:
improbable; improbably; improbus; impromptu; impromptus; improperly; impropriation; improprieties; impropriety; improvable
  1. But, amidst the pressure of complicated distress, the mind of this unfortunate woman was superior to improper concessions, and treated with just indignation those offers of service which required the sacrifice of her integrity.

  2. Will the father hand to his son an improper book, consoling himself that truth must prevail in the end, even though defeated temporarily?

  3. As we have attempted to prove the fulfilment of the first part of the prophetic vision, it may not be improper if we now endeavour to show that the remaining part of this interesting prophecy has also been accomplished.

  4. It is worthy observation, that whenever Jesus spoke of Mary, he invariably called her "woman," as if at once to silence all who he knew would in after ages bestow improper honours on the virgin.

  5. It would be easy to shew, that all other sacrifices were but typical of this Lamb, viewed as slain from the foundation of the world; but, as it is more connected with type than prophecy, it would be improper here.

  6. Reynolds said: ‘Well, you may do as you please; but if you bring me improper messages, you must take the consequences.

  7. Mr. Conant: This is no laughing matter, I can tell you; and it is quite improper of you to make it a subject of merriment.

  8. I am quite sure there is nothing improper in it, or Aunt Kitty would not be chosen as their confidant.

  9. If it comes to hanging you, youd better for your own sake be hanged in a proper state of mind than in an improper one.

  10. I wish that I could impress my readers with the fact that improper breathing brings many ills.

  11. Half the reason for falling hair, or hair that seems never to grow, is caused by improper shampooing.

  12. At any rate Mezy had been recalled by the king; and Tracy, Courcelle, and Talon had been instructed to try him for improper conduct in office.

  13. Does it not show that foul air and improper food are too much matters of course to excite attention?

  14. The chief way in which butter is wasted is in the unnecessary and improper use of it, points that a little careful thought will do much to remedy.

  15. Good vegetables may be ruined by improper preparation, while those which are in excellent condition may be improved by the application of the correct methods in their preparation.

  16. In 1830 Lord Graves committed suicide; and the improper connexion existing between the Duke of Cumberland and Lady Graves was notorious.

  17. Still he was not quite reassured; and yet he was unwilling to tax Holford with requiring the pistols for any improper purpose.

  18. It would be improper to betray any emotion.

  19. It would be improper in me to urge a single argument against so noble a purpose," said the banker's sister.

  20. It is an awful crime to beget life carelessly, and when in improper and unworthy physical and mental states.

  21. The use of stars or spaces either is due to an improper plot, or is entirely unnecessary.

  22. Even actual occurrences may be improper subjects for fiction.

  23. The feeling had grown up that in order to maintain the prestige of the soldier in the eyes of the natives it was highly improper that he should ever do any labor.

  24. At one time it was thought improper to use it in relation to any but the artistic remains of Greece and Rome, i.

  25. The human understanding more easily invents new things than new words, and we are thence constrained to employ a multitude of improper and inadequate expressions.

  26. We find a sentence bearing date the first of May, 1660, inflicting a fine and reprimand on a young woman who was accused of using improper language, and of allowing herself to be kissed.

  27. On this subject it may not be improper to quote a fact, of which I was myself a witness.

  28. Of course, you think that I can never attribute to a man who pays his addresses to me any but improper intentions.

  29. They did enjoy much in their own improper manner, but poor Amanda's sufferings can better be imagined than described.

  30. On the other hand, improper answers that have been seriously censured remain fixed in his recollection.

  31. How conceptions of right and wrong, of proper and improper conduct, ideals and thoughts arise, it is not my function to treat in detail.

  32. It involves ethics, because though you are hungry you must not steal food or give improper value for it.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "improper" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aberrant; abnormal; abominable; abusive; amiss; arrant; atrocious; bad; barbaric; barbarous; base; black; blameworthy; blue; broad; careless; censurable; chintzy; clumsy; coarse; criminal; crude; damnable; dark; delinquent; disgraceful; dishonorable; disorderly; disruptive; doggerel; erroneous; evil; excessive; execrable; faulty; flagrant; foul; futile; graceless; gross; harsh; heinous; ignominious; ill; illegal; illegitimate; illicit; immodest; impolitic; improper; impure; inadmissible; inadvisable; inapplicable; inapposite; inappropriate; inapt; inauspicious; incongruous; inconvenient; incorrect; indecent; indecorous; indelicate; indiscreet; inelegant; inept; inexpedient; infamous; infelicitous; inferior; iniquitous; inopportune; intrusive; invalid; irrelevant; knavish; late; lewd; loose; low; malevolent; malodorous; mismatched; misplaced; monstrous; nasty; naughty; nefarious; obscene; offensive; order; outlandish; outrageous; pale; peccant; perverse; place; premature; profane; rank; reprehensible; reprobate; ridiculous; risque; rough; rowdy; rude; ruffianly; sacrilegious; scandalous; sexy; shameful; shameless; sinful; sinister; slipshod; slovenly; spicy; suggestive; tasteless; terrible; terroristic; unacceptable; unadapted; unapt; unbecoming; unbefitting; uncouth; undesirable; undignified; undue; unfavorable; unfit; unforgivable; unfortunate; ungodly; ungraceful; unhandy; unhappy; unlawful; unlucky; unnatural; unpardonable; unpolished; unprofessional; unpropitious; unqualified; unready; unreasonable; unrefined; unrighteous; unripe; unscrupulous; unseasonable; unseemly; unskillful; unspeakable; unsuitable; unsuited; untimely; untoward; unwarranted; unwise; unworthy; vicious; vile; villainous; vulgar; wicked; wrong; wrongful