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Example sentences for "illegant"

Lexicographically close words:
ille; illegal; illegalities; illegality; illegally; illegible; illegitimacy; illegitimate; illegitimately; iller
  1. It's a pity that he doesn't understand the illegant use of the tongue, that we might confaar wid him.

  2. Arrah, now, Tim O'Leary, I wonder you're not ashamed of yourself for bringing disgrace on our illegant corps by wearing these thundering ould crab shells wid a patch on the side of each.

  3. A man who drops in the ring without a blow is always ruled out, and be that token ye're not entitled to the respect of illegant gintlemen.

  4. Where did ye first catch the light of Mickey O'Rooney's illegant and expressive countenance?

  5. Oh, what an illegant Mormyn is bein' wastid in this very house!

  6. That night, when the family was all asleep, the latch of the door was noiselessly lifted, and the "illegant slip of a pig" cautiously slipped into the cabin.

  7. That she would; or for your illegant figger and purty skin that’s just like lilies and roses, and your eyes that shine brighter than her diamonds.

  8. What a man,” cried Barney, “to sthop an illegant ruction loike that.

  9. And spile all the illegant little ruction entirely?

  10. Oh, there’s an illegant row going on somewheres around here, and I’m not there to take a hand.

  11. Which advice was given so freely because he didn’t want such an “illegant row” to end in a hurry.

  12. Whipping his horse alongside the president, he cried: "Misther Madison, wasn't that as illegant a knock down as iver a man saw in all his life?

  13. Troth thin, she was married, or at laste the poor crater thought she was, and her husband was an illegant man, too.

  14. Sure, they be the most illegant pair of hands that ever touched me, and the lightest," he gallantly answered.

  15. It would be a proud day for Larry," observed Margaret contemplatively, "if he could rest his oi on the illegant monumint I 've put up to him.

  16. Ah, then, it's illegant myself will be when you see me next, boys.

  17. And the sleeves--aren't they just illegant entirely?

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "illegant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.