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Example sentences for "infrequent"

Lexicographically close words:
infractions; infraorbital; infrared; infrastructure; infrequency; infrequently; infringe; infringed; infringement; infringements
  1. It concerns a visit he paid to Germany's capital during one of his infrequent leaves of absence.

  2. The former have been known to strip the clothing from recently deceased Eskimo, and it is not infrequent for them to appropriate the gun or other implement placed by the side of a dead Innuit.

  3. It is not infrequent that these travelers experience warm weather, which detains them so long that they do not reach the end of their journey until the middle of the summer or even until the beginning of the next winter.

  4. Evening excursions in that direction were not infrequent for the purpose of seeing the sun set into the sea, from which the breeze came up so refreshingly.

  5. On the small farm with gravity creaming in shallow vessels and infrequent churning, the cream was certain to be sour when churned.

  6. In many sections of the country the milk is separated on the farm and the cream is forwarded to the creamery at more or less infrequent intervals.

  7. This trouble is very infrequent in cheddar cheese, since this is made from ripened milk, but occurs more frequently in those types in which no acid is developed.

  8. The Lone Star of Texas was not infrequent in their ornamentation.

  9. But beyond these scant and infrequent uses cattle had no definite value.

  10. The reserve in a large city of great bank activity needs to be greater in proportion to its demand liabilities than in a small town with infrequent banking transactions.

  11. The not infrequent statement that prosperity sometimes merges into depression without the intervention of a crisis means simply that the writers understand by crisis a violent disturbance of business conditions.

  12. The act whereof is at this day infrequent or out of use among all sorts of men.

  13. A sanctuary into which womankind, with her tools of magic, the broom and mop, has very infrequent access.

  14. With means of gratification lacking, one must hold off from baser forms at least until absolutely necessary, and then only on the most infrequent occasions.

  15. Such mysterious darkenings have been not infrequent in the history of the English climate, and are called by various names and assigned to various causes, without being thereby greatly elucidated.

  16. The infrequent lamps that dimly light the street intermittently reveal the expression of his haggard and eager features.

  17. After a wider experience, however, I abandoned the infection theory, as it seemed opposed by the very infrequent sequence of suppuration.

  18. Explosive wounds of the soft parts were not infrequent in the arm, and fig.

  19. Shelley, in particular, in spite of his not infrequent attachments, is almost obsessed by melancholy reflection upon his loneliness.

  20. Such friendships, like happy love-affairs, are too infrequent and transitory to dissipate the poet's conviction that he is the loneliest of men.

  21. For many painful years, in war and revolution and infrequent peace, they have struggled to fulfill those needs.

  22. For several days after Sally's extraordinary marriage Mrs. Monroe had wept continually, and even her always mild and infrequent attempts at conversation had been silenced.

  23. For example, in the phrase "his erewhile timid lips grew bold And poesied with hers in dewy rhyme," we have an effusively false touch, in the sugared taste not infrequent in his earliest verses.

  24. Blots like the ungrammatical fourth line are not infrequent with him.

  25. If there is an exchange of wives (a not-infrequent thing), the babies have to be newly parcelled out.

  26. That domineering had been the source of their not infrequent quarrels, for she was not at all of a temper to endure it.

  27. But she seemed to him to be really less moved by the murder of her husband than she would have been, had the Lord Loudwater carried out his not infrequent threat of shooting, or hanging, or drowning the cat Melchisidec.

  28. They are most frequent in the arms, but they may be seen in the muscles of the neck, they occur very often in the legs and are not at all infrequent in the muscles of the trunk.

  29. Pillulae micarum panis were not an infrequent prescription in preceding generations.

  30. So the infrequent joys that Germinie still knew were insane joys, from which she emerged drunk, and with the physical symptoms of drunkenness.

  31. Allusions to episodes from Sanskrit literature are not infrequent in Heine's writings.

  32. Aristotle and Theopompus were more or less familiar with Zoroastrian tenets,[5] and allusions to the prophet of ancient Iran are not infrequent in classic writers.

  33. For six miles the road runs by Doe River, here a pretty brook shaded with laurel and rhododendron, and a few cultivated patches of ground, and infrequent houses.

  34. We had left behind the hotels of "perfect satisfaction," and expected to live on the country, trusting to the infrequent but remunerated hospitality of the widely scattered inhabitants.

  35. In looking through old collections of butterflies from the tropics it is not infrequent to find that the collector was deceived by a mimetic likeness into placing model and mimic together.

  36. In the other two sections of the genus mimics are not infrequent (cf.

  37. Simple mimicry, explicable, at any rate in theory, on the lines laid down by Bates, is a phenomenon of not infrequent occurrence in tropical countries, though rare in more temperate lands.

  38. Among the best loved of the infrequent guests who braved the long, hot, dusty drive from Gilroy to the ranch was the young California writer, Frank Norris.

  39. The hurly-burly of the world was far away from that quiet spot, and only the arrival of the daily mail by rural carrier, or an infrequent visitor from some one of the country houses in the neighbourhood, broke the sweet monotony of existence.

  40. It may be too sustainedly loud, and the infrequent and short passages piano are rather breathing-spells than contrasting awe, but frequently this work shows a very magnificence of power and exaltation.

  41. All of Beck's works, except eight songs, are built on very large lines, and though they have enjoyed a not infrequent public performance, their dimensions would add panic to the usual timidity of publishers.

  42. Inspection is often merely perfunctory or too infrequent to act as a check.

  43. Footsteps on the staircase had become infrequent since the main exodus of clerks; he listened whenever there was a sound, and looked towards the entrance.

  44. Presently Peter came in with his trouts, for in the loch of Lochinvar the spotted beauties were infinitely less shy and infrequent than in later days they have become.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "infrequent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    chintzy; deficient; exceptional; exiguous; infrequent; intermittent; meager; miserly; niggardly; occasional; piddling; poor; rare; scant; scanty; scarce; scattered; scrimping; skimpy; slim; slow; sparse; sprinkled; stingy; thin; tight; uncommon; unique; unusual; unwonted