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Example sentences for "technical"

Lexicographically close words:
teched; techen; techeth; teching; technic; technicalities; technicality; technically; technician; technicians
  1. I am dealing here with highly technical matters, hardly suitable for popular lecturing, and in which my own competence is small.

  2. For the philosophy which is so important in each of us is not a technical matter; it is our more or less dumb sense of what life honestly and deeply means.

  3. Scholasticism has taken the notion of substance from common sense and made it very technical and articulate.

  4. The difference was no matter of a remote technical philosophy, but one which controlled life from the cradle to the grave, from the grave to the endless life after death.

  5. For it lays down a fixed rule for future intelligence to follow; and only the immersion of philosophy in technical learning prevents our seeing that this is the essence of a priorism.

  6. Action restricted to given and fixed ends may attain great technical efficiency; but efficiency is the only quality to which it can lay claim.

  7. The difference brought to pass transcends mere technical facility--it ramifies into a manifold of differences affecting the entire qualitative character and meaning of the literary function.

  8. It did not occur, accordingly, to non-technical readers to interpret the doctrine that the meaning and validity of thought are fixed by differences made in consequences and in satisfactoriness, to mean consequences in personal feelings.

  9. The epistemological universe of discourse is so highly technical that only those who have been trained in the history of thought think in terms of it.

  10. Without a commensurate gain in these qualities it will avail little to make technical training and industrial opportunity more free or even to make the rewards of effort more equitable and secure.

  11. The technical problems of the trisection of an angle and the duplication of a cube are illustrations of the problems which characterize a geometrical doctrine that was finding its technique.

  12. Historic empiricism has been empirical in a technical and controversial sense.

  13. To substitute the otiose insight gained by manipulation of a formula for the slow cooeperative work of a humanity guided by reflective intelligence is more than a technical blunder of speculative philosophers.

  14. From such a view it must follow that the economic betterment of an individual or a society can consist neither in the accumulation of material wealth alone nor in a more diversified technical knowledge and skill.

  15. It seemed to him that the hardly-ever read sporting and technical volumes behind the glass of all the cases turned up their noses in contempt.

  16. Also he talked her down when she made one or two tentative efforts to lead the conversation to something human and wilfully became more technical and dry and endless.

  17. That is, you see, I want it merely for a technical purpose.

  18. It's only needed for a technical purpose, you know.

  19. I wanted that stock for a technical purpose--so I could get on board of directors.

  20. It was altogether a futile experiment, if indeed it can be regarded as an experiment, and Durer's etchings show but little of that rare power and technical skill for which he was justly famous in other phases of graphic art.

  21. Like its language, the Nomenclature of English Heraldry is of a mixed character, in part technical and peculiar to itself, and in part the same that is in common use.

  22. Works by DAVID ALLAN LOW, Professor of Engineering, East London Technical College (People's Palace).

  23. RHEAD, Lecturer on Metallurgy at the Municipal Technical School, Manchester.

  24. Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College.

  25. All the technical education in the world will not avail to raise the labourer in the intellectual scale if his daily work be only such as a horse or an engine might perform.

  26. That the custom was ancient in the time of Deuteronomy may be gathered from the fact that in Hebrew there is a special technical term, yibbēm, for entering on such a marriage.

  27. Nor will the fact that Deuteronomy is the people's book, and is consequently not called upon to go into technical details, cover the difference.

  28. Anthony, are given to the technical consideration of contemporary drama in the light of permanent principles, and are very useful.

  29. Some treatment of the falling action after the climax, longer or shorter, is advisable; and the dramatist must sharpen his wits upon this technical demand and make it part of the satisfaction of his art to meet it.

  30. These examples will serve to show what is meant by proposition and indicate more definitely the central purpose of the dramatic author and the technical demand made upon him.

  31. Common sense, experience and intuition are relied upon, not technical rule and scrupulously mechanical application.

  32. Many technical rules as to consideration, rules having chiefly a historical basis, stand in the way.

  33. He could easily master the technical difficulties, but it was hard to arrive at the spirit of the work: the ensemble was faulty, because of this fact and too few rehearsals.

  34. One proof of this is found in what may be called the technical history of the Mass, and is therefore pertinent here.

  35. Was he not essaying a union between the technical perfection of the old masters and a more truthful, or literal, illustration of the missal text, wherefor freedom was necessary?

  36. The painter seldom paints merely for the joy of painting, and the numberless technical questions which play such an important part in French art are here only of secondary importance.

  37. Only too often his high purpose was wrecked by the inadequacy of his technical ability; and his poetic dream of beauty almost always evaporated because his hand was too weak to give it shape.

  38. His work is the encyclopaedia of a whole nation, and in his technical qualities he stands by the side of the greatest men in Europe.

