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Example sentences for "illegal"

Lexicographically close words:
illam; illarum; illas; illative; ille; illegalities; illegality; illegally; illegant; illegible
  1. In most particulars he excuses himself by this, that he was but one of many, who either in council, star-chamber, or high commission voted illegal things.

  2. However much the political doctrinaires, in the midst of the Commune itself, clung to the appearances of democratic legality, every action of the Commune, though insufficient for victory, was sufficient to reveal its illegal nature.

  3. The punishment of a Roman city was blindly committed to the undistinguishing sword of the Barbarians; and the hostile preparations were concerted with the dark and perfidious artifice of an illegal conspiracy.

  4. Why, England declined to raise her blockade, which had been called illegal and indefensible even by President Wilson and Secretary Lansing," said the Chancellor.

  5. It appeared imprudent to confide to the multitude the choice of its delegates, and illegal to exclude them from it; this difficult question was avoided by the double election.

  6. These illegal expeditions were accompanied by all the excesses which attend party struggles.

  7. My Lords, evils like these can only be relieved by the illegal interference of the Government, or by ministers coming to Parliament, in order to induce it to consent to a suspension of the law.

  8. It was declared that the opium trade was not to be continued; that it was an illegal trade; and that dealing in opium should not be suffered.

  9. The criminal prosecution would only have cost one shilling; and can we believe he would a third time subject himself to an action for illegal distress, with the rent-days specified in the lease well known to him?

  10. In every respect, the proceeding was illegal on the part of the landlord, but, though the lawyers urged Bushe to prosecute, and assured him of ultimate success, he was too far gone to listen to them.

  11. She did not know that, like most women, she was not a free being but the great-granddaughter of a woman whose forbears had taught her that illegal surrender is evil.

  12. One kind is honourable labour, as you say, namely the work undertaken by what you call the lower classes; the other's a share in the nuptial couch, whether illegal or legal.

  13. Sheriff Stillwell had to fly from his own house to escape the neighbors, and hurried to New Amsterdam, where he complained of the illegal acts of the Gravesend settlers.

  14. Even if you know they're illegal and unjust?

  15. Hot with indignation, Baltimore denounced the illegal act of the governor of Virginia.

  16. The Union League and the City Club had decided to send watchers to the polls to detect any illegal practices.

  17. He was willing to sacrifice himself and risk going to gaol for perjury rather than in any way implicate any of his friends in the improper and illegal transactions in which he had been engaged.

  18. The illegal appointment of foreigners to the most important offices of the country afforded further occasion of complaint against the government.

  19. The bad cause, too, which had nothing in common with the good but the employment of illegal means, emboldened by this slight point of connection, appeared in the same company, and was mistaken for it.

  20. Moreover it is now illegal to set these traps in the open.

  21. I rode to my house and sent my secretary to give an account of the attempted and illegal arrest to the authorities, and then, without dismounting, rode back towards the gates, which are near my present mansion.

  22. Unregulated fishing probably landed more fish than the regulated fishery, and allegedly illegal fishing in antarctic waters in 1998 resulted in the seizure (by France and Australia) of at least eight fishing ships.

  23. Because of its geography, the country is a major transshipment point for illegal drugs, particularly shipments to the US, and its territory is used for smuggling illegal migrants into the US.

  24. Persistent problems include illegal immigration, the ravages of organized crime, corruption, high unemployment, and the low incomes and technical standards of southern Italy compared with the prosperous north.

  25. Furthermore, he made the direct statement that he was not anxious to continue in the service of a firm that resorted to shady and illegal practices, such as sly grog-selling, and other blackguardly things.

  26. The secret and illegal pension (L1,500) cast light on his sudden coalition with Lord North, whom he once proposed to impeach as a traitor.

  27. If he challenged the Old Man on an illegal order, he just might get his ears pinned back.

  28. He'd merely consulted his Fiscal expert on a technical matter, and if DeVore had seen fit to use an illegal method of solving a problem, it was DeVore's responsibility alone.

  29. He had made no direct suggestion of any illegal course.

  30. It's entirely illegal to transpose any extraterrestrial animal or object to any time-line on which space-travel is unknown.

  31. That way you wouldn't have done a thing illegal and you'd have a clean slate to meet your family a few days later.

  32. And, generally, the advice of a consul is no justification of an illegal act.

  33. Wages have, however, been allowed, where it was proved that the seaman was innocent of all knowledge of, or participation in, the illegal voyage.

  34. He risks the consequences if he commences a dispute with illegal conduct and improper behavior.

  35. A seaman has no remedy for his wages upon an illegal voyage; as, for instance, in the slave trade.

  36. Illegal conveyance of letters was the rule in this province, as well as in all the others.

  37. There was no remedy, as the postmaster declared that whoever should attempt to check the illegal practice would be denounced as the friend of slavery and oppression and the declared enemy of America.

  38. Hunter's engagement was to make good deficits, not by allowing illegal postal charges to be made, but by withdrawing the amount of the deficit from the provincial treasury.

  39. In England, and to some extent doubtless in America as well, men engaged in the illegal conveyance of letters did their best to conceal their operations from the authorities.

  40. The practice, argued the secretary, was not illegal as it was founded on an act of parliament empowering the postmaster general to give to certain of his officers the right to distribute newspapers by post.

  41. Those in favour of the measure argued that the ministerial posts were no longer necessary to the people; that they merely subserved the interests of the enemy, and that the postmasters held their offices by an illegal tenure.

  42. The deputy postmaster general laid the facts before his superiors in England in 1819, asking for some document of an authoritative character, which, when published, would put a stop to the illegal practices.

  43. One of the reasons adduced against the post office was that the money which the deputy postmaster general sent to England was the produce of an illegal tax levied in violation of the act of 1778.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "illegal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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