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Example sentences for "chintzy"

Lexicographically close words:
chinquapin; chinquapins; chins; chintz; chintzes; chiny; chip; chipe; chipmunk; chipmunks
  1. In the prettily furnished sitting-room, communicating with her chintzy bedroom, were her letters, and a deep cardboard box stood upon a table.

  2. I ran onto a lot of bedroom paper of a quaint chintzy pattern at four cents a roll, or about one-fifth what it would have cost in the regular way.

  3. Luxurious with a note of chastity was the rest of the chintzy room.

  4. He was thinking of this as he stood in his mother's room, gazing round on the chintzy comfort he had all his life regarded with some awe.

  5. She felt oddly perturbed when at last she reached the seclusion of her chintzy bedroom underneath the sloping roof.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chintzy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bedraggled; blatant; brazen; careless; cheap; chintzy; dilapidated; draggled; exiguous; flashy; frowzy; garish; gaudy; glaring; grubby; improper; inappropriate; indecent; indecorous; indelicate; inelegant; informal; infrequent; loose; loud; meager; meretricious; messy; miserly; mussy; negligent; niggardly; offensive; penurious; piddling; plastic; poky; poor; ragged; rare; ruinous; scant; scanty; scarce; scattered; scraggly; scrimping; seedy; shabby; shoddy; skimpy; slack; slatternly; sleazy; slim; slipshod; sloppy; slovenly; sluttish; sordid; sparse; sprinkled; squalid; stingy; tacky; tasteless; tattered; tawdry; thin; tight; tinsel; unbecoming; undignified; unkempt; unseemly; unsightly; unsuitable; untidy; vulgar