  39. Even as a child he ran about in the port of London, clambered on to the ships, noted the play of the waves, and wandered about the docks; and so he painted his pictures afterwards with all the technical knowledge of a sailor.

  40. Even as an etcher he caught all the technical finesses and appetising piquancies of his great forerunner Goya.

  41. The technical Christian sees nothing but the blurred letter of the law, which he misconstrues.

  42. There be technical Christians and there be Christians.

  43. To him is due the present admirable system, excellent alike from the technical and from the administrative point of view.

  44. The colors are subdued and effective; the painting from the technical point of view is among the best found at Pompeii.

  45. The prisoner was discharged on a technical point.

  46. The Labour Exchange, the juvenile branch worked in close co-operation with the adult section, will supply the opening, while the technical training will give good guarantee for the adequacy of the preparation.

  47. The success of evening schools, technical institutes, and other places of higher education, so far as concerns those who come within that sphere of influence, only adds to our regret that that sphere of influence is so narrowly restricted.

  48. We must look, then, to the elementary schools supplemented by the technical institute, to insure to the workmen an all-round intelligence and a general knowledge of the use of tools employed in his trade.

  49. The other form of instruction is provided during the evening at a technical institute.

  50. This disease, with the lack of proper technical training, leads on to unemployment when the age of manhood is reached.

  51. Technical institutes providing day and evening classes of an advanced character are being rapidly multiplied.

  52. We have already seen that elementary and technical education can solve the problem in the case of those who have been able to avail themselves of the opportunities offered.

  53. Secondly, they propose that the one-sided training of the workshop should be supplemented by technical classes provided by the education authority and supervised by an advisory committee of representatives of the trade.

  54. Footnotes: [158] The distinction was not necessarily connected with the position of civitas foederata in the technical sense.

  55. The original Sumerian text is given with its Semitic equivalent, as well as a list of technical legal terms.

  56. The charge was drawn up in the technical form and attested by witnesses before it was presented to the court.

  57. The difficulties in the way were great, for ancient custom limited the technical supremacy of the king's will in the choice of the Primate.

  58. He examined every charter that came before him; if any was imperfect he was ready to draw one up with his own hand; he watched every difficult point of law, noted every technical detail, laid down his own position with brief decision.

  59. Their modes of trial were so cumbrous, formal, and inflexible that it was scarcely possible to avoid some minute technical mistake which might invalidate the final decision.

  60. This non-technical little book should make for clear thinking and wider tolerance.

  61. A happy example of the non-technical handling of an unwieldy science, suggesting rather than dogmatising.

  62. Footnote 1: Part of the statement which immediately followed, being of a purely technical nature, is omitted here.

  63. Well, if he could serve her, it would be better than having to sit beside her in silence while she thought about technical French phrases.

  64. I can show you a lot of technical short cuts that will be of use to you, when you 're familiar with the regular method.

  65. The technical difficulties are not great, and there is no question as to the fine qualities of design and color that are to be obtained in this material.

  66. Perry planned the St. Lawrence State Hospital buildings on ideas suggested by medical experience, with a breadth of comprehension and a technical skill in combining adaptability, utility, and beauty that have accomplished wonders.

  67. The technical processes need not occupy our attention at present.

  68. First the legislative and administrative work of the city must be unalterably connected; Second, the councilmen must have a direct and technical knowledge of the city affairs; Third, the councilman must be representative of the whole city.

  69. Nothing can be done by withholding the information, and as a matter of fact, the city secures all the benefit of the technical training of its administrators without the disadvantage of confusion of functions.

  70. Administrators, no matter how valuable their technical knowledge, make poor legislators.

  71. In this way each commissioner gains great favor with the voters and at the same time can escape personal responsibility for technical mistakes by shouldering the blame onto the whole commission where his identity is lost.

  72. My special thanks are due to Miss Charlotte Van Der Veen and Miss Elizabeth Barns, whose aid has added technical exactness to almost every page.

  73. It is my belief that the use of this principle, rather than the logical and technical forms of proof and evidence, will make the training of debate far more applicable in other forms of public speaking.

  74. Another man was appointed to an important technical position.

  75. Second, a commission council is more effective because it furnishes a direct and technical knowledge of city affairs.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "technical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    authoritative; career; coached; confined; conversant; dinky; disciplinary; dispensable; expert; feature; finished; functional; immaterial; inappreciable; inconsequential; inconsiderable; industrial; inferior; initiate; insignificant; irrelevant; knowledgeable; limited; little; minor; minute; negligible; nonessential; official; practiced; prepared; primed; pro; professional; restricted; scholarly; scientific; skilled; small; specialist; technical; trained; unessential; unimpressive

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    technical education; technical instruction; technical language; technical terms; technically called; technically known; technically termed