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Example sentences for "unwise"

Lexicographically close words:
unwinding; unwinds; unwinking; unwinkingly; unwisdom; unwisely; unwithered; unwitting; unwittingly; unwomanly
  1. It is unwise always to rock a baby to sleep; it is also unwise to allow him to scream himself into a state of hysteria.

  2. Once his attention is focused upon the particular movement by unwise emphasis on the part of the parents, he loses the power to control its occurrence.

  3. In the same way unwise suggestion can interfere with the passing of water at regular and suitable intervals.

  4. Only when the nurse grasped her with unwise expressions of horror did she break into cries of fear.

  5. Among adult neuropaths we recognise the harm which may be done by unwise speeches on the part of relatives, or still more on the part of doctors.

  6. They had used the money entrusted to them in speculations and unwise loans.

  7. It would be unwise to inflate in our own minds the military importance of the capture of Rome.

  8. My argument to poor Spenser remains--however unwise or indeed cruel it may have been.

  9. I foolishly judged you unwise to accuse yourself before an unsympathizing public--but here am I in consequence accusing myself to you!

  10. Such men are unwise if they make the attempt to play the usual against the unusual.

  11. But from what I know I should say that to assume that because a woman addresses a man as 'My own husband,' she is that man's lawful wife, would be a very unwise thing to do.

  12. It is unwise to take your knowledge of the customs in girls' colleges from such sources.

  13. He looked over his shoulder, and no runner ever is guilty of such an unwise proceeding unless his heart has commenced to be filled with grave doubts as to his being a winner.

  14. Better that they waste time in gaining each foot than by an unwise step ruin all.

  15. If Smith were not already aware of his presence in England it would be very unwise to advertise it.

  16. Once I was unwise enough to answer such a challenge, but you may believe me that I, too, have a name.

  17. I wish to show how destructively that power may act, stimulated in some cases by an unwise affection as well as in others where no mother-love seems present, and act for years to hurt and even destroy the child.

  18. This explains much apparently unwise conduct, as well as persistent opposition to reform on the part of many humane people, that otherwise would be difficult to understand.

  19. Even an unwise expression of too fond and emotional affection may act to cause ruin in the after years.

  20. This unwise answer did not produce the intimidating effect which was desired; the cry of revolt, which had already been raised in the earlier days of the monarchy, was once more heard.

  21. He had been unwise enough to ask the hand of Abishag in marriage: this request was regarded as indicative of a hidden intention to rebel, and furnished an excuse for his assassination.

  22. Although I have made no promises that they should not be held to account for their former acts, yet in the present unsettled state of our Indian relations I think it would be unwise to seize them and transport them for trial.

  23. This was a very unwise confederacy; the only man of the three who was in earnest was Aberdeen, and he never ought to have had anything to do with Brougham.

  24. The fact is, Palmerston's mismanagement of his case and his most unwise persistence in his argument about the Treaty of Utrecht have ruined him and given gain de cause to Guizot.

  25. It would have been most unwise in a man appointed under such circumstances to make extraordinary demands upon the authority which only with the greatest reluctance could be induced to give him any powers at all.

  26. To-night comes on the question of the African squadron, on which the Government have acted a very unwise part.

  27. It is also unwise for a singer to attempt those selections in public the range of which taxes him to the very utmost.

  28. It is, of course, as a general rule, very unwise to take any notice whatever of such imperfections, as they are thereby made worse.

  29. The reader will by this time understand why the author considers that for one who would be an artist to enter on his public career without the fullest mental equipment and vocal training is an exceedingly unwise course.

  30. As a reply to such unwise treatment, Wagner's townsmen prepared to make good their words, and marched on Dresden.

  31. Wagner ate very quickly, and I soon had occasion to notice the fatal consequences of such unwise procedure, for although a moderate eater, he did not fail to suffer severely from such a pernicious practice.

  32. A small force, under the earls of Lancaster and Lincoln, advancing into Denbighshire, was defeated by the Welsh; and on the whole, Edward felt that it would be unwise to leave England with such a sore unhealed.

  33. If the subjugation and annexation of Scotland had been then in his mind, the unwise proposal of some of the competitors—to divide the kingdom into three—offered him a signal opportunity of advancing his plans.

  34. We may be unwise in our pursuit of godliness, as in our pursuit of bodily strength and activity; but we cannot have too much exercise in godliness, as we easily can in athletics.

  35. Religious excitement is always bad, and I have had to remonstrate seriously with my niece, who is very young and foolish, about the ideas your unwise words have put into her head.

  36. The boys instantly crossed over to this inviting land and took possession, while grandma, who was sometimes rather unwise in her loving kindness, looked greatly pleased.

  37. That, however, is a prospect upon which it will be unwise for us to reckon overmuch; and we must consequently pin our faith upon our ability to devise a means of escape for ourselves.

  38. No; he felt that it would be equally unwise for him to ship it aboard the stranger, and to leave it on the island until he could return to fetch it.

  39. But it is more than unwise to boast and rejoice that the former times were worse than these; and to teach young people to say in their hearts, 'What clever fellows we are, compared with our stupid old fogies of fathers!

  40. He has done some unwise things in life," said she, with a fierce energy; "but I do not know if he has ever done so foolish a one as inviting you to come to live under his roof.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unwise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.